skytree>>>>>>gout>>>>>tokyo tower

when skytree first opened, i bought tickets online. when we hit there i found out the tickets i bought let us bypass the hugeass line to go up the elevator.
Don't know where to post this but hopefully I will try my luck here. If anyone could read Japanese or is from Japan could you help me out?

My daughter has been nagging me for this toy for a whole year now. I finally found it through Google but the only site I found that sells it is out. (ratuken)
It's her birthday coming up and I would like to finally surprise here. Anyhow here is the toy link:
Don't know where to post this but hopefully I will try my luck here. If anyone could read Japanese or is from Japan could you help me out?

My daughter has been nagging me for this toy for a whole year now. I finally found it through Google but the only site I found that sells it is out. (ratuken)
It's her birthday coming up and I would like to finally surprise here. Anyhow here is the toy link:
doo doo toys
 just got back and already trying to figure out when the next visit will be. will post some pics but off the top of my head, def recommend doing maricar in case something happens to them amidst nintendos beef with them. will need an IDP to do this tho
couple tips I have amassed in my travels to Japan thus far:

1: Get the Jrail pass. Now, it won't cover everything, and in smaller places, or if you need to get directly somewhere, you will pay out of pocket. But it is fully worth it if you ride the Shinkansen at least 2 or 3 times, which is not uncommon for month long travelers. 

2: I know people swear you can survive on the cup o noodles, honestly, food is not that crazy expensive in Japan unless you are trying to call out. Hit local spots, depending on where you are at and what you wanna try. The konbini is your best bet for water ( a liter of water will cost you a buck, bring some water bottles and you are gold). Booze, if your bag, is cheap as well. Lawson, 7/11, and Family Mart all sell it relatively cheap. Also they will disco things that are past a certain date so you can stock up on snacks for wandering like Onigiri, Sandwiches, etc. 

3: If you have Tmobile, congrats, you just won the Cell lotto. Free global data, so use maps and **** all you want. If not, invest in a Sim card at Bic Camera or Yodabashi, OR a mobile router. 

4: D/L Hyperdia for train times. The app saved my *** multiple times when trying to snag the last train for the night from somewhere remote. 

5: Some Japanese speak english, some rather well, mostly in Tokyo/Kyoto. But honestly, do not expect it. If communication is an issue, try writing it down. Learning English reading and writing is actully standard through out junior high. After that learning further to speak and read write is not compulsory.Learn some key phrases like "where is...", "How much..." please and thank you go a long way, as well as excuse me sometimes (sumimasen) or sorry (gomen nisai). 

Some of this can be googled, but ya know, I am always willing to share what I have learned in my 3 trips there. If you have any other questions, feel free to hit me up. I am planning my fourth trip for  October or December. 
this ^ to elaborate based on my last two trips

1/2) J rail pass is def worth especially if you plan to take the bullet train/shinkansen outside of tokyo as one way tickets are $130+ already. For daily train use on lines that cant be used with the j rail pass, i recommend getting a pasmo or suica card and adding fundage to avoid purchasing indi tix for every trip. these cards can be used at conbinis for your quick meals as well amongst other places

3) def look into a good pocket wifi as another option as well

4) agree, hyperdia def was a lifesaver with mapping out trains along with gmaps

god i need to go back...
 was bummed that the parking ginza closed 5 days before i arrived and missing out on the LVxFragment shop. glad i got to see mizuki tho
this ^ to elaborate based on my last two trips

1/2) J rail pass is def worth especially if you plan to take the bullet train/shinkansen outside of tokyo as one way tickets are $130+ already. For daily train use on lines that cant be used with the j rail pass, i recommend getting a pasmo or suica card and adding fundage to avoid purchasing indi tix for every trip. these cards can be used at conbinis for your quick meals as well amongst other places

3) def look into a good pocket wifi as another option as well

4) agree, hyperdia def was a lifesaver with mapping out trains along with gmaps

god i need to go back...
 was bummed that the parking ginza closed 5 days before i arrived and missing out on the LVxFragment shop. glad i got to see mizuki tho
Yeah, the Pasmo/Suica/ICOCA cards are really the way to go for bus/subway lines that are not JR affiliated. Also remember, the JR pass lets you use the Tokyo Monorail from Haneda (just fly into Kansai or Narita), and allegedly the Ferry from mainland to Miyajima (I however got stiffed on that, but it was only like 2 bucks, so it wasn't a huge issue). 

They all have cool designs and stuff so depending on what rail system you use the most, go with that one. They have a special Astro Boy one I invested in since I am a huge Tezuka fan and I intend on moving to japan within the year, so it will get a ton of use. 

