Official: Toys R Us has the Buy 2 get 1

Originally Posted by biff lawson

Originally Posted by JordanDon23

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Last year i went in with biff..Pause...ended up with like $1100+ in best buy credit and some games left over from it....[/color]

Any Luck today?

I didn't consolidate my games i picked up today so no pics...


Anyone didn't hear that old joke i told? PM me for laughs
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm not really trying it this year...[/color]
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
Last year i went in with biff..Pause...ended up with like $1100+ in best buy credit

I would rather have BB do I go about this?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i would get the games from TRU's and return at Best Buy...[/color]

whats the return policy at bb? u dont need receipts
Originally Posted by Jonbx5

Originally Posted by JordanDon23

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
Last year i went in with biff..Pause...ended up with like $1100+ in best buy credit

I would rather have BB do I go about this?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i would get the games from TRU's and return at Best Buy...[/color]
whats the return policy at bb? u dont need receipts

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Quick question, can I buy 2 games for 59.99 and get the PS move for free?

dont wanna be a **** but come on now man...
.....I was sure it wasn't going to work, but it didn't hurt asking. I'm thinking of stocking up on a couple of PS moves and X-box kinects for the holiday season.

Originally Posted by Eranoitckik

Originally Posted by BdeaZy

Originally Posted by jailblazer

worked at 1 toys r us, 2nd one shut me down

oh well here we go again tommorow


Worked at one Toys R Us

Second shut him down

Oh well he will try tomorrow

Any more vague? What work and didnt work?

I went my rounds today, im pretty sure they're gonna start recognizing me by wed/thursday.
have to work today so i put my goons on the is third day of the sale so they will def begin to take notice of strange occurrences...

on a totally unrelated note managers usually come in there around 12pm...

those managers don't like jokes...

another weird thing i notice that has nothing to do with this thread is that, there is usually a shift switch at 3-3:30pm....

i went to get some stuff in the morning...came back around 4pm there were different people...

i never worked retail so i was just shocked
Originally Posted by jailblazer

worked at 1 toys r us, 2nd one shut me down

oh well here we go again tommorow

same here, but im still gonna try the exact same stores
i need a few games for me, a few for my brother, and then a few to sell
damn.  some of you guys are working hard as hell to scam the stores.  
This may sound dumb.  But how do they even know?  Is it a different bar code?

If i buy 3 games off the Toys R Us website ship them to my house.  Then walk into best buy and say i don't want these and return them for store credit, how do they know I got one of those games for free.

My dilema.  I need 1 new controller and PES 2011.  PES isn't out untill the 19th of October.  So i want to buy 3 games return them all to bestbuy for store credit and pick up the game when it releases along with one controller.  Is this illegal?  (yes im assuming it is because i am getting more then i paid but how would they know its illegal)
Originally Posted by Jking0821

This may sound dumb.  But how do they even know?  Is it a different bar code?

If i buy 3 games off the Toys R Us website ship them to my house.  Then walk into best buy and say i don't want these and return them for store credit, how do they know I got one of those games for free.

My dilema.  I need 1 new controller and PES 2011.  PES isn't out untill the 19th of October.  So i want to buy 3 games return them all to bestbuy for store credit and pick up the game when it releases along with one controller.  Is this illegal?  (yes im assuming it is because i am getting more then i paid but how would they know its illegal)
It's not illegal.  What you could do is just buy 2 games from TRU and a controller.. then wait til PES 2011 comes out on the 19th and then go exchange one of your games for it.

If you go the bestbuy route... just go to BB and ask if they can match TRU's deal and get 2 games/1 controller and do an exchange on the 19th.

If you want to go to TRU, get 2 games/1 controller and then return them at BB for store credit that'll work too as long as the return people don't give you a hard to returning without a receipt.  Get store credit and you're good.
Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Originally Posted by Jking0821

This may sound dumb.  But how do they even know?  Is it a different bar code?

If i buy 3 games off the Toys R Us website ship them to my house.  Then walk into best buy and say i don't want these and return them for store credit, how do they know I got one of those games for free.

My dilema.  I need 1 new controller and PES 2011.  PES isn't out untill the 19th of October.  So i want to buy 3 games return them all to bestbuy for store credit and pick up the game when it releases along with one controller.  Is this illegal?  (yes im assuming it is because i am getting more then i paid but how would they know its illegal)
It's not illegal.  What you could do is just buy 2 games from TRU and a controller.. then wait til PES 2011 comes out on the 19th and then go exchange one of your games for it.

If you go the bestbuy route... just go to BB and ask if they can match TRU's deal and get 2 games/1 controller and do an exchange on the 19th.

If you want to go to TRU, get 2 games/1 controller and then return them at BB for store credit that'll work too as long as the return people don't give you a hard to returning without a receipt.  Get store credit and you're good.
Thanks for the insight man.  I was thinking id order 3 games because if i got 2 games and 1 controller the controller would be free so id be losing that 5 dollar difference.  But really i dont' think its worth the hassle.  I will prob just order 2 games and a controller and return the two games and get PES when it comes out and store credit for the other one at Best Buy.  Best buy is usually really good about returns by me.
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