:::[Official]World Cup South Africa 2010 Thread:::

Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I really apologize for continuing this, and I had really decided to stop posting in here last night, but Tevez is pulling stunts that are really unbelievable, so please bear with me once on this one post NT.

Tevez, this is why I don't take you seriously, and why I may be hostile towards you:

You disagree for the sake of disagreement, even if disagreeing means going against your own statements. Almost anytime I state an opinion in here, you come in and disagree with it, and some of the arguments you make in support of your disagreements are just comical. This is why you sense hostility from me. You basically follow me around S&T to disagree with the stuff I say, which I would understand and tolerate if you were actually making good points and conceding points when you were wrong. But you don't. You just disagree, then hammer home the point further if someone disagrees with you in turn.

Exhibit A:

When England was struggling against Algeria, I wrote this:

England is struggling because they're playing cocky soccer. Instead of trying to work the ball into the box, they keep settling for 25 yard shots because they want to make the highlight reel.

You responded with this:


People blamed Beckham in 98, Seaman in 02, Rooney, Ronaldo and 06...now its Robert Green but the same problem persists. THEY CANT SCORE GOALS. Why cant they score goals? BECAUSE THEY LACK TALENT.

This English team is crap. Plain and simple. No creativity, rigid formation = crap team. There is a reason why Premier League teams do so well in Europe. It has nothing to do with English players and everything to do with Premiership clubs bringing in the best talent in the world from other countries.

And then this...

PersiaFly, you arent looking too deep into this. It is not easy to get inside the box in this sport. It takes good technical ability to routinely get the ball inside the box and to create scoring opportunities. England are not taking long shots because they are cocky...they are taking long shots because they do not have the technical ability to break down the staunch Algerian defence, get inside the box and get quality shots on net. This is not a new problem...it's been a problem for them for decades.

You ever wonder why Brazilians are so gifted? Why Germans are such disciplined and smart players? Why Koreans are extremely energetic? Why Italians are such great defenders? It's because that's how they are nurtured. English players are taught from a young age to play a direct and team oriented game. They are usually organized and tactically disciplined but where they fall short is when the circumstances of the game force a player to have an individual moment of brilliance that gets the team the win. Exhibit A is right in front of your TV/computer screen right now.

In response, this I asked why England was able to score 9 goals in two matches against a Croatian team that most consider among the top 15-20 in the world if they are so inherently uncreative. My point was simply that, despite its lack of creativity (which I'm well aware of, have written about on my blog, and which led me to predict they'd be ousted in the Round of 16), England should be able to beat a weak team like Algeria if it was in the right frame of mind. This is where your inability to consider differing opinions or admit that you're wrong comes in. Instead of conceding the point, you come up with this:

The U.S., Algeria and Slovenia are better defensive teams than any of England's WCQ opponents (except for Ukraine). England racked up goals against the likes of Andorra, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Yes, they did crush Croatia twice but when you look at England's results over the last 12-years, those 2 results against Croatia seem to be anomalies. How often do England score that many goals in a match against good teams?

Who brought up England's record over the last 12 years? The entire time the discussion was about THIS England squad, and you had to reach back 12 years to make a point because you are unable to concede a point. No one said England had a long record of smashing good teams by 10 goals, all I said was that they had enough scoring talent and creativity to beat Algeria. What do 12 years of results have to do with that, when qualification results sufficiently prove the point? Well, if qualification results work against your argument, then you have to reach back 12 years to make a point, because you don't have the ability to concede.

This was especially funny to me because you had just predicted England to go to the semifinals of this very World Cup. If you're so aware of their inherent shortcomings, why did you think they'd make it to the semifinals of the World Cup? The fact that you ignored this point completely is another sign of your inability to concede a point or admit you're wrong. You just brush aside arguments that don't work for you.

C: England, US

Your prediction for the group.^ Why did you think this would happen if you're so certain that England lacks the creative ability to beat Algeria? My guess is that you don't really think that, but you jumped in to disagree without thinking too much, then your stubbornness prevented you from admitting the point. If I had come up to you before the tournament and said, "Hey Tevez, do you think England will beat Algeria?" You would have said yes. But you pretend otherwise now so that you can disagree, even though your own predictions go against you.

