**Official USMNT Soccer Thread**

A good game overall. I think we had our chances, but it seem like every time we had a chance in the box, we did not pull the trigger. JJ was beasting today. Dude looks likes he's ready for Russia. MB4 again not impressive. It might be time to sit him down. 4th at Copa America. Overall not bad. We came out with some positives. Brooks/Cameron backline. I think Deandre and JJ had great tournaments. What do you guys think??
A good game overall. I think we had our chances, but it seem like every time we had a chance in the box, we did not pull the trigger. JJ was beasting today. Dude looks likes he's ready for Russia. MB4 again not impressive. It might be time to sit him down. 4th at Copa America. Overall not bad. We came out with some positives. Brooks/Cameron backline. I think Deandre and JJ had great tournaments. What do you guys think??
Zardes needs to improve his first touch and needs to be more aggressive
Bobby Wood should be our main striker going forward
Everything else I agree with
Fellas let's be real. If you would have said before the tournament we would finish 4th, I would have taken it. Everything is not perfect, but we have positives going forward. I would have love to finish 3rd, but at the end of the day we had a solid tourney and we can grown from these games.
Interesting U20 game On Wednesday vs. Costa Rica

Great opportunity to watch Emmanuel Sabbi, de la Toure and Akale who will probably all start.
just got done watching the game. bobby wood, man. how many chances did he have and blow?!?

our offense inside the final third was great up until we tried to make the one extra pass. just too cute. reminded me of my gunners :lol:
I actually liked how we played today, but yeah, the finishing was so #$%@. So many chances to make it at least 1-1...

Even though the US lost, it was still 100x more entertaining than watching my other team, Portugal, earlier in the day. Damn, that was by far one of the most boring matches I've ever seen, despite the win. That's what happens when you create dumb rules to let undeserving 3rd place teams in :lol:
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Man the copa America final was intense. It had everything from Drama, action and can't forget the great acting too!
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WCQ is up next in SEPT.

what changes to the roster do you guys expect/foresee/want for WCQ??

i'd like to drop Wondo and Guzan. Wondo is a possibility but I don't see us dropping Guzan, unfortunately. i'm a Kyle Beckerman guy but I'm not sure he has a place on this squad for much longer.
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-pretty much all the old dudes save for Deuce and JJ can go....

-either commit to Guzan/Howard revolving door, or hope Hamid/Horvath/Steffen make a move to bigger clubs and take the GK job

-Take a long hard look at Danny Williams/Perry Kitchen as the Beckmen (and eventually JJ) heir apparent

-don't touch the Brooks-Cameron pairing...

-make a concerted effort to work in Nagbe and Pulisic into greater roles

-Spin the wheels some more on Ethan Finlay, see what Kekuta Manneh has to bring to the NT

-realistically, what is Jozy's role moving forward? No chance Jurgen is giving up on him
Jozy HAS to go. He has no place on the team anymore, he wont get playing time (bar multiple injuries to like 3 people ahead of him), and he's taking up roster space that could otherwise be given to a young player that was showing promise (looking at you, Julian).

I know Jurgen is stubborn and doesnt like to drop vets, but Jozy's been a disaster for years. He himself played his way off this team, and Jurgen has no reason to keep him on.
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We'd be foolish to drop Jozy from the program.

I'm not buying that he's played his way out of the team either. Since the World Cup in Brazil, in a two year span where he's largely been injured and not once in form, he's still managed to score 11 times in 21 appearances.

I can hear the he only scores against CONCACAF minnows rhetoric coming a mile away. Reality is those goals came against Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Denmark, Peru (2), Canada, Iceland, St. Vincent (2) and in an absolutely must win WCQ against Guatemala back in March.

Jozy can be a source of frustration at times, I've been critical of him and called him out for what I perceive to be a lack of mental toughness. But he's still a productive player at the international level. There's a fairly short list of nations - as in you could count them on ten fingers - who are above a player like Jozy contributing as added depth to their talent pool at CF.

1. Wood
2a. Altidore
2b. Jordan Morris

I like Jordan Morris' game and think he has potential, but he hasn't shown that he's a superior player to Altidore at any level.
There are no youth players who remotely fit the mold of the players above who are anywhere near ready.

Someone like Julian Green's path isn't obstructed by Altidore. Green provides depth on the wings and should be looking to compete with Pulisic in phasing out Zusi and Bedoya.

2014 World Cup and Wondo's recent contributions against Argentina should be clear examples of what a disaster it is when you lack forward depth.

At the moment Jozy absolutely has a place in the team. We actually have decent depth and flexibility at the forward position in a way we've never really had before with Jozy in the fold. You can pair either Dempsey, Jozy or even Morris with Wood in a two forward formation and give the opposing back lines three completely different looks.

Going forward Jozy needs to get healthy, bag a ton of goals in Toronto, and look to compete directly with Wood, Morris, and potentially Zardes for a place in the team. If the competitive process plays itself out and Jozy isn't amongst the top 4 - 5 pure forwards available then he shouldn't be involved. But he certainly hasn't played himself out of a role yet and I don't see the aforementioned happening in the next two years.
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by no means was I suggesting or hoping Jozy is out... just merely curious what his role is and acknowledging that Jurgen/whomever will not be tossing him to the side

Is there a line up, where Jozy + Wood man the front with Nagbe playing the tip of the diamond works and flourishes?

or perhaps a Wood-Jozy-Pulisic front 3??

not sure why, but Jozy+Wood pairing has me intrigued because if the supporting players are chosen wisely, we can probably move forward with out Deuce.
i'm on the "Jozy is done" side of this. i've been on that steez for a while, man. in big spots, he just hasn't shined IMO. he has a level that he just hasn't gotten to. whether it's injuries or the spot being too big, i'm done with it. he's just been a total let down for me. i would love to be wrong, because the talent is there. he just has failed to put it together in the bigger games we've had more often than not.
Is there a line up, where Jozy + Wood man the front with Nagbe playing the tip of the diamond works and flourishes?
I'm moist at the thought.

             Wood     Jozy


 Pulisic                       Zardes


Johnson Brooks Cameron Yedlin

Dempsey could be subbed on for Jozy late or vice versa if you switch their starting roles. 

Jozy has been stranded alone on an island for the entirety of his international career, despite the fact that's he's not traditional number nine. He's failed miserably when at the club level when featured in similar systems (Sunderland), he's flourished when given the opportunity to play with other skilled attackers (AZ).  We finally have an opportunity not force a square peg in a round hole in regards to Jozy's fit. I'm definitely intrigued by the possibilities. 
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