Official Thunder vs. Mavericks Thread - OKC sweeps the Mavs

Lot of "should be's" and "would be's" in here.

I'll be shocked if this series goes past 5 games...
See.. Russ loves KD
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Lot of "should be's" and "would be's" in here.

I'll be shocked if this series goes past 5 games...
This minus the whole 5 games part.

Miami "should" have never let us come back game 2 of the Finals. JET hit a "lucky" in Game 5 of the Finals.

The better team finds a way to win.

We won't lay down but I'll be shocked if we win this series.
Even as a die hard Mavs fan, I didn't think we could win the series. Durant Westbrook and Harden are a handful, not to mention Serge, each one is so difficult to stop at what they do best. And frankly not having Chandler has killed this team all year. Hated that move the second it happened.
As a OKC fan I was worried even before this match up started, I knew Dallas would be a problem for OKC. I can sleep much better knowing we're up 2-0 when it should clearly be the other way around. Let's close this out and not pull a Miami.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Seriously, the thunder are lucky to be up 2-0 right now, easily could've been 1-1 or 0-2. 

I don't see Dallas losing the next two at home.  This is a good $+@@@*@ series!

Let's be honest. Game 1 the thunder played horrible, but they had the talent to pull through in the end. Game 2, the refs tried to hand the game to Dirk, but the thunder had the talent to pull through in the end. And this is without even instilling an offense, during the NBA playoffs.
4-1 series to the Thunder, but I can see it going 7 games. Mavs know they can't win in our house though, listen to the post game interviews. They don't match well with us. Fish locks up Kidd. Westbrook locks up Jet. Serge and Perkins keep dirk at bay even though he still gets 20, but only 20. Slurrrpagge...

Perk/Ibaka hold dirk to only 20? He had 20 in the first half alone last night....the hell is you talkin about. We can't win in your house? Thunder are big favorites yet, dudes only won by a combined 4 points in 2 games. Do I really need to remind you of last year when we buried y'all in 5?
Thunder fans better just pray to win game 3 and KO the mavs... Y'all don't want to see us game 5 with the series 2-2. Belieeedat

Don't know. I was gone... But I meant every word
Can't embed, but Kate Upton goes to work with James Harden and Kevin Durant

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Lot of "should be's" and "would be's" in here.

I'll be shocked if this series goes past 5 games...
This minus the whole 5 games part.

Miami "should" have never let us come back game 2 of the Finals. JET hit a "lucky" in Game 5 of the Finals.

The better team finds a way to win.

We won't lay down but I'll be shocked if we win this series.

'Shoulds' never won anyone a series

See Game 7 Lakers vs Kings 2002
This has been by far my favorite series so far. Didn't expect this much fight from Dallas...I'm hoping they can tie this sucker up at home.
Great series so far, but disappointed by the outcomes. Game 1 OKC definitely did not deserve to win, especially on a shot like that. Defended perfect, but god was with KD that night. He better be thankful. Game 2, Terry just with the dumbest play of his career fouling KD in the corner to give him free throws with a second left on the shot clock.

People at my school are bragging saying that OKC is dominating and that Dallas sucks... Well Dallas did lose half of their team, respectively, and OKC added Fisher, and can barely beat the Mavs at home.. I hope at Dallas is a different story, I would love for this series to tie up 2-2. The pressure would really be on OKC to go up 3-2 especially at home! I'm a big Mavs fan, so sorry if I offended any OKC fans.

I also heard in that interview after the game Rick Carlisle saying something along the lines of "getting that B******t out of here" when talking about cheap shots and I think hitting Dirk. Did anyone else catch that?

Another thought I had was that Westbrook and Fisher when they were in could not be stopped. When they hit their jumpers from the line, they are deadly.
I also didn't like how the refs bailed Durant out on so many plays. Its the playoffs. And yeah Dirk got a lot of calls, but to be honest a lot of them would be him getting completely assaulted by Perk, Ibaka, or Collison especially, everytime they guard him with the ball.

But all in all a great series so far. Two great teams making close games, best series of Rd 1 by far! Let me know your thoughts on some of my opinions.
If I remember correctly their wasnt many okc fans on NT. (looks at okc season thread)
Originally Posted by Murkn3m

If I remember correctly their wasnt many okc fans on NT. (looks at okc season thread)
There are a few, but a lot of people like the Thunder or least Durant, Harden, Ibaka, Russ, and unless you're a contender in the West or a Seattle fan.. they're a popular team.
That thread was me and 2 other people (itsaboutthatime and atransta). Doesn't really prove anything though. And I looked at some other team threads, and they're the same way. Like check out the Sacramento thread and rck2sacktown
The only way to ease the pain of the Knicks loss would be for Russ to drop 50 and hit a game winning mid-range shot.
KD looks locked in.....might be a long night Dallas

#%*#$@ HATE Marc Davis
........dude has to be the most self centered ref in the league
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