* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

AI VS Lakes game 1 of the finals is on NBA TV today

and Lakers VS pistons game 5 of the 2004 finals is also on
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

How old is your little girl CP?



My little girl is 8, and I am a perfect shot from 300 yards away thru a crosswind, give it your best shot. 

And she missed the tourney due to illness........which as soon as I got home earned her a trip to the ER for the night. 
  Those of you that don't have kids yet, you will never know pain til your little one is on an IV and doctors are in there in full gear gloves/masks/aprons all of it.  It's dreadful.  But she's doin alright now, she's a fighter. 

I almost, and I do mean almost, was able to die a happy man.  After ONE game, we had people all over each other out there, white women runnin around cryin "this is for charity" people cussin in front of 4 year olds, it was hilarious. 
  After that first game, we all laughed so much about the fussin and arguin, that it sorta chilled us all out and the bad blood stopped.  My team came in second place, the ringers got us. 
  But I ended the second place game with a walk off kick in the bottom of the 7th. 

All in all, we raised about a grand for cancer research, all from a little tiny town in Oregon.  Not bad. 

That Minnesota full page ad... I know the errors came from whoever typed the ad over. But this line right here made me chuckle:

First, we would become a running team that plays an exciting un-tempo style of basketball.

That error is appropriate. Cuz the Wolves finished 20th in scoring last year and had the worst point differential in the L as well.
These are the types of things that make me a Bill Simmons guy, even though I can't stand how homer he is. 

Digging deeper: 2012 will be the first time since 1992 that we had this many mega-stars in their primes or near-primes -- LeBron, Wade, Howard, Durant, Paul, Williams, Carmelo Anthony -- all of whom will also be battling for NBA titles in 2011 and 2012 (throw Kobe in there as well). Can they shut off that competitive switch and come together on short notice? What if Durant fully supplants LeBron and Kobe as America's basketball darling by that time? What if Miami just battled Oklahoma City in an NBA Finals bloodbath? In 1992, the pecking order was pretty established: Jordan and Pippen were the champs/alpha dogs, Bird and Magic were the washed-up leaders, Barkley was the unstoppable wild card, and everyone else fell into place behind them. There will be no established pecking order in 2012. If anything, there might be multiple stars who believe in a pecking order that's different from what the other stars believe. Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting. Hold this thought for 22 months.
Today's article was very nice.  He brings up Rose v Rondo, what Durant could do in 11, James and Westbrook, and what a farce Billups nickname is. 
Charlotte Bobcats waive Erick Dampier

Charlotte Bobcats General Manager Rod Higgins announced today that the team has waived center Erick Dampier.
“We explored several trade possibilities involving Erick, but ultimately we have been unable to find a viable option that we felt made our team better,
Lakers should of tried to trade for J.R Smith or Wilson Chandler... I always thought if any of those two ended up playing with Kobe they would turn into BEASTS
Dampier is trash, what, you think he's good?   At what?  Dampier, Magloire, Z, Juwan Howard, yeah, that'll put the fear of God in someone.   

Serviceable bigs, that's all they are.  They'll have depth in case of injury at the position, but let's not lose our heads like Damp shifts the balance of power in anyone's direction. 

Dallas fans told me for 18 months that Damp and his 16 mil trade chip was gonna bring them some damn talent to play with Dirk......... it brought them Tyson Chandler.  @#$% outta here with "he's not trash" 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I'm waiting for people to come in here and talk how Dampier is trash.

i mean you already know he is so whats the point of saying it?

Jr smith on the lakers?
 it would be gold.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Dampier is trash, what, you think he's good?   At what?  Dampier, Magloire, Z, Juwan Howard, yeah, that'll put the fear of God in someone.   

Serviceable bigs, that's all they are.  They'll have depth in case of injury at the position, but let's not lose our heads like Damp shifts the balance of power in anyone's direction. 

Dallas fans told me for 18 months that Damp and his 16 mil trade chip was gonna bring them some damn talent to play with Dirk......... it brought them Tyson Chandler.  @#$% outta here with "he's not trash" 

We dont need Dampier for that. That already happened when we signed Juwan Howard
Damp is better than anything Miami has right now for centers. Obviously that isn't anything to brag about... it's pretty lame you would even refer to "putting the fear of God into someone"

If you can get him for the minimum, I really like the Heat's chances to get out of the East as soon as this year.

People were crying about Miami being undersized, with Damp they'd at least have a legit big bodied defensive center. The rest of Z, Howard, Magloire should be good enough to handle backup minutes.

Last Friday, Gatorade hosted two Chicago-area high school teams in the latest edition of their Replay series. That night, Dwyane Wade's(notes) Bloom Township Blazing Trojans suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Dwight Howard's(notes) Brother Rice Crusaders. I can't be sure, but the loss may have been because D-Wade sat down with me prior to the game. Here's our interview, so you can be the judge.

