Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

raps **** the bed once again. raps need to trade JV, dude is garbage never was good imo.
If you made this argument about a year or two ago, then I'd agree. JV's really stepped up his IQ and physicality in the paint. The only people I really found playing poorly were Ibaka and Poetl. Ibaka's been very inconsistent all year long and Poetl's choking probably due to still being new to the league and playoff stress
He had 21 and 21. If you want to say someone is garbage it's Ibaka

or CJ

CJ = Demarre Carroll
Ibaka = 2Pat

CJ's more like an inconsistent JR Smith imo. When he sinks 3s, he makes them rain. If CJ needs to run into the paint, he can definitely do that. I still feel like Kyle and DeMar still have slight trust issues with their line-up, but at least it's not as bad as a couple of year ago.
lowry needs to go if anything, never showed up in playoff
Delon wright plays better than him
idk I think Lowry and DeRozan have played a lot better this year in the playoffs compared to the past couple of years. They've actually played decently well compared to their choke performances over the past couple of years. Are there better PGs in the league? Of course. Is Lowry terrible? I don't think so.
idk I think Lowry and DeRozan have played a lot better this year in the playoffs compared to the past couple of years. They've actually played decently well compared to their choke performances over the past couple of years. Are there better PGs in the league? Of course. Is Lowry terrible? I don't think so.

I do agree Derozan plays better this year, but I don't know if it's Casey's decision or Derozan wants to take over the game every 4th quarter.
It is always the same ISO game at the 4th quarter. This is why we lose.
Like we all stated. That was one of those horrifying games to watch as a fan going into a stretch where it wasn’t even Cleveland’s defence that was truly stopping them and they still continued to take the worst shots on the floor and the ones that were completely wide open...they bricked. Oh well. As deflating and demoralizing this loss was...the only thing they can do is recover and come out to tie the series going back to Cleveland. As much as the haters and opposers say, this series just begun. They mentally folded which is what the biggest knock always is on the Raptors. I also know Cleveland fans will continue to hammer Raptors fans with this game until their voices are hoarse, but they also had struggles which they overcame in the previous round. They dropped Game 1 on their own floor and had to claw out the series in 7 games with a couple of the games being blowouts. No need to panic but if they lose Game 2, then there will be.
I do agree Derozan plays better this year, but I don't know if it's Casey's decision or Derozan wants to take over the game every 4th quarter.
It is always the same ISO game at the 4th quarter. This is why we lose.
Yea that's definitely up in the air. Apparently DeRozan's already adjusted to his new role on the team (playing less minutes, being more of a playmaker, etc), but I also think that Casey and DeRozan both panic during the fourth quarter and resort to iso ball. What the Raps really need to work on is trust between players and confidence in shooting. There's been too many cases where we've had open shots but are too scared to take them and end up driving into the paint full of defenders. If anything, the Raptors need to establish the shooting rhythm way early in the game and not worry about missing shots. Even if you miss a few shots in the beginning, you'll start feeling yourself as you ease into the game and begin to sink shots.

That being said, it's only Game 1 so let's just pretend the Raptors were just testing the waters. We still have another chance to defend home court tomorrow. Hopefully they watch enough tape and practice well enough today and tomorrow morning.
Like we all stated. That was one of those horrifying games to watch as a fan going into a stretch where it wasn’t even Cleveland’s defence that was truly stopping them and they still continued to take the worst shots on the floor and the ones that were completely wide open...they bricked. Oh well. As deflating and demoralizing this loss was...the only thing they can do is recover and come out to tie the series going back to Cleveland. As much as the haters and opposers say, this series just begun. They mentally folded which is what the biggest knock always is on the Raptors. I also know Cleveland fans will continue to hammer Raptors fans with this game until their voices are hoarse, but they also had struggles which they overcame in the previous round. They dropped Game 1 on their own floor and had to claw out the series in 7 games with a couple of the games being blowouts. No need to panic but if they lose Game 2, then there will be.

I think the one scary thing for Raptors fans is LeBron played very poorly (in terms of shooting and shots taken). By the way, I don't believe for a second that Cavs fans are hammering Raptors fans. I think the general observer will, but the Cavs fans won't. One, because the Cavs have had the mental edge over the Raptors in the post season(or LeBron has) for years. Two, because real Cavs fans know we stole that game. However, I was at a bar yesterday supporting the Cavs and I was being yelled at all game. I have 0 doubt in my mind, Raptors fans would be throwing it in my face for as long as they can. Hell, two years ago when the Cavs/Raps series was tied 2/2, the amount of hell people gave me was insane. I love the city, but a lot of the fans (fair-weather to a degree) are not composed or respectful. On a Boston/Golden State level. Which is fine, because every team has their ****** fans. Funniest moments for me were when Jeff Green went down and looked like he could have been injured, the entire bar started cheering. And anytime LeBron's face was shown on the screen, people were booing.

Anyway, the Cavs HAVE had one of the better defenses in the playoffs, it's actually their offense hurting them. There were a ton of missed shots at the end, which is how the Cavs stole the game but most of Toronto's late game execution was horrid. You can't have a 5 second violation after a timeout. And realistically, the play where Demar scored with 2.2 on the shotclock was also a 5 second violation. The other edge Indiana might have had over Toronto in terms of the series is Indiana plays extremely physical. Cavs had to fight for every single shot. So if the Raptors come out physical, they can win game 2.

