some pics of my Del Sols


These are
with the BL laces.
Originally Posted by 619destroyer

Originally Posted by Lex Venture

nah man im sorry but that shirt is one of those tacky +#% shirts that they sell at gas stations, or on crenshaw lol.
   but on another note the refs were crap today. way too many calls that werent even fouls, hope the Lake show can pull it together.
cant wait til my del sols get in from eastbay.

***i want one,where can i get them??***


idk man just drive down crenshaw blvd. or go to your local gas station lol jk ppl. you guys do you. f*** what i think lol
Originally Posted by Lex Venture

nah man im sorry but that shirt is one of those tacky +#% shirts that they sell at gas stations, or on crenshaw lol.

sorry, but i gotta agree with the man. shirt is pretty tacky. i can imagine myself wearing the shirt if i was still in middle/high school. but anyone wearing it that is over 21.......................................
(just my opinion though)
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

So what is he wearing tomorrow???

who cares. if they dont win the championship they might as well take all the finals V's and burn um in a big bin... lol

nike must be pissed right now cuz they sure aint gonna be sellin no paul peirce shoes to the public lol
i dont see it being any different than some of the shirts people buy from nike i.e. LA snake shirt or cali-finest shirt...its just shirts supporting your team/player....wear what you wear.
I copped the shirt and I'm over 21, IMO its pretty dope. I agree with your player/team. Some of the shirts put out by Nike are straight corny Not like I'm going to rock it everyday or anything. Prob just rock it when I go out and Lakers play the Celts.

Btw Drew that new avy is
haha hey S thanks! yea its a screen print shirt, they are meant to be funny or entertaining...better than those stupid Tap out or affliction or ed hardy shirts douche bags wears haha (disclaimer sorry if ive offended anyone who wear those shirts, just tacky in my opinion, expensive tackiness though haha)
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

haha hey S thanks! yea its a screen print shirt, they are meant to be funny or entertaining...better than those stupid Tap out or affliction or ed hardy shirts douche bags wears haha (disclaimer sorry if ive offended anyone who wear those shirts, just tacky in my opinion, expensive tackiness though haha)

lol yea i think all of that stuff you just mentioned are tacky, and yea expensive tacky lol
lol gota agree with the "Ed hardy" garbage... lol first thing i noticed after moving out to Socal LOL

but only prob i have with the shirt is the Potty mouthed word! hah like i said tho, to each their own.
hey hey hey stop talkin about the celtics.. im a huge celtics fan but love my kobes.. so anways.. which basketball shorts do youwear with the ASGs and a matchin shirt so i can play bball in?
uhmmm why does it matter what you wear to hoop in? just curious lol
Black shorts, white or any other colored T maybe black, grey, red? lol
I see I still haven't missed much in here.

Need to cop:
Del Sols, Finals... that's about it.
Oh and some ID's
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

So what is he wearing tomorrow???

who cares. if they dont win the championship they might as well take all the finals V's and burn um in a big bin... lol

nike must be pissed right now cuz they sure aint gonna be sellin no paul peirce shoes to the public lol
A lot of us do. That is why this thread is 500+ pages.
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