Which led you to say this, when I pointed out that Algeria was a rather weak defensive team that had conceded 3 goals to Malawi and 4 to Egypt, and there was no reason to believe that England was incapable of beating them given the number of goals England had scored in qualifying:

-Croatia conceded 13 goals in 10 WCQ matches.

-Algeria conceded 8 goals in 12 WCQ matches.

-US conceded 13 goals in 10 WCQ matches

This just put it over the top for me.

Did you really just compare qualification results in UEFA with those in Africa and CONCACAF? Would someone with your level of soccer knowledge really do this? There is no way Carlos Tevez would actually make this sort of comparison, right? Unless he's just too stubborn to admit that he's wrong, and will literally go to laughable lengths to prove a point.

Coming across this confirmed my suspicions:

One of the biggest disadvantages the US NT has is something that is completely out of their control...geography. Due to their location, they're forced to play against very weak opponents in CONCACRAP. The program would benefit greatly if they could play more matches against solid European/Africa/South American opponents however it's extremely difficult to do so in this day and age due to American players being scattered all over the place, the MLS and International club seasons happening at different times, WCQ and other tournies going on, etc. Getting American players to play club soccer in Europe simply isn't enough, the US team needs to consistently get these players together against some real competition.

So when it helps your argument in explaining why the US isn't as good as it could be, you point out how weak CONCACAF is, and how the competition is inferior to EUROPE. Then, when it helps your argument in stating that Algeria is a better defensive team than Croatia, you compare results across CONCACAF, Africa, and Europe, as if the competition levels are really comparable.

This, my friend, is why I don't take you seriously. You leap out of your seat to disagree whenever I state an opinion, then will literally make any available argument to help your case, regardless of whether or not it goes against your prior stated opinions, or whether it actually makes sense.

Now here's a prediction for you. Your response to this will be one of the following.

A) Completely ignore the post.
B) Make a sarcastic comment about how long it took me to put this together.
C) Pick out a few random statements in the post and find a way to disagree with them, rather than addressing the point as a whole.

That's your MO.

So, NT, those of you have read this, I hope you understand why I am annoyed by this constant disagreement. It's not really good-faith soccer discussion, it's someone attaching themselves to you like a leach and disagreeing with everything you say in some childish attempt to assert their supremacy on an internet message board.
looks like he is ignoring it and taking the L.    "

CarlosTevez is the biggest buffoon on NT

Attention Tevez:
David Villa was a beast on the left side today. He may have to carry more of Spain's offensive load given how rusty Torres still is.

Re: Fabregas to Barca...I think he can still start for them. Iniesta can play as a left-forward, Villa in the middle, Messi on the right, Fabregas as AM with Xavi as CM and Busquets as DM. Barca play a ton of matches each season so they need as much depth as possible. Iniesta is also kind of injury prone so Fabregas could just replace him in the lineup.

@ curious...this is the same troll that said "I would go down on Cristiano Ronaldo". Am I supposed to take the author of such thought provoking threads such as http://niketalk.com/topic/255149 seriously? The same guy that was talking about Kobe's penis a few months ago? Shut up you freakin' troll. There is a reason I have your a.ss on my ignore list but some dude here just had to quote you

As for Persia, PM me if you have anything to say. To be honest though, I went with option A...no way I'm gonna read all that. You take everything here too seriously...you had 'marion' mocking you and you actually thought he agreed with you
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

David Villa was a beast on the left side today. He may have to carry more of Spain's offensive load given how rusty Torres still is.

Re: Fabregas to Barca...I think he can still start for them. Iniesta can play as a left-forward, Villa in the middle, Messi on the right, Fabregas as AM with Xavi as CM and Busquets as DM. Barca play a ton of matches each season so they need as much depth as possible. Iniesta is also kind of injury prone so Fabregas could just replace him in the lineup.