Trey Kerby: You've been out of high school for 10 years now ...

Dwyane Wade: Whooooooooooooa. 10 long years, already.

TK: You've done a lot in 10 years though.

DW: Yeah, a little bit.

TK: Are you impressed with how far you've come in 10 years?

DW: No question. No question about it. You know, 10 years ago I never thought I'd be in this position. It's a dream and I don't even know if I dreamed this big. Very much so.

TK: What's it like being kind of back in a high school environment?

DW: When you walk in the gym, it's basketball. The popcorn is poppin'. I wanted to play as soon as I walked in. I just want to see the support. And I know high school games get rockin'. I remember playing back in these high school games, and [the fans] wouldn't shut up much. I know one thing about Brother Rice — they had a guy who ran around the whole game on the sidelines, so I want to see if they brought him back as well. It'd be exciting.

TK: Let's talk about when you were in high school. The Illinois Class of 2000 was a great class. Darius Miles(notes) was Mr. Basketball, there was Andre Brown(notes) and Imari Sawyer. Are you surprised that you bypassed all those guys?

DW: It was always a challenge for me to get the exposure, being at Richards, and those guys going to bigger schools and going to the best camps. I was never able to get in to those things, but I just waited until my time came. Once my time came, I was able to showcase my talents. More so, it's not about being surprising those guys, it's just that I got to showcase my talents.
TK: Now let's talk about this coming season — [Friday] Pat Riley said he's not ruling out you or LeBron playing point guard. Is that something you're expecting to do?

DW: That's something I do anyway. (laughs)

TK: Yeah, you handle the ball a lot.

DW: (laughs) Yeah, I play a lot of point guard. LeBron plays a lot of point guard. A lot of people are thinking too much on positions. When you look at our team, Mike Miller(notes) can play point guard, as well. Of course we're going to rely on Mario Chalmers(notes) and Carlos Arroyo(notes) to really be the "point guard" title, but all of us will handle the ball a lot, get us in to our offense and set up plays for other people.

TK: What do you think that's going to be like? Adjusting not just to a bunch of new guys coming in, but also that you're not going to be in such a strict position. You're going to be floating between playing off the ball and playing on the ball.

DW: I look forward to it. You play a certain way for so long, and change is good. So I look forward to change, and I look forward to playing with the proper talent that we were able to put together. It's going to be something special. It's going to be fun to play with. I just look forward to it and I can't wait to see how it all comes together.

TK: Are you gunning for 73 wins?

DW: No, not at all. We're gunning for a championship. If you win 73 regular season games, and you don't win a championship it doesn't matter.

TK: Oh, I had the Bulls shirt back in the day — "72 and 10 don't mean a thing without a ring."

DW: (laughs) Yep. Don't mean a thing without the ring.

: Do you think you're a better coach than Dwight?

DW: I hope so! I'm 0-1 right now against Dwight. We coached against each other in the rookie game and he beat me. To my credit, I had the younger team. Right now we're on an even playing field since a lot of these guys are around the same age, so we'll see what happens.

TK: Is that something you'd do after you're done playing? Would you coach?

DW: No.

TK: You don't want to coach?

DW: Not at all.

TK: Why not? Too much stress?

DW: Yeah. Too much stress, and I'm just not the coaching type person. I'm the kind of person who picks my spots, and as a coach you always gotta be going. I pick my spots when I decide to talk to guys and get on guys. That's not me.

TK: All right. Last question — growing up everybody wants to wear Jordans, and now that you do, is that as good as a person like me would think it would be?

DW: (laughs)

TK: Is must be cool to have Michael Jordan call you and say, "Hey I want you to wear my shoes."

DW: Yes, it is. Just as well as you can explain it, I can explain it. It's one of the unbelievable moments in my entire life, and it's something I take with pride. Because I got the call from Michael Jordan himself. His brand is his name. It's his logo. So it really means a lot
Dampier IS a serviceable center.

As a back-up, he is not trash.

I'm not an idiot, of course he isn't "good," per se, but he is still VERY good on defense.

Against the right opponent, he can still have very good games. Dampier had some VERY standout games early last year...

16/14/3 blocks, 14/20, 20/17/2, 14/18/3, 13/10/3.

He started to fizzle out due to injuries and then the arrival of Haywood.

I didn't know serviceable bigs were trash now.

For what he's worth, and for what he'll be got for, he's a very valuable pick up for so cheap, especially when he goes to a contender.
if thas why denver wants for melo then the bulls better do that deal in 2 seconds. i will pass on dampier tho
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

5 good games out of 82. im know math major and cant read but that % $@@%%%% sucks
, Jesus man...

Even you should know how to spell that phrase.

There were plenty of other good/decent games he had, but I just chose the stand-out ones.

Like I said, as a back-up, for what he's worth, for what you get on defense, he is not bad at all.
Noah + Deng + Johnson > MELO ???

Edit: I got you Dub
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