* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by BangDak

JA, i dont know whats with your hate on NY recently, but you've got to relax. We're just giving out our opinions on our players. Do you honestly believe that outside of Rose, that the Bulls roster is significantly better then the Knicks?
was this before or after amare signed?
^ That.

Rose and Noah are better than anyone else on that roster, before Amare signed.

Bulls can still sign almost 2 max players.

If a superstar goes there, they STILL get another really good player.

Like if Bron or Wade signs, and then they can go get someone like Boozer, who would be a MUCH better roster than NYK.

I don't really care about the Knicks because they aren't anything. What I get a kick out of is that all of these people coming out of the woodwork suddenly having faith, and calling people like Douglas a key piece that would bring in talent. Mentioning dudes like him is equivalent to mentioning Taj Gibson and James Johnson for going to the Bulls. It ain't. Danilo is cool and all, but there isn't any appeal outside of him, and as many call it, "the system."

The system failed in Phoenix when there were no Lakers, it's going to work now?

And the best option is New York is just wrong. Even the depleted Heat have a better roster with TWO GUYS. Beasley is far and away better than Danilo, and Chalmers has enough seasoning to make him more appealing to free agents than Douglas. Same situation in New Jersey.

I just find it amusing how much the Knicks suddenly have faith in their team, and their management. They have no pieces to build around (now I guess they do with Amare, but you bring in one more guy, and is that enough?)

Okay sure that's great if they get say Amare, TP, and for arguments sake, Carmelo Anthony. That team is still not winning a chip. Like I said before, is that team (Amare, TP, Melo) better than the Nuggets were last year? I don't really think so, and even then it wasn't enough. It'd be damn hard to fill out the roster when you have so many guys making so much money and you're signing them as FREE AGENTS, not signing them to extensions where you can go over the cap a bit.

Plus, WHO KNOWS what's going to happen with the CBA next year. That's why THIS summer is so huge. It's fine to want to speculate about next year, but this is the last year with this CBA, next year it might be really hard for guys to go somewhere else because of the re-working of the CBA, maybe there'll be a lockout, WHO KNOWS.

I just don't see where all the hope and optimism comes from.
While yall %*@#+!+*#!%................it's actually a good move for the Hawks.

A few years late, but it's still a great move for them. They've needed size all along and this will definitely help. I hated it at first, but the more I think about it, the more I like it.

Of course I'd rather him on my Knicks or the Mavs or the Spurs, but *@!% it. At this point in his career to still be a big commodity is great.

Realistically, I think Shaq just wants another city to chill/lamp/bull %%@$ and eventually retire in.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Would i be reaching if i said that Mcrob and Monroe are similar players
serious question....

Have you watched both of them play?!

Youre reaching so far what youre trying to touch isnt even in view.
Were you really being serious rck? 
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

at getting tossed in a summer league game. Never saw that before...

Joey Dorsey.................on the bench.....................in street clothes...................got tossed.

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

how is Josh Mcroberts still in the NBA?

Would i be reaching if i said that Mcrob and Monroe are similar players
serious question....
greg monroe? if so then
TWill looked impressive today
His passing ability is great.

Avery Johnson & Sam Mitchell on the sidelines
Looking forward to having them coach the Nets this season.
You must be salty that some Knicks fan had Dirk in their "dream" lineup.

I'll end my thoughts here.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Rose and Noah are better than anyone else on that roster, before Amare signed.

Bulls can still sign almost 2 max players.

If a superstar goes there, they STILL get another really good player.

Like if Bron or Wade signs, and then they can go get someone like Boozer, who would be a MUCH better roster than NYK.

I don't really care about the Knicks because they aren't anything. What I get a kick out of is that all of these people coming out of the woodwork suddenly having faith, and calling people like Douglas a key piece that would bring in talent. Mentioning dudes like him is equivalent to mentioning Taj Gibson and James Johnson for going to the Bulls. It ain't. Danilo is cool and all, but there isn't any appeal outside of him, and as many call it, "the system."

The system failed in Phoenix when there were no Lakers, it's going to work now?

And the best option is New York is just wrong. Even the depleted Heat have a better roster with TWO GUYS. Beasley is far and away better than Danilo, and Chalmers has enough seasoning to make him more appealing to free agents than Douglas. Same situation in New Jersey.

I just find it amusing how much the Knicks suddenly have faith in their team, and their management. They have no pieces to build around (now I guess they do with Amare, but you bring in one more guy, and is that enough?)

Okay sure that's great if they get say Amare, TP, and for arguments sake, Carmelo Anthony. That team is still not winning a chip. Like I said before, is that team (Amare, TP, Melo) better than the Nuggets were last year? I don't really think so, and even then it wasn't enough. It'd be damn hard to fill out the roster when you have so many guys making so much money and you're signing them as FREE AGENTS, not signing them to extensions where you can go over the cap a bit.

Plus, WHO KNOWS what's going to happen with the CBA next year. That's why THIS summer is so huge. It's fine to want to speculate about next year, but this is the last year with this CBA, next year it might be really hard for guys to go somewhere else because of the re-working of the CBA, maybe there'll be a lockout, WHO KNOWS.