I'm interested to see the result of game 2. I do not like the fact that it's at 6 pm. It's kind of insulting to both teams, which are now vet teams vs Bos/Philly which are very young. LeBron can't get primetime? Haha. Gameplan wise, Ty Lue is a horrible coach and he should be playing Tristan more. He's having kind of a renaissance couple of games, but having Love guard Jonas is a recipe for disaster. Thompson did a great job guarding JV, which is part of the struggle in the 4th quarter, in addition to the minutes he played. Love is a huge liability on both sides of the floor, which is something the Raptors exploited well. I think it was on full display with that Lowry bucket and-1 in OT...

It was a fun/hard fought game and whoever wins this series is basically going to the finals to get wrecked by Golden State, haha. So I don't think I'd be the most disappointed if the Cavs lost to the Raptors.
kookoo89 kookoo89 I would never defend those kind of fans who just throw hate and insults at the opposing fans. There's obviously a huge level of passion in this city and clearly a level of angst because they always seem to find a way to let down the fan base. The Cavs fans are the same way though and to generalize about "isolated" Raptors fans being ignorant is kind of the same thing as generalizing and saying "real Cavs fans wouldn't slander Raptors fans". It's obviously all circumstantial and somewhat isolated. You don't have to dig deep on any part of social media to see a ton of "CRAPTORS", "TYPICAL CHOKERS", "CAVS IN 4" and just back and fourth and like I said...I know it would be the same if the Raptors won too.

I also fully agree that although Lebron had triple double numbers...he actually didn't play that well because he shot poor from the field and missed a ton of free throws (signs of fatigue after carrying them all last series). The difference was that Korver, JR Smith and TT absolutely killed the Raptors and Jeff Green added 16 points. I don't think any Raptors fan would tell you they could easily beat Cleveland if the bench is playing that well and the Raptors couldn't do anything on offense down the stretch. This is a tough pill to swallow but it's far from over now. I agree with you that this game left no other indicator other than Cleveland being in their heads but they also have to realize that they lost by 1 after having a ton of chances to close out the game and although Cleveland came back and beat them like a true composed team is supposed to do...they essentially choked the game away due to their own mistakes. This team doesn't protect the basketball on offense and had a huge number of turnovers again. Serge Ibaka is also completely useless.
The game was the Raptors to win and they choked it away going 3/20 in the 4th.

It was funny cause you could sense the nervous energy from the crowd knowing what was about to go down.
anyone know what the hash wall discounts are? gotta use these stupid mvp cards before they go to waste.
Ty Lue definitely screwed up when he benched TT for the longest time in an attempt to play small and reduce JV's minutes. Creds go to Casey for realizing the mismatch and optimizing it on the floor. It was basically a breeze for JV to get boards, score points in the paint, and draw fouls.

However I do think the Cavs are going to adjust going into game 2, just like how they adjusted in the fourth quarter and in OT. As you could tell from the later part in the game, when TT was on the floor with Bron, there was a ton of pressure in the paint and at the perimeter. Once OT started, I already had a bad feeling Toronto was gonna lose.

Enhh it is what it is. At the end of the day, what will make it or break it this series is Toronto's confidence going into each game. Hopefully they use this game as motivation more than anything to play harder and do well tomorrow night. I'm okay with Toronto losing a well fought game.
kookoo89 kookoo89 I would never defend those kind of fans who just throw hate and insults at the opposing fans. There's obviously a huge level of passion in this city and clearly a level of angst because they always seem to find a way to let down the fan base. The Cavs fans are the same way though and to generalize about "isolated" Raptors fans being ignorant is kind of the same thing as generalizing and saying "real Cavs fans wouldn't slander Raptors fans". It's obviously all circumstantial and somewhat isolated. You don't have to dig deep on any part of social media to see a ton of "CRAPTORS", "TYPICAL CHOKERS", "CAVS IN 4" and just back and fourth and like I said...I know it would be the same if the Raptors won too.

I also fully agree that although Lebron had triple double numbers...he actually didn't play that well because he shot poor from the field and missed a ton of free throws (signs of fatigue after carrying them all last series). The difference was that Korver, JR Smith and TT absolutely killed the Raptors and Jeff Green added 16 points. I don't think any Raptors fan would tell you they could easily beat Cleveland if the bench is playing that well and the Raptors couldn't do anything on offense down the stretch. This is a tough pill to swallow but it's far from over now. I agree with you that this game left no other indicator other than Cleveland being in their heads but they also have to realize that they lost by 1 after having a ton of chances to close out the game and although Cleveland came back and beat them like a true composed team is supposed to do...they essentially choked the game away due to their own mistakes. This team doesn't protect the basketball on offense and had a huge number of turnovers again. Serge Ibaka is also completely useless.

That's fair. Though I guess the difference for us is I'm exposed to more Raptors fans than you are Cavs fans. And the most negative things I personally, as a Cavs fan who also is on Cavs boards, hear about the Raptors comes from Raptors fans. The forum is literally called Real Cavs Fans. And this season more than any other, most Cavs fans respect the Raptors.

You have to admit, more Raptors fans hate LeBron than any Cavs fan really dislikes the Raptors. 100%, the Cavs role players showed up huge after being MIA last series. In 7 games, not one Cav outside of LeBron could score 20 or more. Kevin Love, obviously injured, is still supposed to be the Cavs' second best player but he hasn't been anywhere near that in the playoffs so far.

Both teams have a TON to clean up before next game. It's still anyone's series. I wonder what Vegas' odds for game 2 will be.
I respect Lebron like the all time great he is. I'd go as far as to say 50% of Raptors fans are bandwagon and don't care much about Basketball in general and only care during the playoffs.

People mostly hate on Lebron because he plays for the opposing team and they think it's the cool thing to do.
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