ARK bought 173k shares in TCEHY in the last two days. Big play on Biden winning and mending the beef with China.
Been playing this thematic in anticipation. Been long tcehy for almost two weeks now and bought baba yesterday. Pdd and jd were bid as **** today. Wish I took those as well.
@everyone watching PYPL that bounced hard after earnings with a nice upgrade this morning.
NVDA would have been a beautiful pick this week. Combine this tech frenzy sentiment with BTC being a possible hedge/safe play, you get the perfect NVDA storm. My bad, I really should have thought about it earlier. Nonetheless, 575 is still reachable on it.
I decided to play the GLD instead. Old school gold bling. Yes, it was already in the money for a safer play with another full week to go. 181.3ish was the target before we need consolidation to move through. More potential behind it as gold is a safe haven in times of uncertainty. 184s are in reach. Congrats if you took the play.
QRVO also on watch. Great earnings and very nice guidance.
QCOM, although I don't play earnings, this was a great earnings call by @FunTrade . Keep in mind that if you missed it, you can still play it today. Also missing out on a big jump could have gone in the opposite direction. PYPL had great numbers and tanked. Earnings play should be considered lottory.
Remember PLUG with next week's expiration 17.5c unusual activity. It could still be played but I'd keep next week's expiration for a safer play. Building your account takes time and consistency. Don't aim at a homerun on every play
No fractional shares. :ohwell:
CashApp has fractional shares. That's what I would have to do. I want to make an account for my nephew and grab a fractional share for him, but his dad sucks and won't give me his social.

Took BABA off this morning at 288.50ish, very good sale. Something is wrong with this one right now and too many red flags for my liking price wise.

Added to PLTR, GDRX, NLS and FSLY. PLTR has been on fire, glad I put my ego away and took a dive, definitely wasn't a believer in it early on.
PTON earnings today. They sent a notice today that they're NOT having any black Friday/ cyber Monday sales this year. Bullish? I think so.
PTON bouncing so hard. Phew. CRUSHED the quarter and guidance, finally positive after hours. Keep climbing baby.

Aaaand we fade. Wtf is going on...
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NET and FSLY are about to be the same

Strong solid performance by NET. I still expected a sell-off. I was wrong there. At least it hasn't happened yet. Will be adding more when I can. By far one of my best plays so far this year.
What is happening with my PTON. Down 7% after hours.
Supply chain constraints. Basically they havent figured out how to deliver products faster, and might be incurring big expenses to speed up the process. Oversold imo. Should run over the next couple weeks, especially if Joe wins and announces "strong measures" to end COVID.
Supply chain constraints. Basically they havent figured out how to deliver products faster, and might be incurring big expenses to speed up the process. Oversold imo. Should run over the next couple weeks, especially if Joe wins and announces "strong measures" to end COVID.

Call me crazy but the fade does not bother me, I still am very impressed with earnings and think they have room to run with winter/covid being here.
Peloton needs to revamp its operations. Great product. Some questionable strategies and consumer marketing though.
アミーゴ アミーゴ spoke on their marketing a few days ago. Agreed 100%.
Call me crazy but the fade does not bother me, I still am very impressed with earnings and think they have room to run with winter/covid being here.
I'm not bothered either. Mostly because it ran 6+% today during trading hours :lol: For anyone late to the game, this is a good buying opportunity. Not as good as the summer but nothing out there is...
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