i've used robinhood for the last year & i've been investing heavy in atos lately for a long hold due to the coronavirus nasal spray approval & a successful press conference with fauci this week, had an option on nakd this morning when robinhood screwed everyone, i also have 6k of doge. but i'm no longer putting another penny in this app. i need a viable alternative, any suggestions?
Ipoe made the top 5 trending list on stocktwits if that means anything to some of yall. Many times you have the catch the wave before it hits any top lists.
Just cashed in on some IPOE.
Let's get it.
Still need $SNDL to hit.
Gonna buy me some ammo with that
I know we’re having fun, but let’s keep perspective and don’t rush into any position in IPOE if you’re not familiar with the business. Do your DD first on SoFi. I’m not going and doubling my position tomorrow. I’m building it slowly. This is still a cautious tape so be smart. The Reddit memes are fun, and this is a great company, but be smart and do your DD. Have a plan, know what you’re risking and go from there. This would be about a 3.5% position for me. Currently it’s around 1.5-2%. Manage risk accordingly. SPACs do have a history of selling off after the merger vote and ticker change so know what you own. I’m holding this for 5-10 years and have no problem adding over the life time of that trade. I don’t need to go all in today. It’s not at the top of my list, and quite frankly if it wasn’t for Galileo, Idk if I’d even have a position bigger than 1% for the Chamath effect.

IPOE tomorrow morning baby!
wake me up lol
So before this crazy week I’ve been trying to get familiar with stock and been learning a couple things from my boys and YouTube University.

I jumped into the crazy and bought AMC and Nokia due to FOMO.

Yes I am a noob but want to learn and wanted to know how do you guys do your due diligence on company’s you’re going to buy stock in? What research should I do? How do I find these random companies that have potential to be a good investment?

Im still in the process of learning and want to be able to bring additional income to better my family’s life. Thanks in advance.
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