Turkey is... insane...
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Originally Posted by Teymur85

Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Nobody wanna mention the missed PK call...every other controversial call in this tourney has been met with outrage. Now lot of haters acting like it wasn't an OBVIOUS PK when Lahm was taken down.

They missed a PK call for Kasim also. Its even.

One was obvious, a hard tackle across the legs. The other was a tug on the jersey, with a player falling down looking for help from the ref. You figure out which really should have been a PK.

I thought Kazim was penalty hunting, looked like Lahm was looking to attack and was taken down. But either way it shows the refs are either scared to give PK's, or just wildly inconsistent.

Bottom line, both should have been PK
Yo Lehmann is fired, because that should NOT have been a goal. Come on now, 2 weak-sauce goals given up by Lehmann is unacceptable.

While I know there are no bonus points for pretty vs. ugly goals, but both Turkish goals have been ugly/gifts from Lehmann.
And now we just don't get to watch the rest of this match...

This is pathetic.

I feel terrible for the Turkish fans. The frustration and anger with all this weather %!%+. Man oh man.
Man this game has been just amazing...great effort but Turkey, glad to see even with so many players they gave a great effort. It kinda seems like they wantedit more than Germany, Germans didn't play that great imo, but congrats to Germany, I will be rooting them on to win it all.
What a great game from start to finish. Turkey almost pulled it off again. Overtime would have been nice to see though.
Why do ya'll feel bad for Turkey. They overachieved this tourney (played great, so they should be happy). I have nothing but respect for the Turks, butit's not like they were unlucky to lose today.

Today they ran into a better team, and got beaten. Dudes in here talking about the short end of the stick, it was actually a fitting way for theTurks to lose, on a late goal, which is what they have been doing to every other team.

Congrats to both teams. Hopefully my Germans can win in the Final whoever they face.
That was a great game. Wish the feed hadn't of messed up so much.
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