I've been reading about genomics back in pharmacy school. From a medicinal standpoint, it's a bubble right now, we're about 10-20 years away from actual tangible results.

I think it's similar to the tech/internet bubble of 2000. We're really seeing the benefits of it now.
genetic testing and personalized medicine seems legit, but the crispr stuff is a ways away. Reminds me so much of car t
No one with PSTH on their spac watchlist?
Reddit loves that one. Curious what ackman does.
genetic testing and personalized medicine seems legit

It is. Just way too expensive right now. One day we'll have personalized pharmacogenomic maintenance meds that are more readily available. Europe started researching it years ago, there's been progress made, but accessibility/cost is key and I think on that end we're probably 20 years away.
It is. Just way too expensive right now. One day we'll have personalized pharmacogenomic maintenance meds that are more readily available. Europe started researching it years ago, there's been progress made, but accessibility/cost is key and I think on that end we're probably 20 years away.

nebula genomics, a SF company, does whole genome sequencing for $299

I think the biggest roadblock in genomics is ownership. For precision medicine to really be useful, the datasets need to be inclusive, and big. But, it seems unfair for consumers to give away genomic data the same way we’ve given data to google & Facebook for free
Yea you can get your DNA sequenced for an affordable price. It's great too, can start putting in prophylactic measures in place to avoid certain preventable diseases in the future.

But we're tryna go way further than that.

I was more so talking about personalized medicine from genomic sequencing. Where you'd choose the drug and dosing regimen based on genotypic outcomes. Where millions of people dont take the same exact blood pressure medication, it'll be catered to your kinetics/dynamics based on your genome.
I know it's been a wild year and most likely an outlier, but I looked at the gains of their 2020 picks from the 2019 list and they hit on 19/20 of them.

PGNY was #1 from their 2020 list too.
Ridiculous how easy this year was. PGNY took forever to get going but has looked very strong lately. Should continue into 2021 and might even be a reopening play.

Interesting convo about genomics. Love the potential of what it could be one day.

if you’re into LIDAR stocks CLA could be the next runner. 143% 5 year CAGR and diversified beyond cars.
Just ridiculous at this point. Doing shareholders no favors.

yea, it sucks in the short term, but i expect a quick recovery.

long term it does instill more confidence (for me at least) that they are in a great financial postition and in position to make a big acquisition or be bought themselves. Should have around 600 mill with no debt now. 1st quarter could see big things happening
This is kinda off topic but:

For folks that earn too much for the stimulus packages, do we still get the credit on our tax returns? Ive found conflicting information
yea, it sucks in the short term, but i expect a quick recovery.

long term it does instill more confidence (for me at least) that they are in a great financial postition and in position to make a big acquisition or be bought themselves. Should have around 600 mill with no debt now. 1st quarter could see big things happening
I’m a fan of raises in young growth stocks on a big run, but when you raise multiple times in the same year, that concerns me about management. I don’t follow this company at all tbh but I’d be cautious based on what I’ve seen from momentum stocks that get pumped and dumped.
This is kinda off topic but:

For folks that earn too much for the stimulus packages, do we still get the credit on our tax returns? Ive found conflicting information

No based on my understanding. I work in the tax field and specialize in corporate tax but we get firm wide briefings. We discussed this a bit back in the spring when the first one went out. It’s really just meant to help the middle and lower middle class earners only.

now if they paid you inadvertently back in the spring because your 2018 earnings were low enough and your 2019 tax return wasn’t filed yet, from my understanding they weren’t going to make you pay the difference back.
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