Got shaken out of my extra shares of PINS earlier this morning. Weak hands smh

Thinking about grabbing some SNAP. I really love the moat they're creating with AR for advertising. Makes them a very interesting AdTech play.
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Put positions on in snap and acuif for about a minute before deciding I want to hold the cash for now and see what happens after Christmas. But those two could be worth watching. Need to dive into acuif more.

buying more Disney.

TGT finally perking out of this consolidation. Been waiting for that one.
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I’d like to trim some of my big, short term gainers but I know I’ll get taxed heavy, at my marginal tax rate

so my options are- offset my short term gains with short term losses
- sell my gainers next year and figure it out
- sell now and pay taxes


watch out for wash sales
Check your lots too depending on how you invest. Have never bought into the sell at a loss to dodge a tax unless your conviction has changed.
Any dossiers or readings on this one? :nerd:
nothing on my end but a decent article from motley fool. Rumor that they may have pumped it on their international stock service but I don’t have it. They have a new demand side service illumin that might be grabbing some hype and they filed to be listed on the Nasdaq. This is a lotto play. Was a buck in the summer and the growth hasn’t been there. Looking at this purely as a cheap lotto on the thematic. I want to own more mgni on pull backs.
XL FLEET and Warrants out here running gotdamb
I remember having those warrants at 1.xx.......wheeeww that hurts
Citron gave it a $60 target
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Damn near ended my week in the red
Since AMD wanted to act like a **** sandwich

that and the fees (working with a small account )

But last minute puts on SPY came in clutch and I’m still In the green for this week

Need to transfer back to Webull

I might have to just be patient and wait for the funds to clear:lol::lol:
Whoa never heard of webull....looks legit.....I ‘m with TD.......I just opened 2nd account with Schwab not fan of their mobile app layout thus far.....I tried Interactive B and they were no where close with their real time #s

It’s funny that I ‘m even finding out about trading at 4am from you guys.....Cramer on cnbc this week mentioned people buying that early then pulled back comment.......guess he didn’t want to advertise for webull.....
Probably should take a position in trit
BABA is just been getting wrecked.

I was hoping for a quick recovery back to $300s by early 2021.

Not so sure how soon that recovery will be. Looks like CCP ain't feeling BABA and Jack Ma right now. Ma better fix this quick
Man... BABA, tell me about it. It's dragging my portfolio down right now, but is what it is. I went long so not worried about the short term as long as I'm up years from now. It makes me think about the opportunity cost though... Fortunately, there is more capital to allocate so I don't have to lock in losses.
Man... BABA, tell me about it. It's dragging my portfolio down right now, but is what it is. I went long so not worried about the short term as long as I'm up years from now. It makes me think about the opportunity cost though... Fortunately, there is more capital to allocate so I don't have to lock in losses.

You nailed it. It's all about the opportunity cost here.

I'm with you. I believe long term we'll be fine (at least I hope

Just could have been using the capital tied up in BABA elsewhere.
All of you should have good BABA positions though - remember when I said to grab at 180? Worked out well I’d say...


Been buying BABA since $144.

But I bought a decent chunk recently on the Ant IPO debacle dip. And it's just kept on dipping...smh
This gap up in BTWN. Glad I paid up a buck and jumped back in.

Mad at myself though for not getting into TRIT earlier. Had it brought to my attention at the lows and ignored it.

XL could be setting up an entry if you like this one. Numbers look good and I agree with Citron that this is probably more realistic as an intermediary than all of these other SPAC plays.
Debating on putting a lot more into TRIT and BTWN. Right now they are sitting at 30% of my invested portfolio but I am about 2/3 cash at the moment.
30% of your portfolio in two spec stocks is too risky.
XL is a monster. Can’t be patient at all on a. Entry smh.

looking to put a starter on in trit today
Starter in trit, 15 shares at 14, feeler in xl, 5 shares at 31.50. Just want exposure here in case they continue to see huge momentum but don’t have any real conviction.

need a pullback in u. CAGR for ar/vr is 63-100% depending where you look for the next 5 years.

Edit: stopped in xl just because this is in knife mode. Gonna let it come in and establish a trend.

glad I warned Yall on FUBO. Hope y’all trimmed and trailed. Eying a reentry.
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