Official tax refund thread vol. for the 2015 tax year

Obamacare is like forcing everyone pay for car insurance, even those without cars so those who drive but cant afford insurance can obtain free or subsidized car insurance.

ehhhh, me no compadre.

Yeah I don't pay much for health insurance through my job.$400/mo for insurance is pretty steep. That car insurance example really isn't applicable. Everyone doesn't have a car like everyone has health.
I pay roughly $330/month here in TX

That's a lot? I pay $1600 a month, idk how much of that actually is what the insurance gets because it rolls over and I get to bank the rest of the money. It's something like that.

Listen NT

Health insurance is very important I was and have been always very healthy and I never get sick, didn't get sick in 2015 not even sarcasm.

But let's say a drunk driver almost takes you out and you have crap insurance????

You can go bankrupt lucky for me I have really good lawsuit situation and guy who hit me had coverage.

It's not a game at all, plz listen to me.

Your insurance should not be paying if a drunk driver takes you out. Thats the drunk drivers bill. If not, your full coverage insurance should take car of your bills and go after the drunk driver.

what if the drunk driver don't have insurance? what if you only got liability because you paid off your car and don't see a reason to have full coverage?

Then your an idiot. What happens when passenger in your car is hurt by said insurance-less drunk driver. Your liabilty wont cover it cause your it wasnt your fault.

Had this happen to me when I was in high school. In 99' I had a 1980 Impala bought the car for $900 cash and I was paying for full coverage. Houston is big in swangin and a dude swang too wide and totaled my car while we were parking lot pimpin. we were sitting in the car my boy had his leg out the door it almost cut off his leg. Dude didnt have insurance. My full coverage paid for everything. Then allstate went after the dude that hit us with everything they had. I didnt have to do anything.

Health insurance is not going to go after the drunk driver. They may get you healthy but the drunk driver will get off besides the civil action or if you go hire your own lawyers.

With full coverage your insurance company will go after everything to recoupe the lost. Insurance companies has team of lawyers, why wouldnt you want that.

:rofl: :rofl: this had me cracking up.
$660 month, $330 a check. My mistake. I think it'll go up a lil next year but I'm getting less on my flex card.
I pay $34 a month for health care, $25 deductible. I mess with Obeezy care.
There is a such thing as none owner car insurance. Its not tied to a specific car your just insured when you drive a car. I had it before i owned my own car through allstate.

Thought it was common knowledge

Ok? And it's linked to a physical entity which is the driver who is insured. Maybe this specific instance you're talking about is similar but the car insurance concept is mostly not this instance
Everyone don't "need" health insurance. Some people actually pay their medical bills just like they pay their other bills. Medical bills are very negotiable. If you educate yourself, some of the stuff they try to give you don't need. My pops paid cash to deliver my 3 siblings and I. I didn't have insurance growing up, pop just paid cash.
Please inform me on how you negotiate down a 20K-100K bill even once you refused the medicine that you didn't need? I see payment plan, but bringing the price down entirely? Don't see how thats possible unless you are dealing with a collections company. 
they have sliding scales, reduced bills for hardships, and what not. Every hospital does, they just aint gon
volunteer that info tho.

This plus during your stay you cant just let the hospital do thier thang. Every doctor is a contractor waiting for work. They pay the hospital a fee to practice in the hospital. Sometimes the doctors will look out for other doctors by giving them work. I remember my homeboy needed local anestisia and a anestisiologist came in which are very expensive. He kick him out cause he knew a regular doc which was way cheaper could adminster it. In fact they had all kind of specialist come into the room and he kicked them all out. They must was low on work that month and would have drove up his bill. They also wanted have him stay over night he refuse and told them he would return in the am. They wanted him to stay so they could get a room fee. They have a complicated billing and coding to disgusie what theyve done so you wont question for bill. If you look them up lots of it can be disputed just like a cable bill. US hospitals are in business to make money.
So do we have to provide actual proof this year for medical insurance
Last year I just told them I had it and that was it
Didn't wanna see my medical cards for me or my kids
Has that changed this year
So do we have to provide actual proof this year for medical insurance
Last year I just told them I had it and that was it
Didn't wanna see my medical cards for me or my kids
Has that changed this year

^^ Last year I also just said I had insurance, and didn't show any proof. Granted,I was out of the country for 6 months, but didn't get penalized.
I do think it's crazy that u fined for not having it though
Life happens
People lose jobs and can't afford stuff
Can't Penalize EM for that
Around $105 paycheck to give me and my girl full-coverage insurance from work. I work in Healthcare.

We have the best of everything my company offers, tho. $10 copay for hospital visits, $25 ER, 10 free chiropractic visits a year, free mental health line that can connect you with psychologists and counselors.
Around $105 paycheck to give me and my girl full-coverage insurance from work. I work in Healthcare.

We have the best of everything my company offers, tho. $10 copay for hospital visits, $25 ER, 10 free chiropractic visits a year, free mental health line that can connect you with psychologists and counselors.
$105 a paycheck???
U work at a hospital
My girl works for kaiser
And for me her and my 2 kids
Insurance is free
I also have kaiser insurance through my job
So we have double coverage as a just in case
$105 a paycheck???
U work at a hospital
My girl works for kaiser
And for me her and my 2 kids
Insurance is free
I also have kaiser insurance through my job
So we have double coverage as a just in case

I had Kaiser when I was under my Mom's insurance. $25 copay for hospital and $50 ER.. and she paid out the *** for us to have it.

