Official "What's your FAVORITE Jordan of all time?"

I have to say Last shot 14s. first jordan ever and still my favorite. beat them to death cause i wore them everywhere including practice back then lol. couldn't stop looking down at them in 3rd grade class
 still have them too
Royal 1s have been my grails forever

I could probably give up all other jays for just a few pairs of them.
black infrared 6s , ever since i saw my younger brother wearing them i knew i had to have them
You sound like my older brother. What's crazy is that my mom asked him if he wanted a pair and he stood there, shook his head "no". Mind you this was back in 1991. Now he's got 4 sets of the infrared pack, lol!
My top two that I can't really decide or pick one over the other, Olive IX and Grey Toe XIII. Two favorite Jays to date. 
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