I'm on Hopium that a 2008 - 2011 downturn in housing and commercial RE will return.
In the hot areas, bidding wars are still rampant.
This was a Virus Crash...I'm waiting on the Real Crash.

Issue is if you are looking in the 1M+ market those people aren’t losing their jobs
Yeah that tweet isn’t about where we live boys but with interest rates this low it IS relative and a good time to buy.

Trying to buy 2 more duplexes in the next 30 days

Where at? I'm still looking for something too... likely not at the level you are though, if you're buying on the west coast
Forgot where you're located, but in SF...every house is above $1M...prolly the same for you.
Also, many of them living on the edge financially already.
I'll just lie in wait....

I’m in Seattle now - 1M was a generalization for everywhere but SF lol

Seattle is right behind SF - can get 3k SQ ft for 1.5 ish
Forgot where you're located, but in SF...every house is above $1M...prolly the same for you.
Also, many of them living on the edge financially already.
I'll just lie in wait....

I hope all the tech companies in SF switch to telecommuting permanently and the renters leave. Been waiting for the day these Bay Area rental property owners start defaulting.
アミーゴ アミーゴ you make buying houses sound like you're buying stocks lol. how fast do you close on a house and effort in getting it ready for rent?

The properties I own are all ready to go - mind you I’m buying in places where demand is much higher than supply so I move super fast.

I would seriously look into real estate - I’m missing some short term gains but this is a time to MOVE
There is nothing funnier than the $MARK twitter page. They gotta find a different PR person
NAK up 24% today. Didn’t think it would cross $1 so soon. Cost basis is 0.88 right now so I think I’m done coppin additional shares. Just gonna enjoy the profit and wait for additional news . Partnership is expected and that it’ll hit $3-$5 when it happens.
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