**Official USMNT Soccer Thread**

My lord. Bradley... Birnbaum... what the hell mans?

I'm gonna go throw up and enjoy it more than watching this trash.
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See y'all for the Olympics

Let's go USWNT
We can still get 3rd place!

God that was just... man. Knew it'd be tough with Wondo and Beckerman starting the game. Got worse when Bradley became the worst possible incarnation of Bradley. I would say that we can learn from this, but we've seen this before and Klinnsman has changed nothing.

Expectations for Future: Lowered.
this was just totally disheartening to see, tonight. i didn't expect to come out and win this game. but i expected so much more than what we got. JK - your lineup to start was just very meh. Wondo does not deserve to wear the USMNT jersey. not even close. but OK...i get it. you want to go with experience. fine. i just hope after his performance tonight, you realize he doesn't belong on a field with these players. never again, please. as for the players performances, no shock Wondo stunk up the joint. no surprise there at all. Beckerman...as much as people go both ways on if he belongs...he can definitely do better. he just seemed tight and unsure of himself and what to do tonight. Guzan really nailed us and got us off to a **** start. that freeze job basically shell shocked us. lastly, the BIGGEST disappointment was Bradley. he's not world class by any means, but he's not the trash that he was tonight. it almost looked deliberate. give away after give away. lazy pass after lazy pass. not on the same page as his teammates it seemed. his head seemed elsewhere. and without him, we won't hold a lick of possession. that's his job. totally ****** if his head is up his *** like it was tonight.

again, not pissed we lost. pissed we just had nothing in the tank tonight.

JK has gotta cut a couple of these MLS lifer's loose. and please get Nagbe over to Europe ASAP before his potential is wasted.
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We can still get 3rd place! :smh:

3rd place isn't bad for us. I would be more content and satisfies with 3rd place if we didn't play like a bunch of shook ones tonight.

If we went out there and gave it our all like we did all those games getting us to this point, then I'd fly my 3rd place flag high

But we played pretty damn bad tonight. Forget ARG's score. They were going to get theirs. They arguably the best damn team on the planet.

We just looked bad out there.

I hope we come back and fight for that 3rd place spot and that USMNT from last week shows back up.
We're already losing Adi, I don't think I could handle losing Nagbe too.

But if it's for the greater good.... then so be it
I remember Yedlin's card before leaving the Sounders used to be pretty damn high for a US card

Actually, I think it was the most expensive one there was in 15. He wen't for a little over 10k and was only a silver. Almost twice the price of all the other USMNT players, gold and rare included
Klinsmann I just don't know man. Biggest match in modern USMNT history and Wondo is in the starting XI. :smh:

Can't blame JK for Michael Bradley looking like he's never seen a loss of possession he didn't want to commit.

Bradley's better than that, but he also hasn't played his best with USMNT in 2+ years. Very concerning when that's your captain.

Game was moving 1000mph for Beckerman but we already know he's above his level.

Guzan froze.

Other than that only thing I'm mad about is the 4th goal. That was chicken **** again were better than that.
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Argentina, World Class. Congrats.
The early goal
Kills us. If we could go 20 25 minutes 0-0 we might have a better shot. MB4 is horrible. It seems to me that as the years go by, MB4 disappears in big games. Starting Wondo was a stupid decision by Klinsy. This guy should never, never sniff the national team. He is Taylor Twellman 2.0. Beckerman always has heart and grit, he's just not skill for this level. Never was. Al in all I never like to lose, but we exceeded expectations. Let's see how Saturday goes!

Go USA!!!!! Always!!!!!!!!
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