@ curious...this is the same troll that said "I would go down on Cristiano Ronaldo". Am I supposed to take the author of such thought provoking threads such as http://niketalk.com/topic/255149 seriously? The same guy that was talking about Kobe's penis a few months ago? Shut up you freakin' troll. There is a reason I have your a.ss on my ignore list but some dude here just had to quote you

As for Persia, PM me if you have anything to say. To be honest though, I went with option A...no way I'm gonna read all that. You take everything here too seriously...you had 'marion' mocking you and you actually thought he agreed with you
yo if you dont understand sarcasm, i suggest you go change your screen name asap.  Next time your put on blast just take the L and move on
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

As for Persia, PM me if you have anything to say. To be honest though, I went with option A...no way I'm gonna read all that. You take everything here too seriously...you had 'marion' mocking you and you actually thought he agreed with you
So, you read far enough in my post to see that I'd predicted how you'd respond at the very end, but there's "no way you're gonna read all that." Really? Do you read the stuff you post before you post it? 
And then you come back to me misunderstanding sarcasm, when in the grand scheme of things, that's totally irrelevant. But you need something to say to take attention off of my actual point, to which you have no response because you had no point to begin with, and were disagreeing with because you have nothing better to do than to follow me around S&T and disagree with everything I say. I can pull up evidence of this if you want. 

And why would I PM you? You write several posts about me after I say my peace, and when I respond with one to show just how far you're reaching, you say "you can PM me." Right. More consistency and logic from Carlos Tevez.  

You keep saying I take things too seriously, but it's just that you annoy the hell out of me dude. You're like my little personal follower that shows up wherever I post to say "HEY, I DISAGREEEEE!" 
Who cares if he disagrees? People will disagree with your opinions. You're trying to take the high road yet you're acting like a prissy %%%@*.

I disagree with the fact that you turned this thread upside down. Get over yourself and let this whole thing go.
Originally Posted by What up

Who cares if he disagrees? People will disagree with your opinions. You're trying to take the high road yet you're acting like a prissy %%%@*.

I disagree with the fact that you turned this thread upside down. Get over yourself and let this whole thing go.
Hmm, seems that I tried to let things go a few pages ago, only for dude to come back and write three essays full of nonsense about me. So I responded. 
But you're right that it's harming the thread, so whatever. 
BOOOOORING... this thread has turned into a cat fight!

Villa looked great! Torres looks rusty, but he'll get his. Jesus Navas crosses to no one about 20x, cant really blame the ball because Ramos was gettin' it on target.

Brazil Portugal looks a lot more entertaining now that Porto has gotten into rhythm.

Curious to see how much worse France can get without practice.

Messi to score 2 over Greece.

S Korea advance with win over Nigeria
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

David Villa was a beast on the left side today. He may have to carry more of Spain's offensive load given how rusty Torres still is.

Re: Fabregas to Barca...I think he can still start for them. Iniesta can play as a left-forward, Villa in the middle, Messi on the right, Fabregas as AM with Xavi as CM and Busquets as DM. Barca play a ton of matches each season so they need as much depth as possible. Iniesta is also kind of injury prone so Fabregas could just replace him in the lineup.
Really, Injury prone? How did you think of that?  Just because a player ran into his leg the other day and reagravated an injury does not mean he is injury prone sherlock.

[/td][td]Games Played
I'm $*#+!@* freefalling in the Fantasy League
Gotta make up some points next round. Need to make up some points.
Originally Posted by RoOk

Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I really apologize for continuing this, and I had really decided to stop posting in here last night, but Tevez is pulling stunts that are really unbelievable, so please bear with me once on this one post NT.

Tevez, this is why I don't take you seriously, and why I may be hostile towards you:

You disagree for the sake of disagreement, even if disagreeing means going against your own statements. Almost anytime I state an opinion in here, you come in and disagree with it, and some of the arguments you make in support of your disagreements are just comical. This is why you sense hostility from me. You basically follow me around S&T to disagree with the stuff I say, which I would understand and tolerate if you were actually making good points and conceding points when you were wrong. But you don't. You just disagree, then hammer home the point further if someone disagrees with you in turn.

Exhibit A:

When England was struggling against Algeria, I wrote this:

England is struggling because they're playing cocky soccer. Instead of trying to work the ball into the box, they keep settling for 25 yard shots because they want to make the highlight reel.

