Also, I'm thinking of instituting draft timers. We've got a lot of picks to get through and this cant drag out forever :lol: I'll do a simple yay/nay vote and leave it to the people. 1 hr window, if no pick in that hour, autodraft selects the larget market cap left in the SP500 for you.

You can leave a shortlist of picks with me or someone else if you wish. I/we wont steal your picks, probably.

Commence the vote.

noskey noskey so should we just get started? entry is closing price today 4pm ET?
Yep, superantigen superantigen picked AMZN with the overall #1 pick. alfa alfa is up now, and we'll keep working through the order. The benchmark price we'll use for each pick is the closing price on that day. So since this will probably be over multiple days, we'll use the closing price of today for today's picks, tomorrow for tmrws picks, etc.

I've only been in this since January, for those who have been in the long are these two tech dips (feb and now) normal or something unusual?
Normal for these times. Historically not normal. The volatility we've seen the past couple years is insane. Tech takes the brunt of it because people flood in, flood out, and play that game over and over. After we're done consolidating and trading sideways through the summer (I hope we ******* trade sideways), we should see some names breakout for the holiday season. Some good undervalued names out there imo, at the moment :nerd:

alfa alfa u up?
My fault bro idk if I accidentally mentioned I'm participating but think I said earlier, imma sit out this go and watch y'all!

Caught up heavy with work and family things and situation back home in India and haven't been able to devote as much time but hoping y'all enjoy it! Excited to see how it goes down
Thank god I bought that dip right at the open. Actually green on the day now.

Not to be a buzzkill but wish this fantasy draft had its own thread.
Me too man. But then itd be lost in the sea of General and we'd have less participation. Let's keep the normal conversations going tho. Once we get thru the picks in a matter of days we'll be back on schedule with the normal **** posting.
My fault bro idk if I accidentally mentioned I'm participating but think I said earlier, imma sit out this go and watch y'all!

Caught up heavy with work and family things and situation back home in India and haven't been able to devote as much time but hoping y'all enjoy it! Excited to see how it goes down
Hope all is okay IRL. I'll take your name out of the game and we'll move on. solewoman solewoman you're up. Scratch that you're too quick. TSLA it is.
Trimmed a little SQ to add some ABNB. It’s been sliding too long for me to ignore. Need PTON to get back over $100. It’s been creeping these past couple days.
The writing was on the wall. Sell offs were happening every day leading up to earrnings.

I actually sold 1500 shares @ $15.10 on 4/26 and another 1500 shares @ $15.80 on 4/30. Realized a gain there.

Decided to let 1000 shares I had ride. But then started averaging down on 5/6 and more today. Ended up buying back the 3000 shares I sold, but then totally forgot about earnings and still get destroyed.
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