I only gambled ~ 5% of my portfolio. Down 30% on AMC. Wouldnt have been down if my premarket order actually went through, oh well.

Outside of AMD it was my only red in the total Gains/Losses section in Schwab.

I wish there was a way to archive/hide a position because I hate looking at this red color messing up my Gains/Losses tab :lol: Plan on holding it even if it goes to 0.
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I don't agree with just blindly telling people to "hang in there" a bunch of people who never invested a day in their lives prior to this are in these trades against almost a trillion dollars of hedge fund capital.

If you have the risk tolerance sure; but the blind hold the line stuff is wild.
Come on, I showed y’all the put I bought on this :lol:. Everyone saw the crash coming, but to say retail wasn’t a major part in this when they basically shut down retail investors from trading the stock is crazy to me.
We are going to agree to disagree to me it looks like cattle was lead to the slaughter
Folks really thought GME was going to 1K
That FOMO and market greed caught people slipping
In a company that might make more money selling Funko pop than actual games
What’s sad is thousands get caught up in very quick 1-2 hr pump and dumps every single day , and then citron comes out with ‘bad’ news, so it dumps the second or third day. And the recovery never really happens. So to see This 1-2 week fight is unheard of, yet charming.
Many last hours and so many are left holding bags. This may be the first true mainstream pump in many years. A lot of unknowns get the pump treatment before they fall off a cliff. I’m glad this reality is hitting mainstream.

Citron is evil. Rh has technical lapses during big frenzies consistently. I had an sell order glitch and then it showed I had zero money. Then minutes later I go to buy something else and it doesn’t recognize the buy, so I did it again and it basically ordered two quantities of the order with zero money. 25 minutes later, I still have the first stock and not the other two, and it’s too late as the other two sky rocket.
***This is NOT financial advice***

Out of spite, I’m going to hold everything I purchased this morning. It’s down about 35% right now. I don’t care if I have to hold for several years. I refuse to lose a penny on this underhanded, unnatural, market manipulated BS. This is personal now. 😤
I lost money, therefore I’m gonna lose more money because it’s “personal”

**** it, I’m in there too. I didn’t invest more than what I was willing to lose. To the ******* moon
always do DD and trust no one. whatever someone says is just a starting point for your own personal journey.
they probably have something in their TOS that prevents them from being liable. it is dirty that they did that. but Wall Street is a dirty game to begin with. this will hurt their IPO tho. CashApp should get more attention from this, Jack needs to add options trading and charting to the app.

Btw now that the bs is done, please read Ark's big ideas for 2021

this is fantastic info, im going to synthesize when im done reading and think about which stocks fit each theme.

Damn. ARK is so forward-focused and driven, it's crazy.
Trump jr and AOC had similar thoughts too. Will this have us come together as a nation? Who would’ve thought?

please guys. Be cautious chasing. These cliff dives I did all of last year from April to July. I averaged down and nothing stuck. Two eventually did rise out of ashes but it takes time, sometimes years. You enter for the quick rise up but the new rise up will be the true test.
I am holding my bags in NOK and BB.

BB is a legit long-term play. NOK is a speculative bubble that deserves a pump after this **** is cleaned up. I only invested money I could lose and therefore do not care as much.

Was able to bring my portfolios back to within a normal day's range - I am down about $4k. If it didn't snow I would go green for sure but I promised Jr. a snow day at the park.

I completely understand raising margin requirements and halting options. But to pull the rug for this long is criminal. No two ways about it.
I don't agree with just blindly telling people to "hang in there" a bunch of people who never invested a day in their lives prior to this are in these trades against almost a trillion dollars of hedge fund capital.

If you have the risk tolerance sure; but the blind hold the line stuff is wild.
If you were wild enough to invest and believe in the principal behind the investment what other advice would you give? You hold this **** until the end and accept the outcome.
What are the odds that RH restricts one from withdrawing their entire portfolio of gains? Or a year from now, they throw fees at you? I know they have a 3-8 day hold before the orders are finalized and you could normally withdraw.
Withdraw and close your accounts. I don’t think they can be trusted.
What are the odds that RH restricts one from withdrawing their entire portfolio of gains? Or a year from now, they throw fees at you? I know they have a 3-8 day hold before the orders are finalized and you could normally withdraw.
Withdraw and close your accounts. I don’t think they can be trusted.

I’ve been saying this since day 1 man
crazy how blatant with it they are tbh, last year it was pretty shady with the covid trading but damn

I don’t think I’m wrong for saying I wouldn’t mind seeing some insurrection type stuff happening to some of these fat cats on Wall Street. They act the way they do because they don’t fear any real type of recourse for their actions when they screw people over.
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