* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

sheed went to the pistons the year they won the title at the trade deadline

I stand corrected, thanks Mike.

Despite that, I would have really liked for Dallas to have some time to get adjusted to our new players.
Fans of a team that hasn't won 40 games in 10 years running their mouths...
Good lord.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Show some evidence of the Knicks making a good move. And don't give meclearing cap room as a good move. Talk about marketing all you want,when have the Knicks made a good BASKETBALL decision? You can hypeDanilo all you want, but if EG, Brook Lopez, or even Anthony Randolphwere up in NYK, there'd be a lot more reason for a star to head to NYK.NO ONE IS LINING UP TO PLAY WITH DANILO "The Rooster" GALLINARI.

Hey, I value bigs. Anthony has shown some flashes of brilliance. The kid needs to get his head on straight on the court, but I'd be more excited about a potentially dominant big than a very good shooter, and that good shooter shot 42% last year.

He can have a really good career as a shooter, he needs to start getting some efficiency under his belt and use his size to his advantage. As far as potential is concerned though, Anthony's is through the roof.
The Knicks are SORRY,i dont know why you fans defend them.
And its stupid of you to mention how many finals apperances they had in the past 20 years because its not like they have those players anymore or that any of that info will make them better. they SUCK and thats that!
Well considering the fact that he was out most of 2008-09, last year was essentially Gallo's rookie year.

Gallo's more than a shooter, he has all-around game, and as potential is concerned though, Gallo's is through the roof.

Wilson Chandler..no slouch.

Toney Douglas and Bill Walker played great given pt at the end of last season.

The Knicks have some thing's going, it's just that money concerns were more important than basketball concerns these past few years.
Does Amare really think he has that kind of pull to recruit Melo and Parker to the Knicks? This guy is buying into his own hype a little too much.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Show some evidence of the Knicks making a good move. And don't give me clearing cap room as a good move. Talk about marketing all you want, when have the Knicks made a good BASKETBALL decision? You can hype Danilo all you want, but if EG, Brook Lopez, or even Anthony Randolph were up in NYK, there'd be a lot more reason for a star to head to NYK. NO ONE IS LINING UP TO PLAY WITH DANILO "The Rooster" GALLINARI.
Why are you so mad? I thought we were talking about Dirk? Why do I have to waste time explaining to you the Knicks situation and complete difference with the Mavs when we talking about Dirk? Go to the Knicks off season thread and read through it.
So is Karl Malone a waste because he only decided to chase for a ring the last year of his career?
Karl looked silly going to the Lakers. I can't fault him but he wouldn't be in that situation if he left the Jazz shortly after Jordan owned them again. Also I never said you're a waste for ring chasing. I'm saying I don't want Dirk to end up in that situation so he should leave. I'm not high on players I'm a fan of ending up like Reggie Miller and Charles Barkley. Great, hall of fame guys but never had a chance at getting a ring. I'd be much more happy if Dirk tried to get in a better situation with another team and better players then lost cuz I could at least know he tried to better his situation.
John Stockton is a fool for never chasing a ring?
This is 100% contrary to everything I'm saying. My whole point is to avoid ring chasing. This summer offers great potential with the opportunity to team up with another all star player and win a championship. Stockton aint wanna look like a fool ring chasing just like Hornaceck so he retired. Nothing wrong with that but if around his early 30s he had the same opportunity Dirk had he would be a fool for not taking it.
There are some guys who just don't want to chase rings, and they are the face of the franchise.
I already explained why Dirk still being a #1 option and a great contributor to any team is not ring chasing. Ring chasing is being in the twilight of your career and joining a team solely for that ring you couldn't get in your past 15+ NBA career.
Dirk is that.
If that's what he really wants fine. I'm still disappointed.
You think Dallas Mavericks, you think Dirk Nowitzki.
Use to be the same with KG and Minny now when you think KG you think Big 4 and the Boston Celtics, 2008 NBA champions and 2010 NBA finalists that took the champs to a game 7. Is KG a ring chaser?
Dirk's smelled it before, it was at his fingertips, but it slipped away. You're talking about Cuban like he's never gotten to the Playoffs, and never made it deep. Does the Western Conference Champion not count for anything? Numerous trips to the WCF?
It counts for something. I'm sure that'll all be run down the list when Dirk retires and the Mavs retire his jersey.
As I stated, it's sad that so many people set the precedent if you don't go chasing after a ring like so many players do, you're wasting your career, you're stupid.
I didn't say he's wasting his career or that he should go chasing rings. I said he should put himself in a better situation instead of of remaining ring-less in Texas.
Dirk's ring would mean 100 times more to him if he won it in Dallas than if he did riding the coattails of a LeBron or Wade.
What coattails? Why you talking like Dirk is washed up and an old man that wouldn't be a great addition to any team with Bron or Wade on it?

I don't see the Knicks missing the playoffs next year when all this stuff is said and done. I just don't see it. I'm predicting 5-7 seed with room to grow. They still have that Curry piece.
You said no one was explaining anything about the Knicks chances of building a franchise. I explained, simple as that. You can agree or disagree, that's my stance.

Why should Dirk try and better his situation when it's clear that his owner has tried and tried and tried to do that for him? Would it have been better for Kobe to leave and not have the opportunity for the right piece to drop? (Pau Gasol). Ring chasing, teaming up with a great player like Wade or Bron, what's the difference? In the eyes of Mavs fans and most NBA fans, if Dirk left to pony up with another superstar, he'd be the #2 guy regardless. He'd be the Pau to Kobe. If he won a ring, it'd be because of ________, not because of Dirk, or the Mavs.

