Official Unappreciation Thread Vol. DAMNIT!

Jun 3, 2008
having to get up in the middle of the night to get some water
losing the remote
dropping your phone
forgetting you have a test
forgetting to charge your phone
not having a penny on you when something cost $10.01
hitting a pot hole you didnt see coming

name ones i missed off the top of my head
having to get up in the middle of the night to get some water
losing the remote
dropping your phone
forgetting you have a test
forgetting to charge your phone
not having a penny on you when something cost $10.01
hitting a pot hole you didnt see coming

name ones i missed off the top of my head
Forgetting to move the car for street cleaning(ticket)
Forgetting to feed the meter(ticket)
Getting out the shower feeling fresh, then you have to drop a deuce
Toilet water splash
Bad breath with no gum
Forgetting to move the car for street cleaning(ticket)
Forgetting to feed the meter(ticket)
Getting out the shower feeling fresh, then you have to drop a deuce
Toilet water splash
Bad breath with no gum
Biting your tongue/lips
Hitting your pinkie toe on something
When a few drops of pee leak onto your underwear after the doing the deed
When you pee and two unexpected streams shoot out (often landing on your pants/floor)
Wanting to let one rip in a public place
Wanting to scratch your groin in a public place
Finding out your fly's open
Eating something bad and then regretting it after
Running out of hot water in the shower
When your eyes are all swollen up during your morning classes
Not being able to concentrate on work, and then subconsciously ending up on NT or FB, etc.
When you prepare a meal for yourself, only to find that there is nothing good on TV

Biting your tongue/lips
Hitting your pinkie toe on something
When a few drops of pee leak onto your underwear after the doing the deed
When you pee and two unexpected streams shoot out (often landing on your pants/floor)
Wanting to let one rip in a public place
Wanting to scratch your groin in a public place
Finding out your fly's open
Eating something bad and then regretting it after
Running out of hot water in the shower
When your eyes are all swollen up during your morning classes
Not being able to concentrate on work, and then subconsciously ending up on NT or FB, etc.
When you prepare a meal for yourself, only to find that there is nothing good on TV

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Biting your tongue/lips
Hitting your pinkie toe on something
When a few drops of pee leak onto your underwear after the doing the deed
When you pee and two unexpected streams shoot out (often landing on your pants/floor)
Wanting to scratch your groin in a public place
Eating something bad and then regretting it after
Not being able to concentrate on work, and then subconsciously ending up on NT or FB, etc.
When you prepare a meal for yourself, only to find that there is nothing good on TV

I hate this !%%@
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Biting your tongue/lips
Hitting your pinkie toe on something
When a few drops of pee leak onto your underwear after the doing the deed
When you pee and two unexpected streams shoot out (often landing on your pants/floor)
Wanting to scratch your groin in a public place
Eating something bad and then regretting it after
Not being able to concentrate on work, and then subconsciously ending up on NT or FB, etc.
When you prepare a meal for yourself, only to find that there is nothing good on TV

I hate this !%%@
heating up a burrito and begin to eat it only to find out the middle is still almost frozen
jamming your fingers
food on/in between you teeth
not having a lighter
forgetting your wallet
sleeper timer going off on the tv before you fall asleep
mom calling your phone during sex
waiting for your car to heat up in the winter
making a hot dog only to find out that your out of ketchup
getting out of bed to turn the lights off
ps3 conroller running low on battery
getting ready to take a drink and the cup is empty
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