Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

Insider day is gonna be slammed after the finds people made last time. lmao.

Mens footwear included this time but I doubt it's anything great.
Insider day is gonna be slammed after the finds people made last time. lmao.

Mens footwear included this time but I doubt it's anything great.

I would think this go around, it won't be as crazy because of the season. Last one was in the summer, right? When school was out and everyone on vacation.
I would think this go around, it won't be as crazy because of the season. Last one was in the summer, right? When school was out and everyone on vacation.
Yes, i agree it wont be as bad as last time. And for those wondering , the mens footwear is not what you think lol....
But then again, seems like more people don't work nowadays. So I could still see it being a madhouse.
October 30th is reading week for some students. I'd expect long lineups when the doors first open.
October 30th is reading week for some students. I'd expect long lineups when the doors first open.
even if they're students, you know people will drop studying days if they know they can grab some deals on some NIKE apparel lol
what that mean man
That probably means No Js, No Nike Basketball, basically the styles are similar to ones you see at outlets except at even lower prices
Lmao. Probably a small shipment that came in is my guess.

On another note the last nike sale was over the Easter weekend. I know because I was there a lot during the sale.
Who knows really with that HOH anymore, it's just a wait and see. I was planning to go on the Saturday to see if I can just grab some apparel and work beaters, hope they have something left by then
not sure. makes me doubt the early rumors about a wed release.

i believe the bel airs and 3lab5s are both 250 retail. 

$185usd...ya that makes sense...not. 3Lab5's were $225 usd and that's apparently equal to $185 usd? Love the HOH math.
$185usd...ya that makes sense...not. 3Lab5's were $225 usd and that's apparently equal to $185 usd? Love the HOH math.
Bel airs were sold 230 + at capsule ... Not too sure about 3lab5 since those are trash imo (never gave looked into it)
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