The hell is goin' on here....
Nobody wanna mention the missed PK call...every other controversial call in this tourney has been met with outrage. Now lot of haters acting like it wasn'tan OBVIOUS PK when Lahm was taken down.
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Nobody wanna mention the missed PK call...every other controversial call in this tourney has been met with outrage. Now lot of haters acting like it wasn't an OBVIOUS PK when Lahm was taken down.

they missed PK call on Kasim now too
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Nobody wanna mention the missed PK call...every other controversial call in this tourney has been met with outrage. Now lot of haters acting like it wasn't an OBVIOUS PK when Lahm was taken down.

Damn 2-1 Germany :smh
Originally Posted by Teymur85

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Nobody wanna mention the missed PK call...every other controversial call in this tourney has been met with outrage. Now lot of haters acting like it wasn't an OBVIOUS PK when Lahm was taken down.

They missed a PK call for Kasim also. Its even.

One was obvious, a hard tackle across the legs. The other was a tug on the jersey, with a player falling down looking for help from the ref. You figure outwhich really should have been a PK.

I thought Kazim was penalty hunting, looked like Lahm was looking to attack and was taken down. But either way it shows the refs are either scared to givePK's, or just wildly inconsistent.
This is pathetic...hundreds of millions of people are watching around the world but there is a power outtage in Switzerland. The game has been off-air for 10mins now.
This really is embarrassing. Come on you can't black out the last 15 minutes of the semi-finals...Get is together you Swiss imbeciles.
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