You responded with this:


People blamed Beckham in 98, Seaman in 02, Rooney, Ronaldo and 06...now its Robert Green but the same problem persists. THEY CANT SCORE GOALS. Why cant they score goals? BECAUSE THEY LACK TALENT.

This English team is crap. Plain and simple. No creativity, rigid formation = crap team. There is a reason why Premier League teams do so well in Europe. It has nothing to do with English players and everything to do with Premiership clubs bringing in the best talent in the world from other countries.

And then this...

PersiaFly, you arent looking too deep into this. It is not easy to get inside the box in this sport. It takes good technical ability to routinely get the ball inside the box and to create scoring opportunities. England are not taking long shots because they are cocky...they are taking long shots because they do not have the technical ability to break down the staunch Algerian defence, get inside the box and get quality shots on net. This is not a new problem...it's been a problem for them for decades.

You ever wonder why Brazilians are so gifted? Why Germans are such disciplined and smart players? Why Koreans are extremely energetic? Why Italians are such great defenders? It's because that's how they are nurtured. English players are taught from a young age to play a direct and team oriented game. They are usually organized and tactically disciplined but where they fall short is when the circumstances of the game force a player to have an individual moment of brilliance that gets the team the win. Exhibit A is right in front of your TV/computer screen right now.

In response, this I asked why England was able to score 9 goals in two matches against a Croatian team that most consider among the top 15-20 in the world if they are so inherently uncreative. My point was simply that, despite its lack of creativity (which I'm well aware of, have written about on my blog, and which led me to predict they'd be ousted in the Round of 16), England should be able to beat a weak team like Algeria if it was in the right frame of mind. This is where your inability to consider differing opinions or admit that you're wrong comes in. Instead of conceding the point, you come up with this:

The U.S., Algeria and Slovenia are better defensive teams than any of England's WCQ opponents (except for Ukraine). England racked up goals against the likes of Andorra, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Yes, they did crush Croatia twice but when you look at England's results over the last 12-years, those 2 results against Croatia seem to be anomalies. How often do England score that many goals in a match against good teams?

Who brought up England's record over the last 12 years? The entire time the discussion was about THIS England squad, and you had to reach back 12 years to make a point because you are unable to concede a point. No one said England had a long record of smashing good teams by 10 goals, all I said was that they had enough scoring talent and creativity to beat Algeria. What do 12 years of results have to do with that, when qualification results sufficiently prove the point? Well, if qualification results work against your argument, then you have to reach back 12 years to make a point, because you don't have the ability to concede.

This was especially funny to me because you had just predicted England to go to the semifinals of this very World Cup. If you're so aware of their inherent shortcomings, why did you think they'd make it to the semifinals of the World Cup? The fact that you ignored this point completely is another sign of your inability to concede a point or admit you're wrong. You just brush aside arguments that don't work for you.

C: England, US

Your prediction for the group.^ Why did you think this would happen if you're so certain that England lacks the creative ability to beat Algeria? My guess is that you don't really think that, but you jumped in to disagree without thinking too much, then your stubbornness prevented you from admitting the point. If I had come up to you before the tournament and said, "Hey Tevez, do you think England will beat Algeria?" You would have said yes. But you pretend otherwise now so that you can disagree, even though your own predictions go against you.

Which led you to say this, when I pointed out that Algeria was a rather weak defensive team that had conceded 3 goals to Malawi and 4 to Egypt, and there was no reason to believe that England was incapable of beating them given the number of goals England had scored in qualifying:

-Croatia conceded 13 goals in 10 WCQ matches.

-Algeria conceded 8 goals in 12 WCQ matches.

-US conceded 13 goals in 10 WCQ matches

This just put it over the top for me.

Did you really just compare qualification results in UEFA with those in Africa and CONCACAF? Would someone with your level of soccer knowledge really do this? There is no way Carlos Tevez would actually make this sort of comparison, right? Unless he's just too stubborn to admit that he's wrong, and will literally go to laughable lengths to prove a point.

Coming across this confirmed my suspicions:

One of the biggest disadvantages the US NT has is something that is completely out of their control...geography. Due to their location, they're forced to play against very weak opponents in CONCACRAP. The program would benefit greatly if they could play more matches against solid European/Africa/South American opponents however it's extremely difficult to do so in this day and age due to American players being scattered all over the place, the MLS and International club seasons happening at different times, WCQ and other tournies going on, etc. Getting American players to play club soccer in Europe simply isn't enough, the US team needs to consistently get these players together against some real competition.

