* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

lol@ comparing rashard lewis to a lebron or wade....

and bulls are some ******es not giving up noah for melo...smh....

how you gonna $@+# up again???? yea yea kobe didnt wanna be traded if deng was traded blah blah blah i dont believe that $##@
Originally Posted by NobleKane

lol@ comparing rashard lewis to a lebron or wade....

and bulls are some ******es not giving up noah for melo...smh....

how you gonna $@+# up again???? yea yea kobe didnt wanna be traded if deng was traded blah blah blah i dont believe that $##@

I don't think we've had serious talks yet, but don't be surprised if we give up Noah, word is he's on some ben gordon !!!, he wants more than we're offering. we're offering 5yrs/60mil and supposedly he wants something in the range of  70/75 million
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Louis Amundson to sign with Warriors
Well, that tells me all I need to know about Louis Amundson.

oh boy..............joining the long illustrious list of white warrior big men from years past.....andrew declerq, todd fuller, brian cardinal, andris beidrins....
Originally Posted by CP1708

Dampier is trash, what, you think he's good?   At what?  Dampier, Magloire, Z, Juwan Howard, yeah, that'll put the fear of God in someone.   

Serviceable bigs, that's all they are.  They'll have depth in case of injury at the position, but let's not lose our heads like Damp shifts the balance of power in anyone's direction. 

Dallas fans told me for 18 months that Damp and his 16 mil trade chip was gonna bring them some damn talent to play with Dirk......... it brought them Tyson Chandler.  @#$% outta here with "he's not trash" 

yea forreals..... the mavs fans were sure they were gonna get something good for garbage *!@ dampier and all they got was chandler...

and yes erica dampier is TRASH. what happens to trash after 14 years??  it just might have the chance to get taken out by big shaq once again

I don't think we've had serious talks yet, but don't be surprised if we give up Noah, word is he's on some ben gordon !!!, he wants more than we're offering. we're offering 5yrs/60mil and supposedly he wants something in the range of  70/75 million
i mean seriously noah deng and johnson for arguably the best scorer in the league in carmelo anthony? you do that in a heartbeat or else your crazy. Thats like getting another chance at one of the big free agents this summer.

carmelo, rose, and boozer pairing is a better PAIRING than lebron, wade, and bosh. plus you still have korver, brewer, watson, gibson, and kurt thomas... pick up a joe smith or dampier and your set.
Some people is just ig'nant.

I swear if you aren't an up-and-coming player, or a proven stud, "he's trash, he's a bum, he sucks." Like I said about five times now.. For the price, for what you get from him, a good rebounder, a good interior defender, a cheap contract.

It'd be bad for the Bulls to come out and say, "Yeah we might trade Noah,"

They'd lose a TON of value in Noah if the word was out that he could be had.

They MAY be working on a contract with the idea of trading him.
Originally Posted by ex carrabba fan

Damp is better than anything Miami has right now for centers. Obviously that isn't anything to brag about... it's pretty lame you would even refer to "putting the fear of God into someone"

If you can get him for the minimum, I really like the Heat's chances to get out of the East as soon as this year.

People were crying about Miami being undersized, with Damp they'd at least have a legit big bodied defensive center. The rest of Z, Howard, Magloire should be good enough to handle backup minutes.

Listen to yourself.  So what, if they can't get Damp, then you don't like their chances?  Damp would swing the balance of power in your eyes?  So what you're saying is I shouldn't feel the need to ever read any of your predictions NBA related ever again?  Ok, thanks, save me some time there later on in life. 

JA, statements like that are why some of us jump up and down on signings.  Damp doesn't instantly improve any team in the league, nobody, he's just a big body to have on a roster, NOTHING more.  So why get hyped about it?   I've read that ******ed statement above like 10 times now, I still can't believe someone hasn't called him out for it. 

If you ask me, Damp is their scared answer for when the Celtics call.  They know at some point they will need to deal with Shaq who doesn't have much game left, but he does have size, and this would be them trying to be ready for that.  The other and more dangerous big obviously being D12.  Instead of 18 fouls, they would have 24 fouls.  That's all it means, nothing more. 
Well, all I have ever said was that Dampier brings good defense and good rebounding on a relatively cheap contract.

Is he going to put ANYONE over the top?

Nope, but I never said that.

In other news, Tim Thomas decided he won't play for the Mavericks this year, or the NBA at all, as he'll be taking care of his still ill wife.

Best wishes to her health, and Tim Thomas moving forward.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by ex carrabba fan

Damp is better than anything Miami has right now for centers. Obviously that isn't anything to brag about... it's pretty lame you would even refer to "putting the fear of God into someone"

If you can get him for the minimum, I really like the Heat's chances to get out of the East as soon as this year.