I just don't see where all the hope and optimism comes from.

The optimism comes from having an embarrassment of a team paraded in front of you for years and know that they had no future.  Layden and Isiah crippled our franchise for most of this decade by bad contracts and trades.  We're finally optimistic because we FINALLY realized it was time to rebuild and to try to right as many wrongs as possible.  Some may disagree with trying to rebuild through the free agency, but considering the prizes at stake and the assets we had at the time, it was a good way to go. 

The reason people mention Toney Douglas is exactly what you stated.. the media and Bulls fans mention Taj Gibson like he's a proven all-star when he's not.  If Gibson gets mentioned, then so does Douglas.  If Noah gets mentioned, then Wilson Chandler should too.  Rose is obviously the best player on both squads before Amare got there, but Gallinari only gets a mention when it's "and Gallinari can shoot well"... when fact is.. most people never watched the Knicks to even know what kind of game he has.  Just today on PTI, Bob Ryan couldn't even recall his name, and Wilbon grossly mispronounced it when speaking of Gallo... and it's not because he isn't good enough, it's because people just assume EVERYONE on the Knicks is a headcase like Steph or a huge bum like Curry and that's frustrating as a fan.  Gallinari is a lights out shooter at 6'10", welcomes the challenge of guarding the best player, and is basically coming off his rookie season.  Why is it such a bad thing to be optimistic about a player?

Beasley is really that much better?  Then why did they put up similar numbers?  Why isn't Beasley out there with 20 and 10?  Chalmers is suddenly a seasoned player?  Come on... I'm not saying Douglas is the next Chris Paul, but let's not pretend Chalmers is either.

You're right in part, the Bulls can add Boozer and still have enough for the max to Lebron or Wade... but they don't have Boozer, or Bosh, or anyone yet.  The only team to add someone new right now is the Knicks.  When people start proclaiming the Knicks the Finals champs with just Amare, then by all means set them straight.  But let fans be pleased with a good move and a big signing, it's one thing to doubt the Knicks chances to land Lebron, to say with Amare they won't make it far, or to have any legitimate opinion in a sports discussion... but you just come across as angry and bitter towards the Knicks fans being optimistic for once in the last 5 years.
JA is just sounding really *+%*$#% salty now and just trying to go on tirades and make Knick fans come at it. Out of nowhere this kid comes after disappearing when the Mavs lost to really go out of his way to %!$% on the Knicks and their fans for no goddamn reason and pretty much bunch us all as one. Jesus man give it a *+%*$#% rest already you sound like a moron now.
If Noah gets mentioned, then Wilson Chandler should too.


Joakim Noah has shown he's a great Center; once again... someone give me a list of the top 10 Centers and see if Noah isn't in the top 10. Joakim has shown he can play on both ends, make big plays in the playoffs, and do what he can to help his team win. Wilson Chandler has played on a bad team. That's about it. Good wings are a dime a dozen, but good centers are a needle in a haystack. Plain and simple. Ironically, both NJ and Chicago have really good Centers to lure FA's in. If you think Noah isn't more of an attraction than Wilson Chandler, I give up.

Chalmers showed in his rookie year that he could handle the point, and be a crafty player on a good team. Douglas, did what? He put up some numbers.

Beasley IS that much better. Sure their stats are "comparable," if you want to call it that. Why? Because Danilo has the green light to shoot all day, he's their main option on offense. I can't remember how many games I saw last year where Danilo would throw up over 6 or 7 three's a game. You try putting Wade on the Knicks and see how much Danilo gets the ball. To compare Danilo to the #2 pick is just kind of funny to me.
so what happens to phoenix now? do they have cap room? that's it? what the hell nash gonna do with 58 year old grant hill and j. rich?
With the sticky, I didn't even realize this post was around.

I now wish I never saw it.

B-Lazy being far and away better than Gallo is the gem off all the moronic quotes I've skimmed through, though.
Noah, is definitely more attractive then Chandler, but thats only because he plays the 5. If you refuse to believe Chandler can ball, thats up to you.

Oh, thats why Chalmers lost his starting spot to, who was it? Yeah, Carlos Arroyo (nothing against him). Chalmers has the potential, and i like his game though, cant lie.

and Douglas did more then just put up "numbers" when he finally got PT during the end of the season.

Oh, and Gallo is far from the #1 option. Theres way too many times where he's way too passive. Sure he shoots a lot, but if he makes it, so what? He passes up more open looks then he shoots, i can guarantee you that.

If Beasley is so good, why has it been rumored that Miami couldnt even trade him at the trade deadline, and couldnt even move him for just cap space this offseason? Why hasnt he developed like most have predicted him to? Hes a huge headcase too, but im not going to put that against him.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

If Noah gets mentioned, then Wilson Chandler should too.


