Official Xbox Thread - Black Ops 6 Day 1 on Gamepass

Which next gen Xbox will you purchase

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    Votes: 130 78.8%
  • Xbox Series S

    Votes: 28 17.0%
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    Votes: 7 4.2%

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Went back and played some Halo 3 on MCC for a dose of nostalgia

It is amazing to me that there are people who think going back to this is the key to Halo becoming popular again
I doubt it, but Halo has run it's course.

I'm more excited for Overwatch 2 than Halo Infinite.
Went back and played some Halo 3 on MCC for a dose of nostalgia

It is amazing to me that there are people who think going back to this is the key to Halo becoming popular again
Curious to see why you say this. It's the most popular Halo ever and the only one people still play en masse
When people talk about Halo I am shocked that they ignore that Master chief is one of gaming most popular mascots, and Halo campaign is still a big deal

Being free to play, and on PC pretty much guarantees Infinite's multiplayer will see some success, however Halo's success doesn't squarely depend on it. Halo 5 got knocked a lot because of how bad it dropped the ball on campaign
Curious to see why you say this. It's the most popular Halo ever and the only one people still play en masse

Because kids who grew up on CoD are going to feel how "slow" that kind of gameplay is and drop it immediately

I have fun with it, but it feels like a relic
When people talk about Halo I am shocked that they ignore that Master chief is one of gaming most popular mascots, and Halo campaign is still a big deal

Being free to play, and on PC pretty much guarantees Infinite's multiplayer will see some success, however Halo's success doesn't squarely depend on it. Halo 5 got knocked a lot because of how bad it dropped the ball on campaign
The Forerunner trilogy has been terrible. The Prometheans are terrible. Halo lore really ran its course with Reach.

343 has NO IDEA what they are doing on any level with this series. Its hilarious. I'm not even into Halo lore like that but man H5's campaign was boring garbage.
Is that true?
It 100% is. The entire Twitch and competive Halo scene revolves around H3.

When Reach died... People went back to H3
When H4 died... People went back to H3
When H5 died...People went back to H3
When MCC dropped.... People predominantly played H3

H3 is the center of the Halo universe at this point from a multiplayer aspect. It probably always will be.
Because kids who grew up on CoD are going to feel how "slow" that kind of gameplay is and drop it immediately

I have fun with it, but it feels like a relic
Fair. Couldnt care less about that personally but I am not the typical consumer. I like Halo cause of its "Halo elements"
Also again, I don't want to play a 10 hour Halo campaign having to walk all the way, constantly bunny hop to avoid danger, hope I have a ranged weapon to pick of enemies before I proceed and die excessively over cheap ****

One thing about H4 and Guardians for all their flaws at least it allowed me to be on the offensive more often
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The Forerunner trilogy has been terrible. The Prometheans are terrible. Halo lore really ran its course with Reach.

343 has NO IDEA what they are doing on any level with this series. Its hilarious. I'm not even into Halo lore like that but man H5's campaign was boring garbage.

It 100% is. The entire Twitch and competive Halo scene revolves around H3.

When Reach died... People went back to H3
When H4 died... People went back to H3
When H5 died...People went back to H3
When MCC dropped.... People predominantly played H3

H3 is the center of the Halo universe at this point. It probably always will be.
Yeah, but that is true today. That is what I am asking. If you think Infinite should play like H3 in 2021, then what people want today matters.

Is this site legit? I see people bring it up on Reddit a bunch...


I think if Infinite showed up playing just like H3, it would flop hard.

So people just play H3 on MCC? I thought all the post 2 Halos had decent numbers on that game these days

Also, H5 seemed to have a decent enough community. The Reddit community was begging 343 to put it in the MCC. If I would guess, H5 would have a decent PC community if it were added.

I agree the lore has been weak, and H5 campaign was a **** show, but H4's campaign was pretty damn good. It had its flaws but it was as enjoyable to me than H3.
Is it possible that Halo 3 won't be surpassed because a lot of the younger generation don't care about Halo? There's just so much competition out now. I look at my kids and their friends and they won't even be bothered to watch a Halo trailer. I feel like all the games that us "old heads" grew up playing just don't interest that many people anymore
343 has struggled to deliver a full great Halo package, but I think they get too much **** over their design choices.

Especially since Bungie also thought Vanilla Halo had to be changed to stay relevant.

Classic Halo fans have erased from their money that Bungie was calling Reach the Ultimate Halo Multiplayer Experience.

And if they think the Lore and Campaign would have been better, makes me less certain that would not have been a lock
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Yeah, but that is true today. That is what I am asking. If you think Infinite should play like H3 in 2021, then what people want today matters.

Is this site legit? I see people bring it up on Reddit a bunch...


I think if Infinite showed up playing just like H3, it would flop hard.

