Official: Toys R Us has the Buy 2 get 1

so it works?

@ this from biff lawson's twitter

lmfao @ 20+ NT PMs
14 minutes ago via web

I was going to PM you too
Did my research today, only have 4 TRUs near me, but i work everyday this week, i gotta get my sister and her friends to do this.
at TRU not catching on to this. Seasonal employees FTW
I told my fellow NTers some good stories...if you want to hear more jokes just shoot me a pm and i give you a good chuckle

Last thread was a joke, nothing but dudes "braggin" about buying multiples to return for free games.

This promotion comes once a year, they could easily take the *$%* away.

not every toys r us is doing it from what i understand

....pretty much due to the scheming from some people, it'll eventually ruin it for the regular customers once more and more stores catch on.
I just ended up getting Fifa, NBA 2K11, and Madden.
NBA2K11 was pretty much sold out in NYC yesterday on PS3. I had to go all the way to Queens to get one of two copies they only had in stock there.
I know some people usually get games and then exchange it for a future release down the line.

Anyone notice how some games and accessories were more expensive at the store as opposed to the website?
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