Earnings this week. I think EA will do well.

These earnings should be consistent. DXCM, shop, fb, aapl, AMZN should lead the way. Curious how Apple guides and what fb says about their boycott which shouldn’t have affected them much.

need pins to beat on user growth and guide higher on revenue.
What was your plan when you bought those stocks? Why did you buy them? What did you expect?

there’s active management vs passive investing. You need to know where you fit and decide from there.

I like to actively manage my book so I trade around a core. This will backfire at times because I’ll have to pay taxes on any gains, and there’s always the risk of over managing but I like the security and control it gives me to increase or decrease my risk.

if you’re in this for the long haul, 5-10 years out and you’re owning outstanding companies and don’t need the money, just dca every week or month or whatever works for you and keep perspective on your long term plan.

I’ve raised cash yesterday and this morning in anticipation of a flush in tech. Seeing a lot of green/red moves, end of day fades, bearish price action short term. I didn’t sell any stock completely but I decrease my risk, raised cash and I’m looking to deploy it at lower prices or if there’s confirmation of an uptrend at a slightly higher level. Know what works for you and keep perspective.

My plan was to let this thing ride as long as possible if not until to almost retirement or if something significant occurred (move to another house, need new car, etc.)

I like the idea of trading around a core of stocks. That way you always have a set amount of stocks that can grow and then you can get profits here and there as you go. I think I'll try to build a decent amount of stocks by DCA. Over the weekend, I figured over 10-15 years there will be lots of ups and downs and just need to stretch it out. And holding blue chips, should be fine like with AAPL.

Even if it is down, you only lose if you sell. :smile:

Ended up holding onto PINS, FSLY, and ROKU cause by the end of the day, if they were down, it wasn't by much.
AMD with that horizontal channel since March. Then the spike up the last week. Too bad I missed this. The chart was hella predictable too. I think this rise already dictates the result of the Earnings result. I don't think it will move further up after earnings unless it blows past analyst numbers and they say everything correctly in their press release.
I had AMD on my scan the day of the breakout but never set the alert and missed it.

Trimmed the excess LVGO I had, was 40% of my book which is too risky and added a lil SE back.
This is fantastic news. We recently had a vote with our company as to our preference whether to open our office our not. If industry leaders are doing this, we are bound to follow. Working from home is awesome. I get to trade while working. LOLOLOL. Plus, just being able to finish all my errands around the house as well.
Just purchased a home and working from home, I wonder if this is applicable.
If it is I'ma tax write-off a bunch of stuff lol
I should have traded SPY with options more often a long *** time ago
Using the 5 min time frame has been treating me well so far give it enough time to form the trend

I still is RH as a indicator to jump out though :rofl::rofl:
just like that a couple mlb games posponed and DKNG jsut took a big dip

I was wondering what happened there. I sold when it was ~$43 because I like GAN more. I actually sold GAN when it was ~$28 and now I’m back in with an average of about $23. Thinking of adding more today though. These gambling stocks have big swings.
just like that a couple mlb games posponed and DKNG jsut took a big dip
I feel like itll pump again, so I'm watching and ready to add shares today. NBA still coming back, MLS having a lot of success. MLB will get it together, I hope. Lots of positives even with more shutdowns looming. If theres sports while people are locked down again, it'll drive a lot more of them to gambling and DKNG will benefit bigly.
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