So people just play H3 on MCC? I thought all the post 2 Halos had decent numbers on that game these days

Also, H5 seemed to have a decent enough community. The Reddit community was begging 343 to put it in the MCC. If I would guess, H5 would have a decent PC community if it were added.

I agree the lore has been weak, and H5 campaign was a **** show, but H4's campaign was pretty damn good. It had its flaws but it was as enjoyable to me than H3.
I honestly do. They spend too much time not catering to the core fanbase. H3 isn't still the most played Halo for no reason.

From my understanding it is, but I really don't keep up with Halo anymore, I just play H3 and enjoy it for what it is.

H4 was an abomination, but the ONE thing it did right... The power weapons. H3 Rockets are a disaster, they're basically flying frag nades. The Incineration Cannon and the Binary Rifle are two of the GOAT power weapons... The H4 ones. I see they ruined them in H5.

An old school Halo wouldn't sell as much for sure, but it would have higher player retention. People are still living and dying over a game from 2007 and wagering thousands of dollars every weekend on it. Its the only Halo where this happens still.

Also it blows my mind that we're on two Xboxes later and H3 is still easily the best looking Halo. I played that new 343 map on Sunday and that's the best looking Halo map I have seen EVER.
They tried chasing Call of Duty with Halo 4 and failed miserably. Should have let Halo be Halo and let COD be COD.

Problem is now people have different definitions of what Halo is. Kinda depresses me seeing Halo 2 being less than 10 percent, but I get it.
They tried chasing Call of Duty with Halo 4 and failed miserably. Should have let Halo be Halo and let COD be COD.

Problem is now people have different definitions of what Halo is. Kinda depresses me seeing Halo 2 being less than 10 percent, but I get it.
H2's map pool is the real issue to me. I hate Lockout and Midship. I'm not playing them 9/10 games. Its already a problem in H3 as it is.
343 has struggled to deliver a full great Halo package, but I think they get too much **** over their design choices.

Especially since Bungie also thought Vanilla Halo had to be changed to stay relevant.

Classic Halo fans have erased from their money that Bungie was calling Reach the Ultimate Halo Multiplayer Experience.

And if they think the Lore and Campaign would have been better, makes me less certain that would not have been a lock

EYE haven't. Armor Lock SMH. The stupid Hitscan DMR that has seemingly unlimited range and can pin you down on ANY MAP. The over emphasis on Forge. Sprint. The Jetpack. No bleedthrough on Melees so no two shot beatdown. The nades freeze you. LOL REACH. OH MAN THE BLOOM. THIS GAME WAS BAD. I HATED IT.

Even ZBNS wasn't THAT good. Reach's only purpose was to play for stats. The power weapons killed people, and the Scorpion and Banshee were ridiculous. It served no purpose otherwise.
I honestly do. They spend too much time not catering to the core fanbase. H3 isn't still the most played Halo for no reason.

From my understanding it is, but I really don't keep up with Halo anymore, I just play H3 and enjoy it for what it is.

H4 was an abomination, but the ONE thing it did right... The power weapons. H3 Rockets are a disaster, they're basically flying frag nades. The Incineration Cannon and the Binary Rifle are two of the GOAT power weapons... The H4 ones. I see they ruined them in H5.

An old school Halo wouldn't sell as much for sure, but it would have higher player retention. People are still living and dying over a game from 2007 and wagering thousands of dollars every weekend on it. Its the only Halo where this happens still.

Also it blows my mind that we're on two Xboxes later and H3 is still easily the best looking Halo. I played that new 343 map on Sunday and that's the best looking Halo map I have seen EVER.
-Yeah but it seems the stats say otherwise. Maybe you like H3, and play H3 on console, so you are kinda cut off to what other players are doing. It is cool, you like what you like, but I don't think H3 is the only thing poppin in the Halo community these days.

-So you want Microsoft to dump hundreds of millions to chase a shrinking player base? That seems like it has its own pitfalls. Gears was a massive hit for them too, and they hardly changed the gameplay to appease the hardcore players. That series is an even bigger ****show than Halo is now.

-343 caters to hardcore Halo fans. They would have left MCC a mess but they didn't. They changed a lot of H5 multiplayer because of the beta. Them not doing what you want on their new games doesn't mean they are not listening to hardcore players. Hell there are hardcore Halo players that love H5 and want them to double down on that and never look back.

-H3 has better art direction, and better explosions than 4, but H4 and H5 are better graphically. C'mon now, you are doing too much. Plus H5 runs at twice the framerate too
I'm dead serious man. H3 is the only Halo that still looks good to me. The rest of them have this ugly art style that I don't mess with.

Can't say much about the rest of it. I haven't seen a single person play H4 in IDK how long, can't for the life of me understand what someone is doing on H4. Based on what I can see on Twitch and the people I talk to about Halo H3 is still the only thing going.

You pull the MCC Twitch and its predominantly H3 ()

IDK how much I can trust that pie chart when it comes to that H4 segment it really is blowing my mind honestly.