Also, just screen cap your rail rides and close the app to save on data and battery life. Hyperdia is truly the best app ever for that reason alone. The train system runs pretty much on clockwork (barring the random unforeseen incident) so the times are truly spot on to the minute. Be aware depending on where and what time you travel, it can get crowded, so I hope you don't mind people in your bubble. 

Also, check with your JR desk to book your Shinkansen tix ahead of time, certain days/times/desitnations fill up fast. Nothing sucks worse than standing for 3 hours from Tokyo to Osaka because no seats available. I did this last year lol. 
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pocket wi-fi is a must. i've probably been to tokyo about 15 times and it was so much more challenging before smart phones and google maps.
For vintage stuff check "Chicago". Its a vintage chain store that exists in various places like Kyoto and Tokyo
Going to Japan Sept 2-17. Planning to stay in Tokyo for the first 3 days, then 3-4 days each in Osaka and Kyoto then few more days in Tokyo to finish the trip. I will be using airbnb most likely, which areas would you recommend in Tokyo? Also any food recommendations are appreciated. Thanks yall
Going to Japan Sept 2-17. Planning to stay in Tokyo for the first 3 days, then 3-4 days each in Osaka and Kyoto then few more days in Tokyo to finish the trip. I will be using airbnb most likely, which areas would you recommend in Tokyo? Also any food recommendations are appreciated. Thanks yall

If you are there for 2 weeks, i would extend Tokyo to about 7-8 days total (so many things to explore around the city).

and do 2-3 Kyoto and about 5 in Osaka.

It's very easy in Japan to take day trips with all the trains they have.

Airbnb is great. That's what I used with my 2 friends when we were there.

Tokyo : Shinjuku, shibuya,Tsjujiki Market, kabuchiko are all great places to be. It depends what you want to be around (night life, street food, shops, etc.)

You are never too far off anything with the extensive subway (except if you are really far from the center).

Food : the usual sushi (otoro especially) and ramen. But also : takoyaki, okonomiyaki, shabu-shabu (all you can eat, with kobe beef if you want to spend a little. But even the regular wagiu is delicious), sukiyaki, Onigiri, Nato (if you about that life, easily once of the nastiest thing i've ever tried, and i've ate balut and enjoyed it). Just walk around the street stands in Tsujiki market and try a bunch of stuff, everything is good. Osaka is also a great spot to just walk around and eat at the street stands. Green Tea / Matcha Kit kat is a must try as well.
Going to Japan Sept 2-17. Planning to stay in Tokyo for the first 3 days, then 3-4 days each in Osaka and Kyoto then few more days in Tokyo to finish the trip. I will be using airbnb most likely, which areas would you recommend in Tokyo? Also any food recommendations are appreciated. Thanks yall
Have you any places that you NEED to see to make your trip feel worth it? 

In Tokyo there are some cool clubs you can check out bands, of course Kabukicho is busy along with Rippongi (both are sort of seedy/red light district? type places that def cater to Tourists/People looking for something different. It was cool to check those off saying I had been, but I do not spend extensive time there. 

Akiba if you are a huge weeb. It is the electronic/anime/pop culture central area in Tokyo. 

Asakusa/Senso-ji Shrine is also an amazing place with food stalls, souvenir stalls, and one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Tokyo. Those large lanterns you may have seen, those are at the Kaminarimon gate. Worth the stop even if busy with tourists. 

In Kyoto hike Fushimi Inari, check out Sanju-san Gendo and the Kyoto Manga Museum. All are amazing places in their own regard. Teramachi is one of the oldest street markets in Kyoto, a couple 100 years old. It is totally modern/contemporary now, but you can find some cool stuff like manga, record stores, Visual Kei/Punk clothing shops. Def hit B-side label if you are into stickers/buttons/patches. They have exclusives at each location and Kyoto's are some of my favorites because they feature Kitsune/Torri gate motifs in alot of them. If you mention you are visiting, they will give you a free sticker too. try the dashimaki(egg omelet) in Teramachi, they are known for it all over Japan

Osaka, check out Shinsaibashi, the famous Glicoman sign is there, very packed and crowded, but some awesome shops. Vinyl toys, Punk attire stores,  vintage toys and all sorts of other rad things can be found. Go to the top floor of Haruka's 300 tower, the tallest building in Japan. Go at night though, the view is something else, and if you are with someone, take them. It is one of the most romantic places I have ever been. Definitely try Okonomiyaki at Yukari-chan in Osaka, best Okonomiyaki(think a savory pancake with cabbage, pork, green onion, okonomiyaki sauce, mayo, and bonito) I have ever had. Takoyaki (octopus balls) is also an Osakan dish so try the authentic thing there as well. 

