Official Xbox 360. Call of Duty Elite. NKETLK Clan Thread. 50 Members Strong.

Originally Posted by poorniko

when we get to level 10, we need to decide what the clan tag is going to be. [NT] or [NKTK] or something else

I vote for NKTK
Is this open invite? I kinda suck and haven't even played yet but I want to rep NT
Originally Posted by K1ll0rBeK1lled

I'm a founder and looking for a clan.  GT is my NT screen name 1 for the "i's" and zero for the "o"
lol how about you just post your actual gamertag so we dont have to decode it
Originally Posted by poorniko

Originally Posted by K1ll0rBeK1lled

I'm a founder and looking for a clan.  GT is my NT screen name 1 for the "i's" and zero for the "o"
lol how about you just post your actual gamertag so we dont have to decode it
"GT is my NT screen name"
If you have pending invites, you better accept them NOW.
EVERYONE in the clan gets double xp for 2 hours after CLuTcH 713 claims it.
If you join the clan after it's claim, tough luck you'll have to wait til the clan is level 20 for more double xp.
I usually run with CLuTcH 713 a majority of the time. I think we'll be on tonight. My GT is BirdmanHandRub.

I vote for NT, btw. NKTK doesn't look right to me without the E and L.
Can you be in more than 1 clan at a time? I'm rocking a 2.3 K/D right now and I'm already in a clan with some friends but if I can join more than 1 I'll do it.
Originally Posted by Iceberg Slim

Can you be in more than 1 clan at a time? I'm rocking a 2.3 K/D right now and I'm already in a clan with some friends but if I can join more than 1 I'll do it.
no, you can only be in 1 clan at a time
More Invites sent out.

You guys want me to claim 2 hours of Double XP right now?

Or wait an hour or so for the new guys I just invited to join?

AND I vote [NT] for the Clan Tag.
I prefer NT too. Do we get to use the XP whenever we want or is it two hours from when you claim it?
i agree with the NT. If you guys play tonight shoot me an invite. ill be on.
Originally Posted by xtianp

I prefer NT too. Do we get to use the XP whenever we want or is it two hours from when you claim it?
im pretty sure it activates for all clan members as soon as it's claimed.
if you're already playing while it's claimed, it probably wont show up until you relogin to xbox live
and btw i vote for [NT] as clan tag
Originally Posted by poorniko

Originally Posted by xtianp

I prefer NT too. Do we get to use the XP whenever we want or is it two hours from when you claim it?
im pretty sure it activates for all clan members as soon as it's claimed.
if you're already playing while it's claimed, it probably wont show up until you relogin to xbox live
and btw i vote for [NT] as clan tag
He probably has the same question I do.

Lets say Clutch activates the Double XP at 2pm. Can we only use it from 2pm-4pm or once its applied to everyone's account, can we use it only when we are actually playing?
the double xp is applied individually to all members, so you use it whenever YOU are playing. its not a timed event, you get 2 hours of PLAYING time, so it's only used when youre in a game.
it's just like the 2 hours of double xp you received when you first signed up for elite.
Went ahead and put the Clan Tag as [NT]. Sucks because for some reason I can never have a clan tag work for me.

Whenever you guys are ready for me to activate the Double XP for everyone, Let me know.
Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

Founder Status has been extended to December 13th.
anyone still considering paying for premium and receiving founder status should visit this link

if you were planning on buying all the map packs, you should pay for premium because you'll end up saving $10 compared to buying each pack individually.
click on each feature to open up more details
I just ordered some headsets. So I will not be playing in a party until I get them because I don't have any now. GT Diplomatic Man
does anyone know of any good headsets? i don't want to spend more than $100 but i want the best bang for my buck
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