The company I work for is a "Not For Profit", so we differ from Kaiser in that matter.
Damn y'all living good. I pay 10 a payperiod for myself on a high deductible plan. Just doing it to avoid the fine haven't gone to a doctor my whole life outside of sports physicals
Yes the concept of "INSURANCE" is valid however the Govt should NOT have the power to FORCE you to purchase anything you don't want to. This just opens a can of worms because what's next? If you purchase a gun, you have to own liability insurance or face a tax penalty? You need to have a specified Govt virus protection software on your computer to surf the internet or face a tax fine?

There are pros and cons for Obamacare and it's purpose is basically to insure very working American because the Govt works with for profit Health Corporations whom were losing billions for absorbing costs for the uninsured which in turn puts the burden on those that have insurance. So Obamacare is used to control inflation for health care costs.

If you're lower income, Obamacare is the greatest thing ever because the Govt helps pay for your insurance by giving you premium tax credits. If you're in the middle class, than you or your employer are probably paying a ton more for health insurance because you're helping pay for other people's health care cost. If you look at the silver plan, it averages around $300 a month, and on top of that you have to pay the first $2,000 in deductibles before the insurance benefits kick in. And if you're rich and your adjusted gross income is more than 250k as a single taxpayer, there is 2 new taxes for em and it's called the Net Investment Income tax and additional Medicare tax to help pay for Obamacare so they are screwed.

Some of the pros include the sick whom were denied insurance before can now be enrolled, the poor can now afford health insurance and also the mandatory benefits is a great thing because no matter what plan you're in there are certain services that is guaranteed.

All in all, it is what it is and you just have to deal with Obamacare unless a new Republican President steps in.
Your insurance should not be paying if a drunk driver takes you out. Thats the drunk drivers bill. If not, your full coverage insurance should take car of your bills and go after the drunk driver.

You still have out of pocket expenses.
Regardless good health insurance do not take for granted!

Also even with a lawsuit insurance can have a lien against you, obviously not as big as what they paid out! My lawyer actually negotiated it down on my behalf a fair amount, and took a cut on his behalf because much bigger is coming he knows.

I have looked into this and also have gotten personal stories from other people. Trust me I'm in this real life situation.

Also if a person hits you uninsured and doesn't have **** you're SOL. It's horrible.
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Spoke to Dept of Ed today and got transferred over to the collection agency they use and being setup on a plan now to get me out of default. Paymnents ain't gon make a dent in the $48k student loan but it'll get me started.

Sure would be nice if the Lord give me a dream with the winning lottery numbers smh
Spoke to Dept of Ed today and got transferred over to the collection agency they use and being setup on a plan now to get me out of default. Paymnents ain't gon make a dent in the $48k student loan but it'll get me started.

Sure would be nice if the Lord give me a dream with the winning lottery numbers smh

Military Loan forgiveness?
I wish. They offered me a "settlement" for 30k if I could pay over the next 90 days and man I thought I was gon cry

Basically right now they just gonna have me pay something to get me out of default
I'll have to pay the fee for this year, didn't have health insurance for all of 2015. Got lucky nothing bad happened to me. Will definitely be getting it this year though
Medical Tax Form 1095

Form 1095 is a new tax form required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Beginning with the 2015 tax year, this form will play an important role in your annual tax filings. Get help to understand the form, why it's important, and how it affects you.

^^ Looks like this year they will start cracking down, and you will need to show proof of your health insurance. This is what my job is telling me.
Medical Tax Form 1095

Form 1095 is a new tax form required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Beginning with the 2015 tax year, this form will play an important role in your annual tax filings. Get help to understand the form, why it's important, and how it affects you.

^^ Looks like this year they will start cracking down, and you will need to show proof of your health insurance. This is what my job is telling me.
What's the proof
insurance card or a copy of ur check stub showing that u pay medical
Or will ur w2 show it for u????
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Got laid off early last year but found a new job quick. They sent the W2 mad early through the mail of course I don't know where that ish is now :lol:

Should I just file my taxes with my new job now and then do a amended tax return? This is annoying everything should be electronic :smh:
Got laid off early last year but found a new job quick. They sent the W2 mad early through the mail of course I don't know where that ish is now :lol:

Should I just file my taxes with my new job now and then do a amended tax return? This is annoying everything should be electronic :smh:
U could
I just don't think it's worth the hassle
Find the w2
Or contact the job to get another one
Or use that jobs last pay stub
Just completed all the phone convo eval stuff and looks like i might not be getting my return this year. Told me that it may not stop the offset but would stop the garnishment (after the 5th payment). Next year if I make these monthly payments I'll be good but this year is still a toss up. Procrastination really paid off since last year learning I should have contacted them then.

Of course after accepting I wasn't going to get one, then yesterday got my hopes up I'm right back to where I started off.....smh at meself
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