I give them no credit for fixing a game they broke in the first place. Thats their job.

But I have accepted things for what they are. I can still play H3 whenever I want and that's fine with me.
I'm dead serious man. H3 is the only Halo that still looks good to me. The rest of them have this ugly art style that I don't mess with.

Can't say much about the rest of it. I haven't seen a single person play H4 in IDK how long, can't for the life of me understand what someone is doing on H4. Based on what I can see on Twitch and the people I talk to about Halo H3 is still the only thing going.

You pull the MCC Twitch and its predominantly H3 ()

IDK how much I can trust that pie chart when it comes to that H4 segment it really is blowing my mind honestly.

I give them no credit for fixing a game they broke in the first place. Thats their job.

But I have accepted things for what they are. I can still play H3 whenever I want and that's fine with me.

-You like the art direction of H3 more, ok cool. Art design matters but H4 and H5 are still more graphically impressive all things considered

-All Twitch tells me is of Halo players, H3 players stream the most.

-Devs leave their games a broken mess and move on all the time and move on

Their job is to develop video games for Microsoft to sell.

True they should have never released that **** like that but there was no mandate they fix MCC, they knew they pissed people off and wanted to fix that.

COD devs tell their fanbase, **** you, buy the next one.

I am not giving them credit for fixing it, I am saying because they listen to their fanbase is why they did it
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Eh this isnt COD though. This is the game that is the reason why we still have Xbox. Feels more like an obligation for them to fix it.

But you and I aren't going back to the old days no no no. If H6 campaign is free too I'm gonna play it. I didn't stick around for 20 years not to see how this nonsense ends.

Man... I just went to to see if anyone that I used to play Halo with still posts in the group. This topic really brought me back man. I was on there like every day, made some real friends off this game. Most important video game to me.

Belgium Belgium knows. We took it for granted man, we really did.
Eh this isnt COD though. This is the game that is the reason why we still have Xbox. Feels more like an obligation for them to fix it.

But you and I aren't going back to the old days no no no. If H6 campaign is free too I'm gonna play it. I didn't stick around for 20 years not to see how this nonsense ends.

Man... I just went to to see if anyone that I used to play Halo with still posts in the group. This topic really brought me back man. I was on there like every day, made some real friends off this game. Most important video game to me.

Belgium Belgium knows. We took it for granted man, we really did.
You mean Halo generally or the MCC? I am confused. MCC is hardly the reason people still have Xboxs.

To me, it just seems like 343 knows a lot of people got little patience with them at this point so they want to cultivate goodwill.

There was a period of time when harassment and death threats to the devs were a common thing. But every chance they get they talk about how great their community is. They are making a choice, not fulfilling a requirement.

COD is the most popular shooter on the market and has been so for a long time. Activision runs its fans pockets every year, and yeah got little issue ****ting on them when they want. Just saying that there are a lot of examples of companies telling their fans to deal with it. Even with H5, they stopped updating H5 because they couldn't anymore. Their engine couldn't handle it.

If H4 and H5 were hits, we would probably be waiting on Halo 7 and they would have left MCC behind.
Nah I meant Halo at large. WIthout Halo Xbox as we know it wouldnt be a thing I dont think. They didnt have another flagship at the time and TBH they still dont. All the Xbox sole franchises stink.
Nah I meant Halo at large. WIthout Halo Xbox as we know it wouldnt be a thing I dont think. They didnt have another flagship at the time and TBH they still dont. All the Xbox sole franchises stink.
Gears was amazing when it first came out through 3, but they ruined that **** now. Worse than Halo

I love Halo and Gears, and Gears is a bigger ****show. Especially on the campaign side.

They got Bethesda now. People gonna be got ******* nuts for Elder Scrolls, and will probably go nuts for Starfield too.
Nah I meant Halo at large. WIthout Halo Xbox as we know it wouldnt be a thing I dont think. They didnt have another flagship at the time and TBH they still dont. All the Xbox sole franchises stink.

Forza has the best arcade and sim racing titles for the last I don't know how many years.
I didn't play Gear 4 but 5 had a pretty damn fun campaign for the most part. The original ones were great. Gears 1 is an all timer, games are still taking influence from it.
Project Gotham Racing was a great OG Xbox title.

They have fumbled on a few things, like the Rare properties. A Banjo-Kazooie with a polish up like how Sony is doing ratchet & Clank would be awesome. I don't know if you can make another Conker without it being forced but they had a chance to get one out before the ship potentially sailed.

Think the Xbox will bounce back with great exclusives soon enough. All these new studios that got bought are making bigger budget games now so I'm hopeful. Bethesda didn't need the budget but it's a great addition to the library.
I hate Gears 5

It was easily the worse campaign of the series. So many things wrong with that game. I didn't understand antidope antidope anger until I played Gears 5 and felt the same kind of pain

Gear proves that you can **** up series and still keep the core mechanics in tact
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