Thought I was sitting out but not bad ..
this is the day you trim your tier 2 and 3 names, and slowly add to your tier 1 names. at the same time, you can decrease risk in tier 1 names if the technicals look ******. I just cut fsly in half because it's putting in a head and shoulders pattern. could be nothing, but im not getting ****** by the market again. raised a lot of cash today and added another share of nvda and crwd, 3 etsy and 5 more apple. seeing another 400 point drop in nasdaq potentially so be ready for more pressure. add to the best names small today, trim the weakest, raise stops and respect them. I punted api, cut nvta in half. protect capital and dont be afraid, have perspective.
This morning. An alert went out. Same with BAC. Should have bought way more of the AMD though. Green is green. I'll take it today.
damn, let ya boys know!

I got my other calls for next week, down so far on em but 8 days to expire so im straight but woulda been nice to make some money today
this is the day you trim your tier 2 and 3 names, and slowly add to your tier 1 names. at the same time, you can decrease risk in tier 1 names if the technicals look ****ed. I just cut fsly in half because it's putting in a head and shoulders pattern. could be nothing, but im not getting ****ed by the market again. raised a lot of cash today and added another share of nvda and crwd, 3 etsy and 5 more apple. seeing another 400 point drop in nasdaq potentially so be ready for more pressure. add to the best names small today, trim the weakest, raise stops and respect them. I punted api, cut nvta in half. protect capital and dont be afraid, have perspective.

I guess I'm the only one who at this point is willing to gamble on fsly. I know everything is riding on this tik tok deal for now.
damn, let ya boys know!

I got my other calls for next week, down so far on em but 8 days to expire so im straight but woulda been nice to make some money today

I was dropping the kids off when I got the alert. Jumped on it then took them to the sitter and didn't look at it until now.
I guess I'm the only one who at this point is willing to gamble on fsly. I know everything is riding on this tik tok deal for now.
FSLY is a $300 stock. I just don't like the action and I like to manage it a little more actively (especially after I was down huge on the last pullback after not managing it) so I'm decreasing risk, raising cash and waiting to add on a positive trend. Still have 25 shares that I will never sell.
damn, let ya boys know!

I got my other calls for next week, down so far on em but 8 days to expire so im straight but woulda been nice to make some money today
Straight up, you need to be managing your risk. If price is telling you something different, you need to listen to it and protect yourself. Don't look at DTE (especially 8 days which is nothing) and think you're safe, that's being hopeful and not managing risk. If you're OTM theta in a down market will crush you. So have a plan, follow it, do NOT be hopeful or stubborn.
don't think im safe at all but I know what I was buying, the market is down. We will see what happens Tuesday but with options its a lot of risk.

Im far from an expert, I actually don't know jack still. I have made some money but not gonna cut my losses early
will be looking to add to MA, V and PYPL on this pullback. Growth stocks are the name of the game right now but days like today you appreciate the exposure to lower Vol names like JNJ and KO
Ark runs a bunch of ETFs and actively trades so it's a good resource to see new ideas or what could be moving since funds take more than one day to buy or sell a position
don't think im safe at all but I know what I was buying, the market is down. We will see what happens Tuesday but with options its a lot of risk.

Im far from an expert, I actually don't know jack still. I have made some money but not gonna cut my losses early
Have a plan. Cutting losses early is the key to long term success. You can always jump back into a trade. If your dollar loss is too high for you to stomach cutting, you're using way too much size and you let it run too far against you.
Made a dumb move and tried swinging TSLA overnight to avoid the PDT rule. At this point, it’s gonna expire worthless unless Elon does the right thing and tweets something to pump it up.
How many of yall are going to start consolidating positions and move from growth stocks into less volatile positions? Or are we riding the volatility all the way through the election because 2020 is fukd and nothing makes sense?
How many of yall are going to start consolidating positions and move from growth stocks into less volatile positions? Or are we riding the volatility all the way through the election because 2020 is fukd and nothing makes sense?
I’ve gotten a little defensive raising cash. October is going to be volatile and ugly. Historically it’s a correction month plus election history it should see lots of volatility. I would have a cash position ready to take advantage and maybe hedge a little.

I added another two shares of nvda and up to 10 shares of crwd. Will add more crwd lower but I’m set on nvda Unless it goes down 20-50%.
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