OFFICIAL : Zoom Kobe V (5) thread - Ace launch on 3/6

Originally Posted by youngmar

Originally Posted by ReMarqable23

ok but you said HE NEVER ROCKED. so, you are still wrong so its whatever
Originally Posted by youngmar

Even D fish is rockin the Chaos. He never rocks Kobe's shoes. They must be nice.

umm if you have watched laker games, Fisher has worked kobes before, He wore the IVs.
Maybe once or twice, but he was not a regular. Only Odom, Ariza and Brown consistently wore Kobe's shoes. Sasha and Walton a couple of times also.
Originally Posted by al3x89

Originally Posted by abstractability

i was wrong. brown is wearing white speckles

lol they looked like the V's to me too.
Brown wore the Chaos in the first half...

then i guess switched to the white speckles in the second half.
Aways are back ordered people....they won't ship until 1/16. If they "sell out" now they will be back around release more than likely.
What a proper spanking for the Lakers...
Not the best debut for his V's but at least he looked fly in his Chaos. lol
I'm a Laker fan, and think that's BS of the fans to throw the foam hands on the floor. I give it up to the Cavs for playing a very good game.
Originally Posted by trunkz550

Or can you say refs. Artest played some solid d

Ariza's having the year he's having because Tmac & Yao are out. (I did love him while he was in LA though.)
I mean is ppl going to blame artest for this loss...he's been playing well for us. Refs always protect lebron for real. Still getting the chaos tho
Originally Posted by marley

i think its funny that people were giving me !$% yesterday (notoriusmj) haha when i said kobe wasnt gonna wear the chaos. i told y'all he wouldnt wear no GR to debut the V but no one listened. lol.

I think I saw Chaos.. lol
nah bro.. its all in fun. I thought EVERYONE knew he was wearing them.
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