Official time managment/ maximum efficiency thread.. movers, shakers and lazy folks welcome

I'm pretty good w. time management. My body clock is screwed up because I've been getting up for work at 5:30 for the past 7 years. That being said, sleeping in (to me) on the weekends is 6:30 (no matter when I go to bed). Don't set an alarm, I just wake up. I get all my working out, errands (beat the crowd), shopping (beat the crowd), and everything out of the way before noon. I love having the rest of my day free to do what I like. I'll usually squeeze in a nap late in the afternoon.

I just don't like having things over my head. I wouldn't be able to enjoy a movie or anything along those lines knowing I had to do some *$$# when I got home.

I hate procrastinating and for projects and things work related, I get a jump on them EARLY. That's when I grind and do my best work. I got co-workers who wait till the last minute to do things and I can see the stress on their faces. I can't operate that way.

I guess the moral of my story is to get a jump on things earlier in your day.

*Speaking of "maximum efficiency..."  Write out your grocery/Target list.  It cuts down on time and you wont buy unnecessary crap when shopping.  If I don't have my list, I'm lost....I'll get home, unload what I bought, and think "damn....what the hell did I buy?" 
Busy couple of weeks for me but just found this website....
seems to be pretty resourceful
There is a curated book as well Lifehacker third edition

Ill be back with more shortly
Busy couple of weeks for me but just found this website....
seems to be pretty resourceful
There is a curated book as well Lifehacker third edition

Ill be back with more shortly
I needed this. Thanks.

I wasted my whole day earlier when I said I'd use this time to do homework. Now I'm going to punish myself and stay awake for the next 5 hours to do this..
I needed this. Thanks.

I wasted my whole day earlier when I said I'd use this time to do homework. Now I'm going to punish myself and stay awake for the next 5 hours to do this..
get rid of everything you love and you will have all the time on your hands. Wife, Xbox
get rid of everything you love and you will have all the time on your hands. Wife, Xbox
How to Increase Your Productivity 500% by

1. Get Clear on What You Want
The first step is to get clear on what you want. In other words, set clear goals that motivate and inspire you to take action, right now.
Set one primary goal that if you achieve will have a dramatic impact on your life. When you focus on one goal, something funny happens: All of your secondary goals get the benefits as well.
But if you dilute your focus and try to do too many things at once, you won’t succeed in any of them.
So set specific, measurable, realistic and time sensitive goals in order to give your subconscious mind a target to aim at.

2. Figure Out Your Valuables
After you’ve set your goals, it’s time to figure out the 20% of tasks that will give you 80% or more of the results.
Focus only on high-value tasks that catapult you toward your goal. These tasks are usually the ones that you tend to procrastinate most.
The difference between productive and unproductive people is that productive people are willing to tackle the uncomfortable tasks head on. They have cultivated their self-discipline, and they know that while focusing on these tasks may not be the most fun thing in the world — this produces dramatic results.

3. Plan Your Day
Number three on our list is to plan your next day before you go to bed at night. This is as simple as writing down the top five things that you have to get done the next day. If you can accomplish these five things, your day will be a success.
Again, make sure that these tasks are high-value and produce dramatic positive consequences in your life if you accomplish them.
By planning your day before you go to bed, you give your subconscious something to chew on during the night. If you want to take it one step further, you can visualize every task going perfectly the next day.

4. Single-Task
We are inundated with distractions in this digital age. We have Twitter, e-mail, and Facebook distracting us all day long.
By single tasking and focusing on one thing at a time, you can dramatically increase your productivity. This step alone can make a huge difference in not only the speed at which you work, but the quality of work that you produce.
You can also take this one step further by setting an egg timer for each task. Estimate how long one task will take you and then set the timer for half the time.
You will be surprised at how fast you can get stuff done under pressure.
5. Practice Relentless Focus

It is easy to get distracted by other projects and opportunities that seem much better than the one you’re working on now.
Constantly focus your mind on your primary goal and let everything else fall to the wayside. You will be much more successful and get much more done.
Cultivate the habit of saying no to the things that do not bring you closer to your primary goal. And don’t worry, because you can always come back to other projects later on, but first you have to finish what you have in front of you.
6. Get Passionate
One of the big keys for me has always been to do work that I love to do. When you find your passion and go after it, you will be on fire and feel extremely motivated to get results.
I accept no other alternatives other than getting paid to do what I love. I’m willing to face my fears, overcome obstacles, and take risks to make it happen. When you have this kind of determination, your productivity will skyrocket, and you will feel amazingly good.

