Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

if you can't see Toronto craves International recognition you live under a rock.

How many times have you heard "Toronto ranked as a top ___ International city in the world" on the tv or radio? Or our Mayor demanding everyone know Toronto is a world class city? I rep Toronto and Canada all day do I somewhat fallen victim to it too.

Drake, the weeknd, Bieber, and other celebrities wrre religiously celebrated once they made it in the US

Toronto and Canada as whole has underdog mentality in everything except Hockey and being nice

Yeah and you stole that being nice/polite thing from us, but we're too polite to say anything about it.
yeah but even with TMac and Yao, they basically stunk. they might be in the same boat as the Raps out west.
GSW looking at them like tasty fried chicken.

That's my point exactly. The last time the Rockets won the title, mans were wearing short shorts and they never went up against Michael. We get knocked out by another GOAT and yet we're "**** every year in the Playoffs". Franchises like LA Clippers, Magic, Pacers etc have all had poor runs in the Playoffs with no championships and yet they still don't get $hit on every single year like the Raptors do. Did they mention that the Rockets beat a Shaq/Penny Magic team in the Finals one year. That was the definition of choking as the Rockets had an old washed up Hakeem and Clyde Drexler.
Im just dead at the logic of htown having been there before based off 2 chips 25yrs ago.

Harden was writing book reports back then
I don't mean to jump in your guys debate. I'm only supporting my guys. And tomorrow night will be a banger!

He said that the Raptors will beat the Rockets due to a “scheduling loss” lmao. Basically that the Rockets have had 3 games in 4 nights and have been on the road so they won’t be performing at full strength. Again, another jab that the Raptors aren’t really a great team.
Raptors get disrespected regardless if they're good or bad. The argument that the Raptors choke in the playoffs isn't that good. For the past two years we got knocked out by Cavaliers, the heavy favourite in the series and pretty much any Eastern Conference series. So the standard set for the Raptors is that no matter what we do and how many series we win, we have to pull a huge upset to get some kind of respect and not be recognized as 'chokers', which is kind of ridiculous.

Also Houston is a great team and deserve the respect they are receiving because they're a good team now just like the Raptors should be receiving. Bringing up the point that the Houston won a championship 20 years ago is as relevant as saying Dallas won a championship and deserve respect right now.
As an outsider sports wise, I do agree that the Raptors have generally been discounted by the media but they have been HEAVILY looked at as the team that could dethrone the Cavs this year by guys who are not CRAZY LeBron supporters (the Shannon Sharpe's, Colin Cowherd's and Nick Wright's of the media). And I'm a Cavs fan myself but completely respect the Raptors more this year than any other year. The one thing I do hate is when the Raptors suck, about 95% of Raptors fans jumped off and only waited until the team was good again. Even with LeBron out of Cleveland, I watched every single game and supported the hell out of them.

Heck, I'm scared of the Raptors more than any other team in the East (maybe Milwaukee more so because of Giannis). But I am most impressed with Casey literally pulling a 180 on his coaching skills. I thought he would surely be fired but he deserves COTY this year. Unlike Ty Lue, who deserves to be shot out of a cannon.

I still think with LeBron, it's going to be hard for the Raptors to beat him in a 7 game series. Especially with Love coming back and Tristan Thompson being injured (seems like he's turning into a Canadian spy, haha). Either way, I'm looking forward to a good series. Funniest thing I remember is a bus driver literally not letting me onto a bus because I was wearing a Cavs hat. He pretended to drive away and then opened the door up for me again. This was after the Cavs came back to win the series.

Anyway, point is, if you're worried about the Media not being knowledgable of the North, never forget they're what made Lavar Ball a thing and President Trump a reality. Only people dumber than the media is people who live and die by what they hear in the news. Hot take, I know.
Raptors get disrespected regardless if they're good or bad. The argument that the Raptors choke in the playoffs isn't that good. For the past two years we got knocked out by Cavaliers, the heavy favourite in the series and pretty much any Eastern Conference series. So the standard set for the Raptors is that no matter what we do and how many series we win, we have to pull a huge upset to get some kind of respect and not be recognized as 'chokers', which is kind of ridiculous.

Also Houston is a great team and deserve the respect they are receiving because they're a good team now just like the Raptors should be receiving. Bringing up the point that the Houston won a championship 20 years ago is as relevant as saying Dallas won a championship and deserve respect right now.

