Official Warriors Season Thread

GSDOUBLEU, The first one is how it originally looked like, the 2nd one is the result of me trying to adjust it toget it under the 150,000 byte limit, and the 3rd one is just because I didn't know what name you wanted on it...



I'll be back with more avys...
Thanks a whole lot Paul
I LOVE you man. ( no hmo)

EDIT: It's my 1000 post again. Damn the avy is still a little too big, but i dont think the mods will notice

GSDOUBLEU - On my computer.. the file size is 148kb... Hmm.. weird.

As you can see, it says 148kb... I hope you don't get banned because of me :lol:.
Yea i don't know why if you dont put it as an avy it's below the limit, but when you upload it as your avy it's bigger
Man, the Warriors really need to get it together. More people need to step up and play hard both on offense and on defense. Our defense right now is pretty badand at times, our offense is bad. It doesn't seem like we're running as much as last year. I've been really impressed with the play of Harringtonand Buike. Al has been an offensive beast, and I hate when the team doesn't pass to him when he gets hot. They should feed the hot hand. Hopefully thislong break can give them time to rest and practice. We need to get a win!
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Yea i don't know why if you dont put it as an avy it's below the limit, but when you upload it as your avy it's bigger
Originally Posted by JDMFanatic


Very much thanks Paul.

But holy snaps, the avy is almost 350 KB in my actual avy?
You guys serious? I don't know what's going on and why the file size is getting bigger

You guys are saving it to your computer and uploading it on Tinypic or something like that... or are you guys just hotlinking it (which I don't mind sinceI just uploaded them on Tinypic to begin with)? I'm trying to find out why it's doing that to you guys...
Hey, can someone send me the new sig? Also, Paul can you try and make me an avy of this video.

At the sections 1:08-1:14 and another at 1:15-1:22.

That would be cool if you could, thanks.
^^ Just copy somones sig and paste it. Also the avy size you want will be WAY too long J-Rich
Thanks Paul!

do you happen to have white font tho? or did it just invert to blue cause of the file size?
can someone help me out? why is my sn different for some reason? i am daprescription btw
^ Whoa... Umm... My guess is that your e-mail address for ezBoards didn't match up with your e-mail address for Yuku? Or maybe they made a mistake whenthey migrated everything over.
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