been out the game and back to work, haven't had time and been pissed off all the money I coulda had

all the stuff PUMPING this week, I owned last week with expirations of last firday

been out the game and back to work, haven't had time and been pissed off all the money I coulda had

all the stuff PUMPING this week, I owned last week with expirations of last firday

Common stock playa. Gives you an infinite timeline. Smaller gains, sure, but you own time.

TTD might be my best stock and I only own 3 shares smh. Up $100 from when I bought it two weeks ago.
If there’s anything I learned the hard way it is that small gains over time add up. Much better than holding off for that one big get rich quick pop.
Up 3k of paper profits right now in my Schwab account with each holding being around 2k (shop Apple and roku are the only ones higher with roku being higher because of gains). You can make good money without size if you have a good process. Most people overlook that and get swept up in the dreams of millions which comes after you nailed the process and compounded for some time. I blew up twice years ago trying to be a gunslinger without a process.
Up 3k of paper profits right now in my Schwab account with each holding being around 2k (shop Apple and roku are the only ones higher with roku being higher because of gains). You can make good money without size if you have a good process. Most people overlook that and get swept up in the dreams of millions which comes after you nailed the process and compounded for some time. I blew up twice years ago trying to be a gunslinger without a process.

Hella random but I remember over 10 years ago, like back in the NTKLQ/hood talk era, when you first mentioned you were planning to learn this stuff. :lol:

Obviously you been one of the most knowledgeable dudes around for years now but I think about that sometimes.

Pretty dope and to me it really speaks to the truth of the old addage, "the best time to start was yesterday, the second best time is today."
NASDAQ on a haaaaarrrrd slide. TQQQ calls it is.
No, AAPL calls if they slide tomorrow. iPhone event coming up and earnings by end of month. 11/06 exp. calls it is.
Sideways market as usual. Still on the sidelines for me since end of August. Let's see how chart patterns are after October.
Hey not sure where to put this but I want to apply for a new pre approved credit cards. I was goIng with Discover cause they have cash back. Any other recommendations or should I be good
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