Official Supreme Thread F/W Season Done. Happy New Year!

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Two weeks in a row

don't think thats how it works
That’s how it seemed to work last week the first group of people got their at around 1:33 who entered the store first. I got mine at 1:37 and was near the back and when I asked others around me they also got their text at 1:37. Seems to be only SF location that does this since they drop texts every min at 1:28 today
No SF text for me. Probably would have been an L, either way, as I wouldn’t expect them to have smalls.
So should we expect the same lagging and no checkout button online this Thursday? If I can’t get that bogo tee, hope the clown tee will be easier.
Dusting off the autobots this week beacause I need my personals. Need the White and Black Bogo tees and Bridge tees. I took Ls manual last week
So some of you will remember I said my Stockx account got hacked on Black Friday. They bought the TS AF 1’s and both Statue of Liberty north faces in a medium. After reaching out to PayPal, stockx, and my bank everything was canceled and returned to normal.
Well on Friday I got a UPS notification from stockX... behold my free Statue of Liberty jacket:

Welp, looks like Ima need to do some "frivilous" spending on my stockx account....

Im JK. Actually had a hack happen on my account but it didnt make it past the attempted purchase

The weird thing is the guy didn’t change the shipping address from mine to his, maybe he was just testing the water or just stupid.
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