So when it helps your argument in explaining why the US isn't as good as it could be, you point out how weak CONCACAF is, and how the competition is inferior to EUROPE. Then, when it helps your argument in stating that Algeria is a better defensive team than Croatia, you compare results across CONCACAF, Africa, and Europe, as if the competition levels are really comparable.

This, my friend, is why I don't take you seriously. You leap out of your seat to disagree whenever I state an opinion, then will literally make any available argument to help your case, regardless of whether or not it goes against your prior stated opinions, or whether it actually makes sense.

Now here's a prediction for you. Your response to this will be one of the following.

A) Completely ignore the post.
B) Make a sarcastic comment about how long it took me to put this together.
C) Pick out a few random statements in the post and find a way to disagree with them, rather than addressing the point as a whole.

That's your MO.

So, NT, those of you have read this, I hope you understand why I am annoyed by this constant disagreement. It's not really good-faith soccer discussion, it's someone attaching themselves to you like a leach and disagreeing with everything you say in some childish attempt to assert their supremacy on an internet message board.
looks like he is ignoring it and taking the L.    "

CarlosTevez is the biggest buffoon on NT

Attention Tevez:

 @ these dudes mad at tevez trollin on them.....some uptight butt hurt people on NT.
Argentine papers are reporting that Maradona will empty out his bench for tomorrows match vs. Greece. Apparently Maradona asked Messi if he wanted to play and Messi said hell yeah. So we should see Milito, Aguero and Messi starting up front with some 2nd team players filling out the rest of the starting XI. Argentina usually perform well without any pressure on them so I'm expecting them to put 3+ goals past Greece

The most important match tomorrow is probably S. Korea vs. Nigeria but I dont think too many neutrals will care about that match.

It'll be interesting to see how the French perform against South Africa in what looks like a meaningless match. Good riddance Domenech you b*stard.
Is it just me, or does it seem like almost every damn team is trying to always make that one last pass or cut in front of goal rather than just trying to hammer one home when they get the opening? It's like some of these players don't want to shoot until they are in the 6 with no goalie. It's damn frustrating.
Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

David Villa was a beast on the left side today. He may have to carry more of Spain's offensive load given how rusty Torres still is.

Re: Fabregas to Barca...I think he can still start for them. Iniesta can play as a left-forward, Villa in the middle, Messi on the right, Fabregas as AM with Xavi as CM and Busquets as DM. Barca play a ton of matches each season so they need as much depth as possible. Iniesta is also kind of injury prone so Fabregas could just replace him in the lineup.
Really, Injury prone? How did you think of that?  Just because a player ran into his leg the other day and reagravated an injury does not mean he is injury prone sherlock.

[/td][td]Games Played
Are you really that dense?


In mid November 2008, Iniesta suffered a leg injury and was expected toreturn to action in six weeks. Iniesta, however, did not want to comeback until he was 100 percent and finally returned to action on 3January 2009 as a 65th minute substitute against Mallorca

On 5 February, Iniesta made his 250th appearance for Barcelona in the Copa del Rey match against Mallorca. Iniesta once again got injured in Barcelona's home match against Málaga,

Iniesta suffered a small tear in his thigh prior to the final but played through the pain, aggravating the injury.

Iniesta did not participate in the 2009 Confederations Cup in South Africa due to a thigh muscle injury.[sup][22]

[/sup] Iniesta's 2009-10 season was largely disrupted by recurrent injury woes. He missed pre-season fitness training[sup][18][/sup] due to the thigh tear suffered in the 2009 Champions League finaland this meant that despite featuring in almost as many matches as theprevious season, he did so mostly as a substitute, starting only 20games throughout.[sup][19][/sup] His season came to an end after an aggravation of a previous calf injury occurred in training.[sup][20][/sup]


Injury-proneSpain midfielder Andres Iniesta is still suffering from a knocksustained against Switzerland and is a doubt for Monday's World Cup game against Honduras, coach Vicente del Bosque said.

