Official Xbox 360. Call of Duty Elite. NKETLK Clan Thread. 50 Members Strong.

^^My bad, G. Just sent it.

BTW, I could not get the [NT] Clan tag to save. Tried [NTLK] and it went through and said "Success!". So let me know if that works, fellas.
Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

^^My bad, G. Just sent it.

BTW, I could not get the [NT] Clan tag to save. Tried [NTLK] and it went through and said "Success!". So let me know if that works, fellas.
Worked for me
We should set up a time once a week were we all get on and battle it out. Post it on the front page. It seems a few of you guys play later at night around 12pm-2am (eastern time).
Originally Posted by poorniko

Originally Posted by Iceberg Slim

Can you be in more than 1 clan at a time? I'm rocking a 2.3 K/D right now and I'm already in a clan with some friends but if I can join more than 1 I'll do it.
no, you can only be in 1 clan at a time
Damn it.
Wait do we have to buy that $50 thing to be in the clan? If we don't shoot me an invite:
GT: Young Sean 15
for some reason i cant connect to some of u guys games when ya invite me, my connection sucks
Any of y'all play drop zone? It's kind of fun. It's a very easy way to gain xp and weapon xp.
Haven't got to play any games with any of yall yet. Ill try and hop in one with some of you guys in the coming days!
Originally Posted by Miniojw

Any of y'all play drop zone? It's kind of fun. It's a very easy way to gain xp and weapon xp.

Played it once. It was freakin hectic...

my only issue with it is that you can't play in party chat. I ain't trying to hear little kids whine. 
Holla atcha gualla fambs.

Gt : Ricky Simon

I'm down if I ain't gotta drop fifty bones.

Ran across a fellow nter and lil B fan not too long ago doe...

proably get the paid subscription when the first dlc comes out. until then add me on that xbl!

GT - sorgeyboi
twitter - soundlikeagonit
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