:::[Official]World Cup South Africa 2010 Thread:::

This isn't great for my fantasy team

..but at least i didn't pick melo lol
Originally Posted by kidoopz

Robben has flopped more than Anyone This Entire Tournament .. And he's only played Two Games
It's comedy watching him fall though haha
I would still give that trophy to Ronaldo, he was absolutely terrible.  At least this ref hasn't been giving to many free kicks on these flops, but like Persia said, the one time he was actually fouled was when Robinho was yelling at him.
argentina nut riders going against brazil....but yall gonna get taken care of tomorrow ...lol
Holland has 0 shame with some of these fouls
...but I don't blame them...they are so close to that W.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

All that genuflection and he hits it straight at the wall. Got me all tense for nothing Dani.
You Too
.. I felt something special looking at his desire and the vuvuenzelas roaring, and He hits nothing but wall
This is one of the most shocking results in recent memory IMO. Brazil looked so strong, Holland so pedestrian.

Second WC in a row in which Brazil was favorite to win and lost in the QF.

Holland in the Finals barring a shock result.
the ref did well in the first half but second half every call is virtually in favor of holland
dude was falling for all the diving by holland

it is pathetic when the diving team gets rewarded like that

even with that though, brazil just gave this game away

I don't get why they stopped attacking like they did in the first part of the 1st half. I guess that is all on Dunga.

The goalie though
Felipe Melo lost the game for Brazil

snjider won the game on his own and that bum Robben was flopping half the game. I knew this team was really good but suprised they won against a Brazilian team that looked dominant in the 1st half. 2nd half Brazil looked lost and scared.
Originally Posted by gil23

argentina nut riders going against brazil....but yall gonna get taken care of tomorrow ...lol

   No words dogg...just an image for you


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