Official Travis Scott x Jordan Thread ...

Just 4s, hoodie, and tee for me.

I’m happy I didn’t go camp out for those 4 different colors wristbands bc I heard only silver and gold got to shop at the store today! A bunch of non sense lol of course, it was back door season... peeps were also doing the loop w/ the silver and gold bands too SMH 🤦‍♂️

they said it was ran like straight s*** show
The 6’s in Sz 10 w/o a box in GOAT for $730 otd. Could be the pair to rock instead of the other ds pair...but how and why do pairs come with no boxes?!
Truth.. Time the only thing you can't get back.

One thing to wait, but to supposedly get a wristband to have me wait again to get nada? Cause F&F and God knows who got everything up cause they had no limitations?

Nah. Ain’t for me. If I spent that much time/effort into the process it’d make me turn on the artist tbh.
No box doesn’t mean fake. Sometimes shoes are sold without extra laces etc.

look at it this way. If you are a store, and you backdooring but want to cover yourself just in case. You sell without box. Why risk your accounts by moving/backdooring pairs? Most people who do sell without boxes know their source first hand. You’d be surprise where they come from, let’s leave it at that 😂
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