Okay, I can feel my anxiety ramping up again...and when I finally decided to make a move I bought a tiny bit of Apple pretty high (5 stocks lol).

Its suppose to be for a long hold, but two red days in tech is getting me worried.
Continue to hold and then just DCA if it gets really low vs taking the <$500 L?
One side of brain telling me to stick to the hold plan, other side is panicking like in March lol.

Also, time to cash out on other positions?
edit: prob wait and see through the day. Prob drop ROKU, some PINS, and FSLY for small gains.

Still got decent amount of cash on hand.
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I sold my Apple Stock 3 days ago. I had a call that noticed kept dropping. Will for sure but during the dip.

That pullback on tech stocks is here.
Okay, I can feel my anxiety ramping up again...and when I finally decided to make a move I bought a tiny bit of Apple pretty high (5 stocks lol).

Its suppose to be for a long hold, but two big red days in tech is getting me worried.
Continue to hold and then just DCA if it gets really low vs taking the <$500 L?
One side of brain telling me to stick to the hold plan, other side is panicking like in March lol.

Also, time to cash out on other positions?

Still got decent amount of cash on hand.
What was your plan when you bought those stocks? Why did you buy them? What did you expect?

there’s active management vs passive investing. You need to know where you fit and decide from there.

I like to actively manage my book so I trade around a core. This will backfire at times because I’ll have to pay taxes on any gains, and there’s always the risk of over managing but I like the security and control it gives me to increase or decrease my risk.

if you’re in this for the long haul, 5-10 years out and you’re owning outstanding companies and don’t need the money, just dca every week or month or whatever works for you and keep perspective on your long term plan.

I’ve raised cash yesterday and this morning in anticipation of a flush in tech. Seeing a lot of green/red moves, end of day fades, bearish price action short term. I didn’t sell any stock completely but I decrease my risk, raised cash and I’m looking to deploy it at lower prices or if there’s confirmation of an uptrend at a slightly higher level. Know what works for you and keep perspective.
Nasdaq bouncing off horizontal support at 10211 and the ascending channel support its had since April. That was fast.

Kind of nervous to buy long again going into the weekend.
Re: AAPL. Their earnings is next week. Does AAPL get hammered even though China and Europe are doing better with Rona? Are analysts still expecting wild iPhone sales? Even if Apple beats expectations, will a selloff happen for profit taking?

Guh I'm just going to hold and let it ride.

Bitcoin Deemed ‘Money’ Under D.C. Financial Services Law

  • Money Transmitters Act definition of ‘money’ includes Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin trading service may be unlicensed money transmitter
The virtual currency known as Bitcoin is a form of “money” covered under the Washington, D.C., Money Transmitters Act, a federal court said Friday.
The court declined to dismiss criminal charges against Larry Dean Harmon, the operator of an underground Bitcoin trading platform, for running an unlicensed money transmitting business under D.C. law and for laundering money under federal law.
Money “commonly means a medium of exchange, method of payment, or store of value,” Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell wrote for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. “Bitcoin is these things.”
The D.C. law adopts that meaning even though it doesn’t strictly define “money,” the court said.
The service, located on the Darknet, was allegedly advertised as a way to mask drug, gun, or other illegal transactions from law enforcement. It was used to exchange the equivalent of around $311 million dollars between 2014 and 2017, the indictment said.
The case is United States v. Harmon, D.D.C., No. 19-cr-395, 7/24/20.
To contact the reporter on this story: Maeve Allsup in San Francisco at [email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rob Tricchinelli at [email protected]
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