Official Supreme Thread; F/W14; FAQ ON PG 1; vol. End of F/W Sale

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yeah... definitely going for flags.

It's just fire imo

I got an offer for a small red bogo for 270 so gonna get that as well, then my hunt for a small navy will continue.
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if you don't mind can you post a fit pic? I'm 5'6 120lb and am aiming for a small but if a medium works then ill go for that instead
I'm 5'7 137 and supreme mediums always fit to large on me.
are you manually checking out or you botted up? i wonder how difficult a small will get even with a bot
Manual, with regular auto filling from google chrome. 

This time I paid someone to proxy for my flags though, so hopefully it'll be worth the extra money.

I'll still try for a small on my own though.
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if you don't mind can you post a fit pic? I'm 5'6 120lb and am aiming for a small but if a medium works then ill go for that instead
I'm 5'7 137 and supreme mediums always fit to large on me.


are you manually checking out or you botted up? i wonder how difficult a small will get even with a bot
Manual, with regular auto filling from google chrome. 

This time I paid someone to proxy for my flags though, so hopefully it'll be worth the extra money.
I'll still try for a small on my own though.

you should deff count on that proxy lol. I don't even see smalls half the time with a bot and a second set up lol
So the thermals run big? Can anyone confirm this? all this bogo talk seems like its releasing Friday.
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No release tomorrow maybe something on Friday since they've done it before but probably not
In- Store sale
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