Official Xbox Thread - Black Ops 6 Day 1 on Gamepass

Which next gen Xbox will you purchase

  • Xbox Series X

    Votes: 130 78.8%
  • Xbox Series S

    Votes: 28 17.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 7 4.2%

  • Total voters
recently got back into APEX

Arenas is pretty dope mode 3v3

main game been MLB still though

Also theres someone out there that stole my Pizzo GT

i just wanted my last name and whoever it is got 1100 followers lol
I forgot all about Apex. Warzone has been getting stale for me, I've been playing more Resurgence.

The last time Microsoft released gamertags I tried to get "stick" but it was impossible :lol:.
I forgot all about Apex. Warzone has been getting stale for me, I've been playing more Resurgence.

The last time Microsoft released gamertags I tried to get "stick" but it was impossible :lol:.

Apex is on szn 9 it blew my mind
I’m not an expert appraiser in the GT market but “Never” is a highly desirable name and would be somewhere in the $500-800range.
Does adding wmmwmwmmwmmwmwmwmwmw to the end your tag still do anything or is that dead.

I wanna change mine now but have no good ideas. My tag no longer is relevant since Halo is dead.
Does adding wmmwmwmmwmmwmwmwmwmw to the end your tag still do anything or is that dead.

I wanna change mine now but have no good ideas. My tag no longer is relevant since Halo is dead.
I'm not sure. I think that wwwmwmwmwmwmw thing was only in Halo 3. Either way I haven't seen it since then.
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Apex is played daily with the bro but the audio on that game is atrocious :smh:
Also wasn’t it a website that had the list of open gamer tags and all that? I think it was shared here back during the first drop of GTs
I’ve been going back through older games that I never touched thanks to gamepass. Almost finished Rage 2. It’s a fairly serviceable open world shooter and it runs at 60 on xsx

if Judgement ends up coming to gamepass I’ll probably hop on that next and if not, maybe dragon age inquisition. Never finished it and it has fps boost
Also wasn’t it a website that had the list of open gamer tags and all that? I think it was shared here back during the first drop of GTs
There was no list of open GTs but you can check GTs on or the xbox website. I’d recommend using the first site, it provides more detail on when the account was last active.

Also something to look out for, some GTs have a spaced version. A number of yours ago, there was an exploit where you could essentially create a spaced or unspaced version of an old inactive GT.

For example, the GT “Fatality” has long been inactive. However, I own the spaced version “F a t a l i t y” from that exploit. What this means is that in the case the original Fatality gets reset, it’s 100% guaranteed to be mine because Xbox will continue to say Fatality is not available due to my exploit version taking its place. In order to get it unspaced, you have to swap it though, that’s the dangerous part.
That’s how I got my current GT “Brutality” as well.

So if you see a GT you want that hasn’t been active for at minimum over 5 years, make sure to also check if there’s a spaced version.
Generally the exploits are spaced like this “F a t a l i t y” but another common way is “B rutality”
damn my bad fam

lmk next time you are on just shoot me a message/party chat on xbox ill rep

I Have No Life So Im Pretty Much On Daily... Your GT The Same As Your NT Or It Have A 23? I Think You Show Up On My Activision Friends But Not XBL
I believe my activision name is pizzo23

but my xbox tag is itz me pizzo 23

im on mlb now but if you on ill make the switch over and repa few
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