These are just some of the tips that if incorporated, you will increase productivity by many times.
And if you keep reading and applying just one new productivity tip into your life each and every week, you will be amazed at the results within just a year.
It all starts with the decision to become more productive. The choice is up to you. What do you choose?
How to Increase Your Productivity 500% by

1. Get Clear on What You Want
The first step is to get clear on what you want. In other words, set clear goals that motivate and inspire you to take action, right now.
Set one primary goal that if you achieve will have a dramatic impact on your life. When you focus on one goal, something funny happens: All of your secondary goals get the benefits as well.
But if you dilute your focus and try to do too many things at once, you won’t succeed in any of them.
So set specific, measurable, realistic and time sensitive goals in order to give your subconscious mind a target to aim at.

2. Figure Out Your Valuables
After you’ve set your goals, it’s time to figure out the 20% of tasks that will give you 80% or more of the results.
Focus only on high-value tasks that catapult you toward your goal. These tasks are usually the ones that you tend to procrastinate most.
The difference between productive and unproductive people is that productive people are willing to tackle the uncomfortable tasks head on. They have cultivated their self-discipline, and they know that while focusing on these tasks may not be the most fun thing in the world — this produces dramatic results.

3. Plan Your Day
Number three on our list is to plan your next day before you go to bed at night. This is as simple as writing down the top five things that you have to get done the next day. If you can accomplish these five things, your day will be a success.
Again, make sure that these tasks are high-value and produce dramatic positive consequences in your life if you accomplish them.
By planning your day before you go to bed, you give your subconscious something to chew on during the night. If you want to take it one step further, you can visualize every task going perfectly the next day.

4. Single-Task
We are inundated with distractions in this digital age. We have Twitter, e-mail, and Facebook distracting us all day long.
By single tasking and focusing on one thing at a time, you can dramatically increase your productivity. This step alone can make a huge difference in not only the speed at which you work, but the quality of work that you produce.
You can also take this one step further by setting an egg timer for each task. Estimate how long one task will take you and then set the timer for half the time.
You will be surprised at how fast you can get stuff done under pressure.
5. Practice Relentless Focus

It is easy to get distracted by other projects and opportunities that seem much better than the one you’re working on now.
Constantly focus your mind on your primary goal and let everything else fall to the wayside. You will be much more successful and get much more done.
Cultivate the habit of saying no to the things that do not bring you closer to your primary goal. And don’t worry, because you can always come back to other projects later on, but first you have to finish what you have in front of you.
6. Get Passionate
One of the big keys for me has always been to do work that I love to do. When you find your passion and go after it, you will be on fire and feel extremely motivated to get results.
I accept no other alternatives other than getting paid to do what I love. I’m willing to face my fears, overcome obstacles, and take risks to make it happen. When you have this kind of determination, your productivity will skyrocket, and you will feel amazingly good.

These are just some of the tips that if incorporated, you will increase productivity by many times.
And if you keep reading and applying just one new productivity tip into your life each and every week, you will be amazed at the results within just a year.
It all starts with the decision to become more productive. The choice is up to you. What do you choose?
[h1]Productivity Secrets of a Very Busy Man[/h1]
6:24 PM Thursday April 7, 2011  | Comments (30)

Featured Guest: Bob Pozen, senior lecturer at Harvard Business School and author of the HBR article Extreme Productivity.
[h1]Productivity, Multitasking, and the Death of the Phone[/h1]
6:24 PM Thursday March 31, 2011< --- (my birthday
) | Comments (16)

Featured Guest: Sherry Turkle, MIT professor and author ofAlone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
[h1]Productivity Secrets of a Very Busy Man[/h1]
6:24 PM Thursday April 7, 2011  | Comments (30)

Featured Guest: Bob Pozen, senior lecturer at Harvard Business School and author of the HBR article Extreme Productivity.
[h1]Productivity, Multitasking, and the Death of the Phone[/h1]
6:24 PM Thursday March 31, 2011< --- (my birthday
) | Comments (16)

Featured Guest: Sherry Turkle, MIT professor and author ofAlone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other
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