Official Victor Ortiz vs Mayweather 9/17/11

Kevin Hart is everywhere
. It looks like floyd is in ortiz's head already.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

smh filipinos really hate mayweather these days
wasnt like homie was taking steroids like the pac man. now THAT is something to bash...

in the end floyd mayweather will be rocky balboa and pacman will be ivan drago ,steroids and all...

The irony of you labeling someone a steroid user. GTFOHWTBS
Originally Posted by NobleKane

smh filipinos really hate mayweather these days
wasnt like homie was taking steroids like the pac man. now THAT is something to bash...

in the end floyd mayweather will be rocky balboa and pacman will be ivan drago ,steroids and all...

The irony of you labeling someone a steroid user. GTFOHWTBS
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

floyd taking this. i'm not even gonna watch it

i wouldnt say its a sure thing for floyd ortiz has a chance with his power he could knock out money.
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

floyd taking this. i'm not even gonna watch it

i wouldnt say its a sure thing for floyd ortiz has a chance with his power he could knock out money.
Ortiz really has the stacks against him...
Not only is he going in there with a more gifted, experienced, and smarter fighter but Joe Cotyez is reffing the fight, which will kill any type of inside game for Ortiz (see the Hatton, Mayweather fight. Or look at how his intrusive style effected the Khan, Maidana fight. ) Plus, Ortiz will be using Grant gloves instead of his usual gloves, the puncher's gloves, Revis, which probably means there ain't no knockout coming.

The only shot Ortiz has is if Floyd goes all Roy Jones on us after the 16 month layoff...and I don't think that's happening. After some troubling moments in the first three rounds, Floyd coasts to a decision win.

Man, I would be a lot more excited about tomorrow if Matthysse was still on the card.
Ortiz really has the stacks against him...
Not only is he going in there with a more gifted, experienced, and smarter fighter but Joe Cotyez is reffing the fight, which will kill any type of inside game for Ortiz (see the Hatton, Mayweather fight. Or look at how his intrusive style effected the Khan, Maidana fight. ) Plus, Ortiz will be using Grant gloves instead of his usual gloves, the puncher's gloves, Revis, which probably means there ain't no knockout coming.

The only shot Ortiz has is if Floyd goes all Roy Jones on us after the 16 month layoff...and I don't think that's happening. After some troubling moments in the first three rounds, Floyd coasts to a decision win.

Man, I would be a lot more excited about tomorrow if Matthysse was still on the card.
I think some people sleep on Floyd's power. He hasn't really knocked people out recently but I think that has to do WAY more with his style than it does with his punching power. Floyd is a very patient counter-puncher that doesn't really throw combinations. When Floyd has someone hurt, he doesn't really pounce on them. He backs up and waits for them to attack, which lets them recover. Most boxers stun someone and get on the offensive, Floyd really sticks to the gameplan.

Also, since he's a counter-puncher, he really waits for his opponent to go on the offensive. What normally happens is his opp. is so frustrated by getting countered that they really stop trying to attack since they're landing NOTHING. If JMM, Mosley, etc. went on the offensive, I think Floyd would've knocked them out like he did Hatton. IMO, if Ortiz doesn't back off after Floyd figures him out (which I think'll be early), he'll also get knocked out. Considering he's young and has knockout power, I see him rushing in hoping to land a lucky shot and eventually getting beat up badly.
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