Iniestahas struggled with a string of muscle injuries this season and wassubstituted in the second half of the shock 1-0 defeat to the Swissafter a crunching challenge.
Iniesta is NOT injury prone
You guys are really going to start again? PM eachother if you guys want to e-fight..It's getting annoying and pathetic..
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

PM eachother if you guys want to e-fight..It's getting annoying and pathetic..

This please. I keep seeing this bumped, and I'm hoping someone posted news or started an interesting conversation, just to be let down by y'all and your lame #$# arguments.
OK...OK...just one last time. I promise.

Classic PersiaFly right here. He says Pirlo is top 5 in the world, a bunch of people or shall I say 'the herd' disagree with him and he returns fire with a furious blend of sarcasm, arrogance and stone faces. PersiaFly is NEVER wrong and disagreeing with him is worse than committing murder. 'Let the haters hate'...

Just to be clear, the latest batch of barbs doesn't involve me, I said what I had to say and am done. And I apologize to everyone about all that.

Anyway, fully updated post with advancing scenarios for each group. I need to double check this, but I think first place in every group is still up for grabs, and only two teams have qualified already (Holland and Brazil). Also, at least six groups feature three or more teams with real hopes of advancing. I don't think France/South Africa can make up GD in Group A, and Ivory Coast and North Korea seem done in Group G. Otherwise it's wide open.

Knockout round scenarios: what each team has to do to reach the Round of 16

Link in sig.
If we're talking about up to and including the next-to-last kick before the shot on goal, then Spain have been the most impressive team this tournament, even though they lost to a sub-mediocre Switzerland team. But unfortunately for Spain, only the goals themselves count at the end of the day, and not how beautiful and creative you're playing up to a shot at the goal. A pattern is starting to emerge. They totally dominated U.S. at the confederations cup without converting their excellent passing into goals, but ended up losing on two counter attack goals. The same story with Switzerland about a week ago. Beautiful passing display, shot after shot on the goal but no goal, and then the Swiss score on them from a single counter attack opportunity. The only thing that saved this scenario from repeating today against Honduras is the fact that Honduras was a notch below in quality. If they scored on most of their opportunities today, we could've seen a Portugal vs North Korea-like score. So all in all, Spain should be worried about how many chances they blew instead of being satisfied with the 2-0.

I thought that Spain was a team without weakness, but now seeing the state Torres is in, it's obvious that they need an ice-cold pure center-forward striker who can convert their beautiful passing and creativity into goals. He doesn't need to be creative or have great dribbling ability, just be a decisive finisher. Their lack of this type of player might cost them the tournament.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

If we're talking about up to and including the next-to-last kick before the shot on goal, then Spain have been the most impressive team this tournament, even though they lost to a sub-mediocre Switzerland team. But unfortunately for Spain, only the goals themselves count at the end of the day, and not how beautiful and creative you're playing up to a shot at the goal. A pattern is starting to emerge. They totally dominated U.S. at the confederations cup without converting their excellent passing into goals, but ended up losing on two counter attack goals. The same story with Switzerland about a week ago. Beautiful passing display, shot after shot on the goal but no goal, and then the Swiss score on them from a single counter attack opportunity. The only thing that saved this scenario from repeating today against Honduras is the fact that Honduras was a notch below in quality. If they scored on most of their opportunities today, we could've seen a Portugal vs North Korea-like score. So all in all, Spain should be worried about how many chances they blew instead of being satisfied with the 2-0.

I thought that Spain was a team without weakness, but now seeing the state Torres is in, it's obvious that they need an ice-cold pure center-forward striker who can convert their beautiful passing and creativity into goals. He doesn't need to be creative or have great dribbling ability, just be a decisive finisher. Their lack of this type of player might cost them the tournament.
Same thing I thought after watching the Switzerland game: they're dominating, just rusty finishing. They were constantly threatening the Swiss goal and just weren't accurate enough with the shots.

But one thing that you could say for them is that Torres is coming off injury, so the hope is that his form improves daily throughout the tournament. Unless he's still carrying an injury with him, you would think that pretty soon he should begin to recover his optimal form. 
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