Exactly, and it was a Dallas Mavericks team with their oxygen tanks, wheel chairs and Metamucil that beat "the big three" in the Miami Heat. It's not even like the Raptors fanbase is truly that bent out of shape like some have come in here and claimed that "the Raptors haven't done anything to deserve respect" or "we're just whining about wanting acceptance from the US". We just expect that some analysis of their actual strong play as of late would be reported, rather than every single show and media outlet just keep on extending the same tired storyline of the Raptors being chokers. I laugh when time and time again...people like Stephen A. Smith would bring up teams like the Wizards and Bucks far more than he would the Raptors. Even in recent times when both of those teams were the biggest chokers you could ever imagine, but yet they're still more of a "threat to the Cavs and Celtics" than Toronto is. If Raptors are not elite, then there is no way in hell the Celtics are. Wizards haven't even made it past the second round in god knows how long...Bucks even worse than that.
All valid points kookoo89 kookoo89 and props to you for being a true fan. I can say the same about the Raptors as I was there when Mike James and Jalen Rose were our star players :lol:. Our loyal fanbase has been with this team when we drafted Rafael Arujo (worst Raptor of all time) and the "good Vince Carter years". I can't really crucify some of these fans now because if you were 6-7 years old in those days, how can you really blame someone for being a "fake fan". At the same time...there are actually a bunch of fake people who just supported Celtics when they got the Big 3 or the Lakers when it was Shaq and Kobe. You're always going to have those bandwagoners too. I may respect other teams but Raptors is my team till death. I don't give a ****.
man I remember when Alan Anderson, Linas Kleiza, and Ed Davis were some of our top prospects. the heartbreak of Bosh's last season when we missed the playoffs by one game mainly because of a missed Bosh game winning layup against the Warriors lmao. ugh also fondly remember cheering for the infamous Ben Uzoh triple double lmao. Can't be mad at the bandwagon fans though. All kinds of support for the Raptors is welcome :D
All valid points kookoo89 kookoo89 and props to you for being a true fan. I can say the same about the Raptors as I was there when Mike James and Jalen Rose were our star players :lol:. Our loyal fanbase has been with this team when we drafted Rafael Arujo (worst Raptor of all time) and the "good Vince Carter years". I can't really crucify some of these fans now because if you were 6-7 years old in those days, how can you really blame someone for being a "fake fan". At the same time...there are actually a bunch of fake people who just supported Celtics when they got the Big 3 or the Lakers when it was Shaq and Kobe. You're always going to have those bandwagoners too. I may respect other teams but Raptors is my team till death. I don't give a ****.

Most definitely man. Hell, I was actually just a LeBron supporter since he got drafted the year I moved to Toronto (didn't want to move so initially harboured resentment). But the way LeBron left rubbed me the wrong way so I stayed a loyal Cleveland fan through the hell years and will if/when he leaves. Truth is, I don't mind bandwagoners if it's the first team they started supporting but I hate the guys who just jump ship. At that point, sports becomes meaningless when you're hitching your trailer from bandwagon to bandwagon.

I guess like with every team, there are the OG supporters and the annoying ones. Except when it comes to Boston. Those fans are a different breed. Them and Warriors 'fans' are the most obnoxious. Hell, Spurs fans have the best dynasty in basketball and those fans are amazing... Kind of funny that the organizational mentality (outside of people who defended Bruce Bowen) kind of matches the fanbase mentality in most scenarios. Like for the Cavs, we're all kind of insane and need constant validation that even if we're playing poorly we have a (not so) secret weapon when things matter. For now.
Another terrible comparison

Dallas lost to Heat in a possibly fixed series before beating them

Dirk all-nba first team
Carlise coach of the year

Even if we do make it to the finals I'm almost certain we'll get washed by whoever comes out of the west

I can honestly say I've been a raptors fan since their inception

But I'm not delusional as to how we stack up to the rest of the NBA
man I remember when Alan Anderson, Linas Kleiza, and Ed Davis were some of our top prospects. the heartbreak of Bosh's last season when we missed the playoffs by one game mainly because of a missed Bosh game winning layup against the Warriors lmao. ugh also fondly remember cheering for the infamous Ben Uzoh triple double lmao. Can't be mad at the bandwagon fans though. All kinds of support for the Raptors is welcome :D

Just reminds us of how $hitty our general management and front office has been over the years. People view us as this crap expansion team because there were so many GMs that set us back years and years to actually becoming a winning team with a winning culture. Most NBA teams follow the pattern of being competitive and going for titles, or basically blowing your team up and drafting to help improve the team. Most of our franchise's years were spent doing the latter and we suffered a lot as Raptors fans in those years. That's truly why we deserve more. Eff the talk about titles and ****. You have winning teams where their damn arenas are empty. You don't deserve that team to be good lmao.
Another terrible comparison

Dallas lost to Heat in a possibly fixed series before beating them

Dirk all-nba first team
Carlise coach of the year

Even if we do make it to the finals I'm almost certain we'll get washed by whoever comes out of the west

I can honestly say I've been a raptors fan since their inception

But I'm not delusional as to how we stack up to the rest of the NBA

Whatever man. Most of the posts you made today. You're just sounding like a salty ex girlfriend or something and then Ben3333 just likes all your posts :lol:. We don't need fake fans anyway. Move along. You really went there talking about that series being fixed. If that was the case...every single Raptors game is fixed and a conspiracy theory of terrible calls because no one in the States wants to see the Raptors play...

What about when Lebron completely laid an egg against the Spurs that year. The whole point people were coming in here and making is that they forget those poor performances or losses by players like Lebron, but its a damn shackle for teams like the Raptors. I get the whole, "win a title and you'll gain respect thing", but when you refuse to acknowledge a team improving and just badger them with past Playoff failures. You can't tell me they treat any other franchise that way. The Sixers have been trash bags for a long *** time, but yet they draft well and gain good players and now they're praised highly. Have they made the Playoffs or done anything since Iverson?
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