I was watching the pregame preview on channel 4 last night (local SD channel) and when Lew Bush was interviewing the Titans Locker room they were all sayinghow with out LT, the Chargers are a below average football team. And we are proving that right now... Thank God Kaeding made taht field goal.
I wanna see LT cry at the end of the game.. Hope the titans pull this out
Originally Posted by jrellcuse10

LT was wide open! Rivers field vision is awful!

He was clearly wide open but the designed play was not to his side probably... Rivers was looking to the left side the whole play from the snap. Points onthe board was necessary good not going for it on 4th and 1
Its gotta be frustrating for the guy, he is the best player in the league and he isnt getting any help from his O-Line.
Originally Posted by henz0

I wanna see LT cry at the end of the game.. Hope the titans pull this out

Damn cold but the Chargers are gonna pull this out..hopefully
outacontrol music wrote:
LT is running into


I don't expect that to continue all game, and a person would have to be pretty naive to expect differently.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

outacontrol music wrote:
LT is running into

I don't expect that to continue all game, and a person would have to be pretty naive to expect differently.

I think as long as we give him touches, LT will break one sooner or later.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

if LT was a violent man he would have murdered Rivers by now
Rivers talks so much, but he is complete garbage.
His arm is terrible.
LT needs to get the ball more, I'm talking screens, swings, anything.
Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Vince needs to use his legs.

I have a feeling a pick 6 by SD will be coming soon.

He's still nursing that strained muscle
He was running on it pretty good earlier in the game. I kinda thought we was going to take off on that last pass.
VJax coming thru!
Ive said it before and Today proves it to me again, Jeff Fisher is the best Coach in the NFL. THE Titans got no bidness being this close to the Chargers.

He does more with less than any other coach.
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