Official Xbox 360. Call of Duty Elite. NKETLK Clan Thread. 50 Members Strong.

Jun 28, 2008



Official Members List: 

Xbox GT - NT Screen name - Twitter Name

X Doc Holiday - Clutch 713 - @CiutchGod

BirdmanHandRub - PLAYOFF 12 - @TheKidBrian

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)][color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]xRaydiation [/color]- [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]poorniko [/color]- [color= rgb(0, 255, 255)]@xRaydiation[/color][/color]

ItsaNYthin9 - CrazyFlipxNYC - @HeyImAJ

J Killionaire - Joe Billionaire - @PurpleBandito


Diplomatic Man - Miniojw

Stuntastic1414 - Purplenurple1414

hi im xtian - xtianp
SoLeReaper22 - 17

distinct 101 - vcshoxj6
CheapGrampsJoe - MillzHouse719

AiiNatural - a55a5in11

darkerthanpoo - MAKITA

SwoopaTroopa - Baydestrian408

cycoviZion - cycoviZion

Push That Tush - OkayKK

xMastamiind - WhatsLosinLike


DJayRomeyRome - Chuck Finster 


skateboardreece - justballin11

THE MACHO MAYNE - BlastaMasta8

Dr Katsuragi - HybridSoldier23

IceCold KoolAid - k00laid

B00Gi3 D0WN - Jonbx5

Chicago Bully88 - Thehavik

l a b r r e v - its Labrev

Kebenelevator - ??

SavonDante213 - ??

FalconPunch09 - ??

Adryeee - ??

If Anybody would like an Invite, please contact me via PM, Xbox Live, OR post your GT in this thread. 

Why Should I pay for ELITE? 

Here is the link that will show you the benefits of paying for the ELITE service.

For any up to date news on the status of COD ELITE:

Follow @CallofDutyElite on Twitter.

Just sent out invites to MEXRFW, cycovizion, stuntastic1414, lpheat22.

It might take a minute for the invite to show up because Elite is having issues for right now.
What's the point in paying for Elite? Anyways folks add me
GT: TheBasedG0d
That's with a zero not an o
Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

Just sent out invites to MEXRFW, cycovizion, stuntastic1414, lpheat22.

It might take a minute for the invite to show up because Elite is having issues for right now.

Good lookin out
and Elite is always having issues
I usually don't play with a headset or talk while playing but I'm going to buy some astros, So I can be more usefully during the game. I'm a pure gun and runner. I don't care about overall K/D. I just want more kills than deaths in every game.
yo i dont get it , how do i accept the invite? on the web or in the app on xbox??
nevermind i got it, i gave our clan 500xp bro. we only need like 44 more clan xp to make our own title/emblem
I'll send you a XBL friend request in a little bit.

GT: JBizzle
NT: JBlaze23
Twitter: JBlaze23
Shoot that invite, I might be able to level up the clan a bit since I have elite.

NiceLikeChrist - Wilroc
Originally Posted by The Takeover

What's the point in paying for Elite?

- You'll get each of the map packs a day before everyone else does, if you're a "founder". It's too late to be one now.
- You'll get all of the map packs for one set price, instead of buying Microsoft points every time. It'll save you money, if you plan on buying every map pack.

- There's daily/weekend challenges and contests for you to compete in to win prizes.

- There will be Double XP weekends just for Elite members.

- And a few other things such as exclusive gun camo, titles and etc.

I mainly payed for Elite, so I could get all of the map packs for one set price instead of going out and buying points every time. I just hope the maps will be better than most of these trashy default maps.
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