I exited MGNI but it's recovered wonderfully after the short piece. Hope it works out well for y'all. There's a good narrative in that one.
What’s your reasoning for buying and thinking it’ll go up tomorrow?

I bought because of how it was moving in the Pre

Thinking that Biden getting in office will have an affect on certain markets tomorrow, not necessarily saying this one (which is in the AI field)

Im asking what kind of markets u think will be green tomorrow, ev, marijuana, etc
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My goal for investing this year is to focus on growing my current positions and limit starting new positions.
Ditto. Added to LULU today, 4 more shares at 342. Hoping for a breakout from this 325-375 channel soon.
Got closed out of my PTON position since price dipped to 150.
My goal for investing this year is to focus on growing my current positions and limit starting new positions.

I'm with you on this. There are few positions I'd like to open start of the year and just strengthen my positions.

The only exception is SPACs. I'm not really sure how I want to pay those if I do decide to play them.
Dan Bilzerian pumping his stock again :lol:. Might try to short it on the way back down.

#Becky doesnt lose. Add them if you think athleisure will increase in industry sales.

Lulu is actually a great company. My wife is a personal trainer and they give her stuff for free (to keep or to give away) several times. She not sponsored (we're hoping) but they keep in contact with her about her goals and wellness.
I bought because of how it was moving in the Pre

Thinking that Biden getting in office will have an affect on certain markets tomorrow, not necessarily saying this one (which is in the AI field)

Im asking what kind of markets u think will be green tomorrow, ev, marijuana, etc
What does INUV do? Why is it up today? Why will it be up tomorrow? If you can’t answer these questions you are a lucky gambler who is going to get destroyed at some point this year. Know that. Own that. Fix it. You can trade garbage and make money if you know how to navigate and take advantage of it. You can’t trade it if you’re just buying blindly because it went in a straight line. If you don’t know what a company does, you can’t own it. You can develop a conviction. You will either sell it prematurely or baghold it all the way back down when the pump is over.

narrative + fundamentals = process
Process + understanding = conviction
Conviction + time = wealth

getting lucky on garbage in the greatest bull market ever =recipe for disaster
Alpha calling DASH, ZM, APHA, ABNB and UBER the most risky plays going into 21. Don’t be the bag owner they said lawlz

3.6M T12 = 93B MC!?!?!?
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I agree to a certain extent

Alot of stocks was considered ‘garbage’ at one point, when does it transition out of that title in your opinion? johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm
Fundamentals. Growth. Real growth. Earnings, revenue, free cash flow, gross margin, ebidta, low churn. You will never see a stock under $10 in a bull market that has strong growth ahead of it. The only stock I can think of that legitimately went from garbage to elite is AMD. GME is still trash and will be trash. BB could turn it around if QNX and EVs becomes a thing. But a $1 stock is a $1 stock for a reason. And Shopify trading at $1200 with a monster valuation is priced that way for a reason. Stick to the true market leaders and manage positions in them while spotting new leaders. Leave the trash to day traders and ignorant newbs.

I guarantee you 90% of people who started in March with their stimulus check on Robinhood and have been making money buying stocks because they’re going up will be buying the to, adding on the way down, buying more on the lower high thinking it’s recovering, buy more on the way down and then sell everything at the lows and never look at markets again because they are a scam.

don’t be like these fools. Learn the process to create sustainable long term wealth.
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