People were crying about Miami being undersized, with Damp they'd at least have a legit big bodied defensive center. The rest of Z, Howard, Magloire should be good enough to handle backup minutes.

Listen to yourself.  So what, if they can't get Damp, then you don't like their chances?  Damp would swing the balance of power in your eyes?  So what you're saying is I shouldn't feel the need to ever read any of your predictions NBA related ever again?  Ok, thanks, save me some time there later on in life. 

JA, statements like that are why some of us jump up and down on signings.  Damp doesn't instantly improve any team in the league, nobody, he's just a big body to have on a roster, NOTHING more.  So why get hyped about it?   I've read that ******ed statement above like 10 times now, I still can't believe someone hasn't called him out for it. 

If you ask me, Damp is their scared answer for when the Celtics call.  They know at some point they will need to deal with Shaq who doesn't have much game left, but he does have size, and this would be them trying to be ready for that.  The other and more dangerous big obviously being D12.  Instead of 18 fouls, they would have 24 fouls.  That's all it means, nothing more. 
Did Kendrick Perkins's injury not aruably swing the result of game 7? While I think they'll get out of the east regardless, Dampier would be a big addition in they were to face the Lakers especially if Bynum is healthy.  He might not be good, but a big body is a big body regardless.  It's sure better than seeing Bosh try guardng Gasol/Bynum alone.
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Nets sign Stephen Graham to a 2 year deal.
I don't like that signing at all. Low IQ, we are already loaded at the 3 position and he brings the same intangibles as Terrance. 
@CAGrizBlog Grizzlies are expected to sign rookies (Henry and Vasquez) and deals could come as soon as 2morrow. More details on www.commercialappeal.com

Griz cave in; set to sign Henry, Vasquez

The Grizzlies removed performance-based bonuses fromcontract offers to Xavier Henry and Greivis Vasquez, and the first-round draftpicks could sign deals as soon as Thursday.
Team owner Michael Heisley said Wednesday night that he wason the wrong side of the issue and made his decision after NBA officialsprovided an in-depth explanation with regards to the spirit of the collective bargainingagreement.  

Henry and Vasquez have been in a contract stalemate with the Grizzlies since the June draft. Henry even refused to play for the Grizzlies' summer league squad.

"As far as I'm concerned I'm happy the issue has beenresolved," Heisley said. "There's no question I'm doing what I should haveprobably done earlier."

Teams can pay players between 80 and 120 percent of anamount set by the league's rookie scale. The Griz had offered Henry and Vasquez100 percent of their respective salaries with the extra 20 percent tied toperformance-based bonuses.

Heisley said both players will be offered 120 percent ofthe rookie salary scale without performance requirements.

"In the general spirit of the way it (the CBA) was puttogether I felt we should relent and not have a performance situation," Heisleysaid. "I don't think I was on the right side of the issue."

The Grizzlies' proposed incentive package included:

$ participation in summer league

$ a two-week workout program with the team's trainingstaff

$ satisfying one of the following: play in NBArookie/sophomore game at all-star or earn an all-rookie selection or average 15minutes in at least 70 games.

The agents for both players didn't respond to phonemessages left by The Commercial Appeal.

Heisley fielded several trade proposals for Henry butwasn't interested in moving the 12[sup]th[/sup] overall draft pick.

Training camp starts Sept. 28

@ Heisley and management.
So, he had this long #!% overhaul for nothing? 


I'm just glad he got it done, but too bad he had to make management look stupid again to do it. Heisley just has a hard time listening in the first place. Could've extended Rudy last season for almost $20mil cheaper, but throws all the money at him this off-season. Could've just signed the two rookies to a 120% in the FIRST place if he was just going to let up and do it after damn near 3months. 

You can write this in the down, but if we let Marc Gasol go in favor of Thabeet within' the next 1-2 yrs (if he hasn't shown no capabilites of being a starter), I'm throwing in the towel and giving up on the organization. Yes, i said it.
Rockets offering Damp a 2 year deal.

He IS trash, but Yao is supposedly on a MPG count at 25, and since the consensus is he won't last a year, I guess a big body helps.

Hayes can play C, but it's a mismatch
Originally Posted by PMatic

I'll just say Dampier is serviceable for 15 MPG.

Someone gets it!

I think Dampier will go to a contender, but that's just me.

Somewhere like Chicago would be good for him. They have Asik to back up Noah, but that's about it really, right?

Not to mention, a lineup of Carmelo, Rose, Boozer, and Dampier could take out any combined four players in the League ever.

If you couldn't tell, yes, that was sarcasm.
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