OFFICIAL Western Conference Finals SPURS @ LAKERS Game 1

Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

Bout Time for that Staples center beatdown to begin, Spurs are pumped for this one. I cant wait to see the beatdown of the Los Angeles Lakers on national Tv to begin.
laker fans going to be happy now
That 4cam live stream is soooooo goood !! I'm in heaven
, now if only it could be none Java and full screenable
oh no, not doug collins, kevin harlan and marv albert should be doing this
Fisher needs to stop shooting off the dribble, let Odom/Kobe/Pau creative for you!
Originally Posted by PO2345

Look at all these Laker fans.....

I expect every call that is favored towards SA, if any, to be labeled BS or things of that nature...

This will not be a positive experience for me so i will chip in at the end of the game most likely.


I was trying to remain as neutral as possible given that both of these teams have lots of good qualities and have been fun to watch all year, but afterreading the majority of nonsensical replies in this thread (and for most of the regular season) from these deluded and cornball Laker supporters, I hope theSpurs wipe the court with Lakers fans' knee jerk foolishness and rightfully put these ungrateful saps in their place. Hate isn't strong enough.
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