Jeff Hornacek chased rings? Word? Dude got traded for Barkley, and then was involved in another trade. And that's totally different situations. Don't get me wrong, I loved Hornacek, he's my favorite SG of all-time, but he isn't on the same kind of level as Dirk.

Dallas is going to try and get another player to help Kidd and Dirk win a ring. People who follow Dallas know that. They're going to try and work hard for a really good player. You can say you don't have faith in Cuban or Donnie Nelson, but the talent shows. We've had tons of talent come and go over the past ten years. KG and Minny ain't quite the same. There have been times where Minny was atrocious, and KG often voiced his displeasure with the direction of the team. They didn't try to put a team around KG, but Cuban has.

Maybe it's because I'm a Dallas fan, but I have more faith in Cuban trying to put a better team around Dirk than I do him trying to follow some superstar to another team where they have to build from scratch.
Originally Posted by bijald0331


I don't see the Knicks missing the playoffs next year when all this stuff is said and done. I just don't see it. I'm predicting 5-7 seed with room to grow. They still have that Curry piece.
neither do I
Originally Posted by h3at23

I love what Dirk did by sacrificing money to help the Mavs.
I'm sure he was much more receptive with Germany whooping on the Argentinians earlier.

(I'm so glad they demolished them, I just don't like Argentina [word to Olympic Basketball]).
You said no one was explaining anything about the Knicks chances of building a franchise

No I didn't.
Why should Dirk try and better his situation when it's clear that his owner has tried and tried and tried to do that for him and failed?
To better his situation in hopes of not failing.
Ring chasing, teaming up with a great player like Wade or Bron, what's the difference?
Gary Payton and Karl Malon were ring chasing when they tried to get that 4peat with the Lakers. Ring chasing involves going to teams that have already won a chip recently. There is a difference between that and KG going to the Celtics.
In the eyes of Mavs fans and most NBA fans, if Dirk left to pony up with another superstar, he'd be the #2 guy regardless. He'd be the Pau to Kobe. If he won a ring, it'd be because of ________, not because of Dirk, or the Mavs.

Stop speculating. You talking like you already saw the finals where LeBron drops 40 for the 4th win and Dirk averages 13 ppg for the series,
Jeff Hornacek chased rings?
You can't read? Word? This is what I said:
Stockton aint wanna look like a fool ring chasing just like Hornaceck so he retired.
Where in this sentence do I imply that Hornacek chased rings?
Don't get me wrong, I loved Hornacek, he's my favorite SG of all-time, but he isn't on the same kind of level as Dirk.
I wasn't even comparing Hornacek to Dirk I was just saying he retired and didn't chase rings and John followed the same path a few years after. Unlike Karl.
They're going to try and work hard for a really good player. You can say you don't have faith in Cuban or Donnie Nelson, but the talent shows. We've had tons of talent come and go over the past ten years. KG and Minny ain't quite the same.
Just like with Steve Nash and Michael Finely or with Devin Harris coming off the bench, or with Butler and Terry or now with Kidd.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by h3at23

I love what Dirk did by sacrificing money to help the Mavs.
I'm sure he was much more receptive with Germany whooping on the Argentinians earlier.

(I'm so glad they demolished them, I just don't like Argentina [word to Olympic Basketball]).

That was an @#* whooping
Just throwing a bunch of rollin smileys talking about the Knicks chances.

I took that as you wanting an explanation of what others thought about the Knicks chances. All you had been talking about before was the Knicks, so I figured you mentioned them, you wanted an explanation, you got it.

Regardless if circumstantially Dirk won with LeBron James or Wade or whoever, if it wasn't in Dallas, it wouldn't mean as much to Dirk if it weren't in Dallas. He'd be viewed as helping LeBron get a ring, instead of LeBron helping Dirk win a ring if LeBron came to Dallas. It may seem like the same thing, but Dallas is important to Dirk, that's why he isn't leaving, that's why he took a discount. A lot of people would probably consider Dirk not being able to get it done in Dallas if he moved on, just as you're saying right now, but Cuban will tweak this team until Dirk retires if he has to in order to get it right. Here's to hoping he gets it done. We've continued to tweak, and we've continued to be successful to some degree. In the early 2000's we made it deep a few times, 2006 we made it to the Finals, and then two years ago we got stopped by a good Nuggets team. We're always competitive (no Hornets/GS
), we can give the Lakers a run for their money every now and again, we want to win, as does our owner, you can balk at our moves all you want, but you can't slam us for a lack of EFFORT.

Stockton aint wanna look like a fool ring chasing just like Hornaceck so he retired.

My fault, I thought you said "Stockton ain't wanna look like a fool chasing just like Hornacek DID so he retired." No commas made it seem like you said Jeff chased. Again, sorry.
OD debating going on here...start a new topic or somethin...come on now
I came in here looking for updates or rumors
Originally Posted by CoolNClutch

OD debating going on here...start a new topic or somethin...come on now
I came in here looking for updates or rumors
It's nearly 2 AM at the earliest everywhere in the country, go back 3-4 pages if you want updates.

Ain't nothing going on. Dirk and Pierce re-signed for less than max. Amare looks to be going to NYK, but not final. JJ is 99% staying with Hawks, LeBron, Wade, and Bosh are all being divas still.
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