Me checking my account this morning:

I've been to that bar in Estes Park, which is actually the same hotel that The Shining was about
Fair. I never followed them and have assumed they're generally snake oil salesmen like all the other subscription services that pump and dump stocks.

From everything I see they're legit. They have a lot of conviction in their picks and good logic. They rarely ever propose a sell (but do when they feel it's appropriate) and suggest holding 3-5 years min. My pops has been a fan for years. Got some great plays from them like NVDA and ISRG real early.

We'll see how it goes. I've done fine by myself but I figured I'd give the "experts" a shot and follow their lead for a while. Time will tell.
Hey guys noob question. How does dollar cost averaging work in regards to taxes. Will that always leave you with the short term capital gains tax? What is the best way around this if so. I usually don’t have large sums to dump into companies so I’m usually just investing 100 bucks a week into Pins, Apple, etc
Hey guys noob question. How does dollar cost averaging work in regards to taxes. Will that always leave you with the short term capital gains tax? What is the best way around this if so. I usually don’t have large sums to dump into companies so I’m usually just investing 100 bucks a week into Pins, Apple, etc
You don’t pay taxes unless you sell or receive dividends
Yea I get that, but when you dollar cost average are you pretty much stuck with the short term capital gains higher rate when it’s time to sell?
My understanding is that any short-term purchases you've made (past 12 months), that you also sell for a profit, will be subject to your short term cap gains tax rate. If you have the option, when selling, look to set up your brokerage on a FIFO basis (first in, first out) so that you're seeing older lots sold before the newer purchased lots. Assuming you have holdings more than 12 months old, you would see the older shares sold first and they'd only be subject to long term cap gains tax rates. You might have to contact your brokerage to check on this, but it will (hopefully) be worth it in the long run.
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