I play by the rules Wall Street gives me. I don’t cry manipulation when I get raped by them because of my own greed and ignorance. Pay your education and move on. Cohen is and always will be a g.
When hedgies lose at the game they wrote the rules for, they shouldn't cry because they lost and change the rules mid-game. It's like if the Mets won game 1 of the WS and then the MLB changed the rules to where Mets couldnt use 11 players in the field but the Yankees could.

Let the losers win for once.
When hedgies lose at the game they wrote the rules for, they shouldn't cry because they lost and change the rules mid-game. It's like if the Mets won game 1 of the WS and then the MLB changed the rules to where Mets couldnt use 11 players in the field but the Yankees could.

Let the losers win for once.

it's 9 players. sorry, couldn't let it go haha
When hedgies lose at the game they wrote the rules for, they shouldn't cry because they lost and change the rules mid-game. It's like if the Mets won game 1 of the WS and then the MLB changed the rules to where Mets couldnt use 11 players in the field but the Yankees could.

Let the losers win for once.

But when have the Mets won last? :lol:
Wow today was crazy! Can’t believe people in RH had their ability to trade locked and there are people think this is ok.........TDA is the way folks.....they didn’t lock anyone right?

So what’s going to happen from all of this these short selling firms will be able to hide what they are short selling better than ever so to not have it get out to reddit again......doesn’t seem fair
Today was the biggest gain ($, not %) for me since I started investing. I was all cash a couple weeks ago and literally deployed everything I had in my ROTH and brokerage into SQ and NVTA over the past week when everyone was playing these meme stocks. And this RH fiasco only improves SQ outlook with CashApp. Delicious.

I don’t feel bad for those who lost money. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Many warnings were given.
Wow today was crazy! Can’t believe people in RH had their ability to trade locked and there are people think this is ok.........TDA is the way folks.....they didn’t lock anyone right?

So what’s going to happen from all of this these short selling firms will be able to hide what they are short selling better than ever so to not have it get out to reddit again......doesn’t seem fair

Ummm...TDA did as well
I despise the institutions as much as the consensus here, but reality is they can't and won't be overtaken by everyday Joe's.
that’s exactly it. This game is rigged to punish you. That’s why you buy and hold and put time on your side which is the one thing the funds can’t take from you. But if you gamble and don’t manage risk, you have no one to blame about yourself. If you wake up at 930, how am I to feel bad when I’ve been up since 6 and the suits since 4? I did most of my buying premarket before the market went up today. Play by the rules they give you and maximize it. Don’t ***** about it.

and af1 1982 af1 1982 I bought all 3 today, square premarket and the other two during market hours at 19.75 and 265.
Apps like Robinhood were created to have the average joe lose money due to their lack of investing experience and knowledge. Normally you'd have a broker or use something like Ameritrade to invest where it's much more complex and you'd feel intimidated throwing money into something you're not confident in.

Robinhood made it so normal Americans could be like "hmm this stock went up 20% today. I'm gonna throw $500 into it." Then they'd lose half when the stock tanked a week later and now they panic and take their money out.

So it wasn't an issue when a good percentage of the app users lost money but when the rich dudes started losing money it became an issue?? **** Robinhood. Hope this tanks their value.
AMWL worth picking up? 18% drop today. Been on my watch list in same category as TDOC. I own neither.
I don’t feel bad when billionaires lose.
But I don’t feel bad when the retail/small guy loses either. Everyone knew what would happen - it’s just some people allowed their greed to get the best of them. It was always going to come crashing down, but people thought they could make some easy money in the meantime. Some did, some didn’t. That’s what gambling is, which is what this was, and in the end the house wins.
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