Official Xbox 360 Madden 10 League (New league, fantasy draft, 8 teams!)

May 14, 2002
Alright guys... here it is.. once the game drops next week I'll set up the league

16 teams.

Play 1 game a day..if you can't get a game in be sure to let us know and we will postpone.

Teams are


Packers - Fraj - Shots Rang Out
Panthers - Pac Man 850
******** - Jehlers02 - Jehlers 02
Eagles - CertifiedSW- Young Sean 15
vikings- Cragmatic - J Carnage12
Cardinals - Olvera23- GRassyfeet
CowBoys - Teddythegr8 - TJacks12
Saints - MambaMVP - Gator Boy24


Ravens - cycoviZion- cycovizion
Bengals - smoke ya later- GnarlyHull
Chargers - 84jordan03- UserPICK22

If any AFC team would be willing to switch to an NFC team so we have 8 in each... that'd be cool.

I'll send out invites on Friday. If you don't accept within 24 hours I'll invite someone else who's on the waiting list. This will be an activeleague.. and you should be able to get in multiple games a week.

Rules for against human opponents
No going for it on 4th unless down in the fourth quarter or its a legitimate reason - example 4th an 2 on the 44.. you feel to close to punt, to far to kick..use your judgement wisely
NOOOO NANO BLITZES AND NO ROCKET CATCHING! If you are caught doing either you will be booted
No onside kicks unless losing in the fourth

Any other rules you feel should be added please let me know
im going on vacation from the 14th through the 21st, so IF youre in a huge hurry to start up the league, you can give my spot to someone else.
Well I know your a Madden vet.. I'm in no hurry to start it and obviously nobody else is... we can wait a week if you want in
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Well I know your a Madden vet.. I'm in no hurry to start it and obviously nobody else is... we can wait a week if you want in
thank you sir.

people will probably need a week to get used to it anyway. im confident enough that i can pull off a couple of W's "cold"
Hey man I switched my gamertag, it is not Wordy Dirts III. I got those pats, thanks
What happened to my other thread?

Oh and starting a week after the game drops sounds good, so everyone gets used to everything first. And you got the waiting list right craig?
What happened to the other one? Guess I'll get in on the next go round.
This is the same thread, Craigmatic is just the commisioner instead.

AND, we need your GT'S guys, can't sign you up unless you include it.
I wanted the Saints if they are available. GT: Gator Boy 24. I hope I get the game by next week though cause I did that Sports Illustrated offer.
Fraj, Jehlers, and Mamba all are VIPS... i've done leagues with them through 2k9... I much rather have them than other random people I dont know

Also 84jordan or w/e his name is... runs Madden.. did all the tourneys... so he's got a spot saved.

Mamba, Jehlers, and Fraj, name your team and you are in.
was up man let me get in your league i just got the game today!

im on the waiting list in the other league.

plus im in a league in NCAA right now with Jehlers, Fraj, and Mamba

they will tell you im legit and im on all day everyday

GT : Pac Man 850

i would like the Broncos
Alright this is what I'll say...if your name is on the list in the first post... please post here within 24 hours to let us know you plan on playing.Otherwise I gotta give up spots to guys I Know are reliable.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Fraj, Jehlers, and Mamba all are VIPS... i've done leagues with them through 2k9... I much rather have them than other random people I dont know

Also 84jordan or w/e his name is... runs Madden.. did all the tourneys... so he's got a spot saved.

Mamba, Jehlers, and Fraj, name your team and you are in.
I asked for GREEN BAY in the first thread... i would like to take them pleaseeee
Alright Fraj you can take GB

I'm gonna go watch a movie..come back in a bit.. and try to figure everything out. Unless you are a 2k9 league regular or Madden tourney canonly get on the waiting list.

Theres a handful of people I know I can count on to play through a league
what about me?

GT: Pac Man 850

im in the NCAA dynasty with you right now. and you on my friends list you see im on all day everyday
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