Joakim Noah has shown he's a great Center; once again... someone give me a list of the top 10 Centers and see if Noah isn't in the top 10. Joakim has shown he can play on both ends, make big plays in the playoffs, and do what he can to help his team win. Wilson Chandler has played on a bad team. That's about it. Good wings are a dime a dozen, but good centers are a needle in a haystack. Plain and simple. Ironically, both NJ and Chicago have really good Centers to lure FA's in. If you think Noah isn't more of an attraction than Wilson Chandler, I give up.

Chalmers showed in his rookie year that he could handle the point, and be a crafty player on a good team. Douglas, did what? He put up some numbers.

Beasley IS that much better. Sure their stats are "comparable," if you want to call it that. Why? Because Danilo has the green light to shoot all day, he's their main option on offense. I can't remember how many games I saw last year where Danilo would throw up over 6 or 7 three's a game. You try putting Wade on the Knicks and see how much Danilo gets the ball. To compare Danilo to the #2 pick is just kind of funny to me.
Do you have reading comprehension problems?  Did I say Chandler is more of an attraction? That he's the better play? That he's the next Scottie Pippen?  No... what I said was, if Noah gets mentioned, then Chandler should be too.  Because the media has always said "the Knicks have no one" when they do in fact have players, unlike the Heat, who have 2. 

Sure, Chalmers showed he could handle the point his rookie season, then he got benched last year... quite the legit piece.

You're right it's funny to compare them... because Beasley was THE NUMBER 2 PICK and what has he done so far?  Danilo is hardly the main option, try putting Wade on the Knicks? I'd love it, maybe Gallinari would get some open looks compared to playing alongside Al Harrington all season
I think he just mad I said the Mavs will never win a championship and deep down inside he knows it but smothers it with all his faith in Cuban.
If Hakim Warrick can get a 4yr/18mil deal and Drew Gooden can get a 5yr/30mil deal, Beasley should be able to go SOMEWHERE and play on his rookie contract.

I truly don't understand why its so hard to trade him. Either Miami really is trying to get some value for him that teams won't give them or something is really wrong with the guy.
If Hakim Warrick can get a 4yr/18mil deal and Drew Gooden can get a5yr/30mil deal, Beasley should be able to go SOMEWHERE and play on hisrookie contract.

I truly don't understand why its so hard to trade him. Either Miamireally is trying to get some value for him that teams won't give themor something is really wrong with the guy.
Lol @ gallo being our main option when we had lee on our team. Oh and how could you forget we had Al Harrington chucking up a number of shots for a good portion of the season.

@ the hate for Chandler. Way too many people make statements about knick players without even seeing them play.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

If Noah gets mentioned, then Wilson Chandler should too.

Joakim Noah has shown he's a great Center; once again... someone give me a list of the top 10 Centers and see if Noah isn't in the top 10. Joakim has shown he can play on both ends, make big plays in the playoffs, and do what he can to help his team win. Wilson Chandler has played on a bad team. That's about it. Good wings are a dime a dozen, but good centers are a needle in a haystack. Plain and simple. Ironically, both NJ and Chicago have really good Centers to lure FA's in. If you think Noah isn't more of an attraction than Wilson Chandler, I give up.

Chalmers showed in his rookie year that he could handle the point, and be a crafty player on a good team. Douglas, did what? He put up some numbers.

Beasley IS that much better. Sure their stats are "comparable," if you want to call it that. Why? Because Danilo has the green light to shoot all day, he's their main option on offense. I can't remember how many games I saw last year where Danilo would throw up over 6 or 7 three's a game. You try putting Wade on the Knicks and see how much Danilo gets the ball. To compare Danilo to the #2 pick is just kind of funny to me.
Do you have reading comprehension problems?  Did I say Chandler is more of an attraction? That he's the better play? That he's the next Scottie Pippen?  No... what I said was, if Noah gets mentioned, then Chandler should be too.  Because the media has always said "the Knicks have no one" when they do in fact have players, unlike the Heat, who have 2. 

Sure, Chalmers showed he could handle the point his rookie season, then he got benched last year... quite the legit piece.

You're right it's funny to compare them... because Beasley was THE NUMBER 2 PICK and what has he done so far?  Danilo is hardly the main option, try putting Wade on the Knicks? I'd love it, maybe Gallinari would get some open looks compared to playing alongside Al Harrington all season

Noah and Rose are reasons you would go a team, I'm sorry but Wilson Chandler is not. So no, he shouldn't be brought up IMO.
It's not your fault that's the second best player on that roster right now (the ink ain't on the paper yet folks
). Chandler is a decent wing. Nothing more, nothing less. There are TONS of decent wings in the L right now. Trade him with a Marquis Daniels, or a Matt Barnes, or a Travis Outlaw, there's not much separating guys like them. Nothing about them that would make a player say, "I'd go to THAT team because of him!"

Chalmers logged his minutes when they mattered, in the Playoffs.

My whole point is, Danilo and Chandler ain't a reason to go to New York. I guess you have to start somewhere, and that's with Amare, but somewhere along the way, you have to get guys at a bargin price, not throwing around max offers.
Chandler is a run of the mill average wing...

Gallo is nice. Other than that, that roster is crap.
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