Things to eat: Try the things i mentioned per city, but then eat Dango (gluttunous rice skewers) either tri color or mitarashi (which is like a soy based savory sauce on top), Ramen (thrre is a michelin star ramen-ya in tokyo but you have to get there early for a ticket and then come back at the designated time), Tamago (egg omelet, seriosuly my favorite thing even though I eat vegan), Kitsune Udon, and Japanese style curry to name a few. 

I could go on and on, feel free to hit me up for any other suggestions or questions.
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there are endless amounts of food spots in japan. you could ask 10 different people and get a completely different top 10 food spots from each of them. i'd suggest using google to find "best ____ in tokyo" and go from there. i went to one of the two michelin-starred ramen spots - tsuta. it was really good and the line system was well organized but you can find so much great ramen in japan so don't limit yourself.

one of my favorite things to do in osaka is the aquarium.

some of my favorite things in kyoto are going to the miho and cruising arashiyama.
Repped for the responses. I am going with my girl and she also booked a night at the hot springs place. I have my list of shops I want to go to, but overall just being there and trying the different foods will already be worth it for me lol (not big on the anime etc.) Any good night clubs to check out? Also, would Shibuya and Shinjuku be the best areas to stay in Tokyo? I was looking at Asakusa as well
Also, would Shibuya and Shinjuku be the best areas to stay in Tokyo? I was looking at Asakusa as well
i would suggest shibuya or shinjuku because they are both on the jr yamanote line and that makes it convenient to access the more popular spots. i prefer staying close to the train station as possible.
i would suggest shibuya or shinjuku because they are both on the jr yamanote line and that makes it convenient to access the more popular spots. i prefer staying close to the train station as possible.
Yeah, being close to the stations is always a wise idea for a less seasoned traveler in Japan (even then, the flow of life is vastly different than anything here. it is overwhelming at times). Do not get discouraged f you get lost, it WILL happen haha, especially in Shinjuku station the first couple times. after awhile you will pick it up. 

Define night clubs? You can find Karaoke bars pretty much everywhere. Show venues in Shunjuku, Shibuya, and Rippongi if you dig live music. Just be aware tickets include usually a 2 drink ticket minimum so shows are a bit expensive. 

If you like Japanese film, you could tour Toho studios where some of the most well known Japanese films were made (Gojira, Seven Samurai, etc.)
Get a airbnb with pocket wifi.

This little thing was the MVP of my trip in japan :lol:

or you can buy one as well (maybe rent, not sure).

Disregard if you'll already have data anyway.
Yeah, being close to the stations is always a wise idea for a less seasoned traveler in Japan (even then, the flow of life is vastly different than anything here. it is overwhelming at times). Do not get discouraged f you get lost, it WILL happen haha, especially in Shinjuku station the first couple times. after awhile you will pick it up. 

Define night clubs? You can find Karaoke bars pretty much everywhere. Show venues in Shunjuku, Shibuya, and Rippongi if you dig live music. Just be aware tickets include usually a 2 drink ticket minimum so shows are a bit expensive. 

If you like Japanese film, you could tour Toho studios where some of the most well known Japanese films were made (Gojira, Seven Samurai, etc.)
I was wondering if they had bars where you could chill/dance with hip hop? not big on EDM. My girl is also down to check out the strip clubs, any experience with those?
I was wondering if they had bars where you could chill/dance with hip hop? not big on EDM. My girl is also down to check out the strip clubs, any experience with those?
Clubs are not really my bag, but for strip clubs, you could certainly check out TokyoPink guide. They cover everything from strip clubs, to soaplands, to Escort services with AV actresses/actors. Rippongi has alot of clubs that cater to tourists (multiple international embassy's are based there alone) so the influx of international travelers is high in that specific area. 

I know in Osaka, it has a very big local Hip Hop scene. If you give me some time I can ask some of my friends and message you some suggestions. 
Clubs are not really my bag, but for strip clubs, you could certainly check out TokyoPink guide. They cover everything from strip clubs, to soaplands, to Escort services with AV actresses/actors. Rippongi has alot of clubs that cater to tourists (multiple international embassy's are based there alone) so the influx of international travelers is high in that specific area. 

I know in Osaka, it has a very big local Hip Hop scene. If you give me some time I can ask some of my friends and message you some suggestions. 
yeah that would be great. If they have any info on Tokyo let me know as well!
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